Reportage Aux Maldives, prélever du sable permet de surélever les terres mais détruit l'environnement marin

Aux Maldives, l’essentiel des terres se trouve à moins d’un mètre au-dessus du niveau de la mer. Avec la fonte des glaces et la montée des eaux, une grande partie des terres de cet archipel de l’océan Indien pourrait être submergée ou inhabitable d’ici à 30 ans. Ce qui pousse les autorités à recourir à des remblayages, en allant chercher du sable au fond de la mer pour surélever les terres. Mais ces travaux sont toutefois contestés, car ils détruisent une grande partie de la vie marine.

En banlieue de Malé, la capitale des Maldives, Hulhumalé est en train de s’agrandir à coups de bulldozers. Elle accueillera bientôt une nouvelle aire urbaine, proposant nouveaux commerces et logements. Cette terre s’élèvera à deux mètres au-dessus de l’eau, soit bien plus haut que la capitale, pour se protéger de la montée de l’océan Indien. “En remblayant, ils vont enterrer et tuer toute la nature qui se trouvait dans le lagon”, dénonce Humay Abdulghafoor, militante dans le collectif Save Maldives.

“Les coraux des zones voisines seront aussi touchés, car quand ils récupèrent du sable, ils dégagent des sédiments qui vont les recouvrir et les étouffer.”

Humay Abdulghafoor

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Adam Pearce Announces That Chad Gable Is Now Cleared and Will Once Again Be Competing In The MITB Qualifier On WWE Raw

Some breaking news.


WWE Raw General Manager Adam Pearce revealed in a new post on social media that Chad Gable is now cleared to compete, and will take back his spot in the Money In The Bank qualifier on the June 24th Raw, which also features Bronson Reed and Braun Strowman. Gable was attacked by Uncle Howdy and the Wyatts on this past Monday’s episode and was initially replaced by Ilja Dragunov.

That’s not all. The video of Pearce has clearly been gotten to by the Wyatts as the message cuts out on multiple occasions.


-Men’s Money in the Bank Qualifier: Braun Strowman vs. Chad Gable vs. Bronson Reed
-Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifier: Lyra Valkyria vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Kairi Sane
-Karrion Kross vs. Kofi Kingston

Long Way For LTHS To Meet Diversity Goal: Official

LA GRANGE, IL – Lyons Township High School is making progress with staff diversity, but it has a long way to go, an official says.

“We continue to recruit staff that’s reflective of the communities that we serve,” Ed Piotrowski, the school’s human resources director, said at Monday’s school board meeting.

In the last couple of years, he said, the school’s staff moved up to 14.6 percent of people of color, from 13.4 percent. In the 2017-18 school year, the rate was 10.3 percent.

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“That’s a 40.8 percent increase in that time,” Piotrowski said.

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The student body is one-third people of color.

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Among teachers alone, the percentage of people of color is lower, at 6.3 percent last year, according to the Illinois Report Card. That’s up from 5 percent two years earlier.

Last year, 16 of the school’s 255 teachers were people of color. Eight were Hispanic, five Black and three Asian, the report card says.

Increasing diversity is a change that takes time, Piotrowski said.

“All of the people who have been involved in these processes are committed to making those changes,” he said.

He credited Jennifer Rowe, the school’s equity director, with arranging “hiring for equity” training. It’s where people can relate their experiences, he said.

“I shared an experience myself when I was in an airport in Florida, overhearing a conversation and the type of things that were going through my mind and how implicit bias and unconscious bias creeps in,” Piotrowski said.

He said he realized “how I was completely wrong about that situation and thinking this is exactly the things we talked about.”

“We can’t really combat implicit or unconscious bias if we’re not aware of it,” he said.

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Vrai ou faux L’Union européenne a-t-elle poussé l’Italie à modifier sa politique migratoire ?

Le gouvernement italien va délivrer 452 000 titres de séjour supplémentaires d’ici 2025 et chiffre les besoins du pays en main d’œuvre à 833 000 travailleurs immigrés de plus. Pour François Bayrou, c’est le signe que la politique migratoire de Giorgia Meloni, comme celle du Rassemblement national, est irréaliste. Mais pour le député RN Laurent Jacobelli, c’est l’Europe qui l’aurait fait plier. “Mme Meloni reçoit des milliards de l’Union européenne, et l’Union européenne peut être un maître chanteur”, a-t-il affirmé.

