Full Preview For Tonight’s WWE SmackDown: King and Queen of the Ring Tournament Continues

Tonight’s WWE SmackDown takes place from the VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida and will be broadcast on the FOX network. Check out the full lineup for tonight’s program below.

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-Cody Rhodes and Logan Paul contract signing
-Tama Tonga vs. LA Knight King of the Ring Quarterfinal
-Carmelo Hayes vs. Randy Orton King of the Ring Quarterfinal
-Jade Cargill vs. Nia Jax Queen of the Ring Quarterfinal
-Bianca Belair vs. Tiffany Stratton Queen of the Ring Quarterfinal

Neighbor’s Security Camera Records You. OK To Be Naughty? [Block Talk]

ACROSS AMERICA — What do you do if your neighbor installs a security camera that faces your back yard and captures every single thing that happens on video?

“My privacy and family’s privacy is gone,” someone recently vented on a neighborhood social media site in the middle of America. “Obviously, they want to see something. That being said, could I walk around nude in my back yard and do adult things, even though they’re recording me in my back yard? Could I get naked in my yard just to give them something to see since that’s what they want without getting in trouble?”

This may be an exaggerated case in which more is going on than bad blood over a security camera. But if it’s as simple as one neighbor’s desire to protect their family and property inadvertently trampling on the privacy rights of another, what’s the solution?

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Is there some middle ground, or is it acceptable to do something inappropriate to make a point, especially if the cameras were installed less for security purposes and more for nosiness?

If talking politely with the neighbor about adjusting the angle doesn’t work, you could fight back with a camera jammer, a handheld device that temporarily disrupts surveillance cameras. Or you could install a fence or natural barrier to block the view. What else can the offended party do?

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Block Talk is an exclusive Patch series on neighborhood etiquette — and readers provide the answers. If you have a topic you’d like for us to consider, email beth.dalbey@patch.com with “Block Talk” as the subject line.

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“Powerhouse” Will Hobbs posts an update on his knee injury last month, video footage of his first physical therapy session


“Powerhouse” Will Hobbs suffered an injury in his match against Jon Moxley on AEW Dynamite on Apr. 24. Hobbs updated his situation on Twitter/X this weekend, noting that he had surgery for a patellar tendon tear and has begun rehab. He included footage of his first physical therapy session.

IFi’s tiny Kensei DAC/amp produces big sound

During each AXPONA, the makers of head-fi products set up their booths in the ground-floor central ballroom of Schaumburg’s enormous Renaissance hotel. The Ear Gear Experience, they call it. I always have a look and a listen, in part because the products there aren’t crazy expensive: three and four figures, mostly. It’s refreshing to temporarily get away from stereo systems that cost the price of a house.

Ah, who am I kidding, I love those too. But in the real world, who can afford $80,000 amplifiers and $200,000 speakers?

If your budget is perhaps just two or three percent of that sum, you could do worse than buying high-end cans and a serious headphone amplifier. Provided the two are well matched, a very elevated level of performance awaits, in some ways rivaling what those super-pricey speakers and extravagant amps can do.

At AXPONA 2024, a lot of the younger visitors flocked to the Ear Gear space; that’s where they found what they could (maybe) afford. The organizers of the show revealed afterwards that sales of AXPONA’s $10 Gen Z pass had doubled. I was thrilled to hear it.

One of the prettiest baubles I saw at the Ear Gear Experience was iFi’s new GO Bar Kensei, a DAC, preamp, and headphone amp wrapped in a silver body the size of a USB thumb drive. IFi goes a little overboard with the purple prose about the product, claiming that the device is “akin to a legendary sword meticulously forged for a Kensei. Embodying the dedication of a master swordsmith, we focused on purity, balance, and refinement.” In reality, the blingy little powerhouse has nothing to do with swordsmanship (except that it is said to be made of “Japanese steel”) and everything to do with delivering superior audio.

A customized digital filter clamps down on pre-echoes and ringing artifacts. A GMT (Global Master Timing) precision clock is said to push jitter below audibility. The Kensei supports higher-than-streaming audio formats, including PCM up to 32/384