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Un accord entre le gouvernement et les organisations patronales

L’Union européenne force-t-elle l’Italie à accueillir des migrants ? C’est faux. Les besoins en main d’œuvre ont été identifiés par l’Italie elle-même, comme l’indique une décision du Conseil des ministres. Les syndicats et le patronat réclament plus de main d’œuvre dans la plomberie, la pêche, le tourisme et l’hôtellerie, sans lien avec l’Union européenne. “C’est de la realpolitik très peu affichée publiquement parce qu’elle contrevient aux slogans de la campagne électorale”, explique Hervé Rayner, maître de conférence à l’université de Lausanne. Ce revirement de la politique migratoire de l’Italie tient donc à un accord entre le gouvernement et les organisations patronales, et non à un chantage aux subventions européennes. 


For sleeping, past convention nights have sometimes been a nightmare, stuck next to the rooms of exhibitors who think “lights out” means “crank it up to 11!” Neighbor TriangleArt was a exception. They silenced their space by 7 pm, and their music was so good, it literally floated through the walls, beckoning me in.

One night, though, a low rumble vibrated through the wall. It was the unmistakable growl of Dave Holland’s acoustic bass, weaving its way through “Sauerkraut ‘n Solar Energy” from Norman Blake/Tut Taylor/Sam Bush/Butch Robins/Vassar Clements/David Holland/Jethro Burns. This was the kind of album that must have had Art Dudley tapping his toes; it’s a joyous explosion of bluegrass brilliance played by absolute masters. Hearing this record seep through the wall was like a siren song. It lured me straight to the TriangleArt room on the last day of AXPONA, determined to find the source.

With one look at three operational tables and those large horn speakers, I knew I’d hit the motherlode. It was the perfect finale to my AXPONA 2024 experience. Gracious and friendly, TriangleArt CEO and designer Tom Vu invited me to choose from his copious collection of records. But first, the gear!

The “TriangleArt Display System” included three turntables: their Ultimate SE ($130,000), Anubis ($18,000), and Maestro ($9000). Tonearms were the Osiris MK2 Diamond 12″ ($9000) and Horus 12″ ($4400). Cartridges were the Apollo ($9000) and Zeus ($4800) MCs. This goodness was amplified with a P200 phono stage ($18,000), an L200 MK2 Dual Mono Preamplifier ($25,000), and M100 monoblocks ($25,000/pair). Speakers were the stunning Metis Horn Speaker(s) ($25,000/pair). Supplying power were the RA Ultimate CD Power Conditioner ($12,000), Rhea Ultimate Power Cord ($7500), Rhea Reference Power Cord ($3000). Also moving electrons along were Rhea Reference interconnects ($3000), and Rhea Reference speaker cables ($6000).

Tom set me up with Illinois Jacquet’s 1957 Verve release,Swing’s The Thing. The crazy-expensive rig delivered intense, pressure-filled sound with surprising intimacy. The soundstage was massive, Jo Jones’s drums echoing deep, Roy Eldridge’s trumpet and Jacquet’s tenor sax front and center, blowing with stunning clarity and orgiastic tone. Jacquet’s version of “Harlem Nocturne” was haunting and sublime. From large scale productions to intimate sound tableaus, the TriangleArt rig played like chocolate melting in my mouth.

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2nd Annual North Fork Pride Parade Kicks Off In Greenport Saturday

GREENPORT, NY — The second-annual North Fork Pride Parade & Festival is set to kick off Saturday in Greenport.

The event takes place from noon to 5 p.m. A Pride kick-off party takes place Thursday at 8 p.m. at Little Fish in Southold; a pre-Pride party takes place Friday at American Beech Hotel at 6 p.m.; and a Pride pool party follows on Sunday at the Greenporter Hotel from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. To register for the parade and for additional information on all the events, click here.

The parade kicks off at Broad Street and Main Street in Greenport and ends on Front Street and Third Street.

Find out what's happening in North Forkwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Last year, before the first-ever North Fork Pride parade, Lori Panarello, who organized the parade and festival, and who owns Craft Hair in Mattituck, said she moved to the North Fork from Brooklyn 10 years ago and came to realize how many members of the LGBTQ community not only lived in the area but also own businesses. “There’s a lot of us out here,” she said.

For years, the idea of organizing a Pride parade has been on her mind, Panarello said.

Find out what's happening in North Forkwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

“No one was stepping up to do anything,” she said. The ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill — which would put the brakes on discussions of gender identity and sexual orientation in schools — along with the fact that some states are trying to abolish the rights of gay and transgender individuals, prompted Panarello to feel as though the time had come to act.

She reached out to her friends Robert Vitali and Brian Rosen at the LGBTQ Network, and together, they worked tirelessly to organize the parade. Many people in the Greenport community also helped, including Mayor Kevin Steussi and others including Linda Kessler, Sandra Benedetto of North Fork Women, and Sara Norton.

“They all jumped in and put in a tremendous amount of time and energy to help me get this together,” Panarello said. “I couldn’t be more proud that so many people stepped up in the business community, as well as sponsors and friends. The response has been amazing.”

Some, Panarello said, showed a bit of resistance, “politely declining” to hang posters in their windows. “But for the most part, about 98 percent have been so fantastic.”

In 2022, a Pride group marched in the Southold July 4 parade.

And recently, the 3rd Annual Hamptons Pride Parade drew thousands in East Hampton.

Panarello lived in Brooklyn with her wife Catherine Canade; the area, she said, was rich with diversity and inclusivity.

“In Brooklyn, we always thought of it as a bubble,” she said. “It’s one of the most inclusive places in New York.”

When she moved to the North Fork, Panarello said, at first, she noticed a “huge difference,” but with the pandemic sending many New York City residents to the area, there’s been a shift and discernible change, she said.

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So much so that, “in the middle of the biggest disaster of our lives, COVID,” Panarello still decided to take the leap and open the doors to her business. “I knew it was the right time, and we’re doing extremely well, thanks to the community.”

The time was also right for the parade, said Panarello, who previously served on the board of North Fork Women, an organization “committed to health advocacy and education. We develop activities and programs that foster the social and community life of lesbians on the North Fork,” the group’s mission statement said.

Although the process of organizing the event took about six months and was marked by challenges including permits, press and other tasks, Panarello said a team of volunteers was assembled to help.

“It takes a village, literally,” she said.

Panarello said she is not the type of person who seeks accolades. Her reasons for organizing the parade run deep and are marked by memories of the pain so many have endured for years.

“This parade means more to me than I can say — as a woman who had struggled for many, many years, with every other LGBTQ person, to come out and to be taken seriously on the one end. On the other end, I think this is critical to the future to the kids who have grown up on the North Fork,” she said. “Kids who’ve had no role models and still, to this day, have nowhere to turn. It’s a message that we are there for them.”

The news is filled with stories of suicides committed by tormented young people who have not been accepted by society or their families, Panarello said.

“That’s what this parade means to me,” she said. “It’s a celebration of the struggle of the past — and it’s important for the future. The important message is, people need to know what we’ve been through.”

Discrimination still cloaks daily life for many, even on the North Fork, she said.

Panarello added: “People should do the research and see what Pride means and why a Pride month is needed. People think gay pride is about dancing and singing in the street, and having fun. That’s not it. It’s so much deeper than that. Look at Stonewall. Look what people have been through over the years.”

The Stonewall riots followed a police raid of the gay establishment in Greenwich Village in 1969 and stand as a moment when people, long persecuted, stepped up to fight for equality and tolerance.

Even today, Panarello said, there are threats to overturn gay marriage — and trans kids are facing acts of violence and bullying.

“We’ve struggled for years and years, but this is really frightening,” Panarello said.

Looking back, Panarello noted just how recently it was that gay individuals couldn’t come out in the workplace, for fear of losing their livelihoods; they were also unable to receive unemployment, she said — and today, those same things are happening in the trans community, where individuals cannot find work or secure health insurance.

“It’s crazy that we treat other human beings in this way,” she said.

Panarello urged the community to attend the parade and festival, rain or shine. “Please come out and support us. It’s so important to join us and send a message that we are as important as any other human beings. We have a long road ahead of us and obviously, in light of what’s going on in the world today, we need as much support as possible.”

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AEW running six events in Arlington, Tex. in July and August including five straight episodes of Collision, ROH Death Before Dishonor


Five straight episodes of AEW Collision will emanate from Arlington, Tex. at Esports Stadium starting July 20. ROH Death Before Dishonor will also take place there on July 26. AEW is touting this as “a historic partnership.”

A challenge AEW faces is getting crowds that are big enough to good on TV with five straight weeks of events in the same venue drawing from the same pool of ticket buyers. Tickets go on sale June 6.


AEW Partners With City of Arlington For AEW Path To All In Summer Series At Esports Stadium Arlington Beginning July 20

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— Tickets On Sale Thursday, June 6 Via ETix.com and AEWTix.com —

May 16, 2024 – All Elite Wrestling and the City of Arlington today announced a historic partnership that will feature AEW hosting a summer series of events on the Path To All In from the world class Esports Stadium in Arlington beginning Saturday, July 20.

Esports Stadium Arlington is set to be a hub of cutting-edge wrestling action, hosting a multitude of AEW and Ring of Honor events throughout July and August. The lineup includes TNT’s AEW: Collision, Battle of the Belts, and the highly anticipated ROH: Death Before Dishonor pay-per-view event on Friday, July 26.

The Path To All In dates at Esports Stadium Arlington are as follows. Additional Ring of Honor dates will be announced in the near future:

  • –  Saturday, July 20 – AEW: Collision
  • –  Friday, July 26 – ROH: Death Before Dishonor
  • –  Saturday, July 27 – AEW: Collision
  • –  Thursday, August 1 – AEW: Collision (Taped to air Saturday, August 3)
  • –  Saturday, August 10 – AEW: Collision
  • –  Saturday, August 17 – AEW: Collision

    Fans interested in exclusive pre-sale opportunities can register to become an AEW Insider by visiting allelitewrestling.com/aew-insider.

    “We are thrilled to partner with the City of Arlington for AEW’s first-ever events at Esports Stadium. This AEW summer series will add to the rich legacy of major professional wrestling events held in the great state of Texas and serve as the ultimate springboard for AEW: All In London on August 25 at Wembley Stadium,” said AEW CEO, General Manager and Head of Creative Tony Khan. “This partnership would not have been possible without the tireless support of Matt Wilson, Justin Grimsley, the Arlington Sports Commission and City of Arlington teams and of course, our incredibly passionate fanbase throughout Texas.”

Tickets for the Path To All In summer series will go on sale Thursday, June 6 at 10 A.M. CT via

ETix.com and AEWTix.com.

Esports Stadium Arlington is the largest dedicated esports stadium in North America, making

Arlington a global destination for competitive sporting and gaming events.

“We are honored to team with Tony Khan and All Elite Wrestling for this incredible opportunity,” said Arlington Sports Commission Executive Director Matt Wilson. “The ability to host TNT’s wildly popular AEW: Collision program is another milestone achievement to bring worldwide events to Arlington and shine a global weekly spotlight on our beautiful city.”

NXT SPRING BREAKIN’ PREVIEW (4/30): Announced matches, location, how to watch


When: Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Where: Orlando, Fla. – WWE Performance Center

How To Watch: Live on USA Network

Announced Matches & Appearances

  • Oba Femi vs. Ivar – NXT North American Championship Match
  • Super Sonic Duo (Axiom & Nathan Frazer) vs. Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar) – NXT Tag Team Championship Match
  • Natalya vs. Lola Vice – NXT Underground Match
  • Tyson Dupont & Tyriek Igwe vs. The O.C. (Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson)
  • Thea Hail vs. Jacy Jayne
  • Ridge Holland vs. Shawn Spears
  • Trick Williams to appear

LAST WEEK’S NXT RESULTS: NXT TV RESULTS (4/23): Spring Breakin’ Night One with Dragunov vs. Williams and Perez vs. Valkyria vs. Paxley title matches, Natalya vs. Vice, NQCC vs. The Family, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Powell’s NXT Hit List: Spring Breakin’ Night One with Ilja Dragunov vs. Trick Williams for the NXT Championship, Roxanne Perez vs. Lyra Valkyria vs. Tatum Paxley for the NXT Women’s Championship

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De retour en Chine, les touristes étrangers confrontés à un quotidien tout numérique déstabilisant

Malgré les 40 degrés, comme tous les jours, des dizaines de milliers de touristes chinois se pressent devant l’entrée principale de la Cité interdite à Pékin. Au milieu de cette foule très dense, un tout petit groupe semble hésiter. C’est une famille de touristes portugais qui eux aussi veulent visiter le célèbre palais, mais ils n’ont pas de billets et sont un peu perdus. “On a dû demander de l’aide à la sécurité, explique Inès, étudiante. Ils nous ont dit qu’on devait utiliser WeChat. Le problème, c’est qu’en Chine, je ne peux installer aucune application sur mon téléphone, parce que j’utilise le store de Google qui ne marche pas ici. Et donc, c’est difficile d’avoir des tickets. On n’a pas pu visiter le musée pour cette raison.”

à lire aussi Chine : quand le régime communiste joue les intermédiaires pour faciliter les mariages et encourager la natalitéClick Here:

Backstage News On A Future Title Program For Cody Rhodes

Some big news regarding Cody Rhodes and who may be challenging him for the Undisputed Universal Championship in the future.


According to the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the Bloodline’s new Tribal Chief, Solo Sikoa, will potentially be a future challenger to the American Nightmare. Solo and Cody have an extensive history in WWE, dating back to 2023, with Solo playing a huge role in Cody’s infamous loss to Roman Reigns in the main event of WrestleMania 39. Cody did end up dethroning Reigns at WrestleMania 40, with John Cena coming in an taking Solo out during the match.

Cody has defeated Solo in singles-competition already, but with Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa on his side, things may be different. Would you be interested in seeing Solo as a title challenger to Cody Rhodes? Sound off in the comments below.

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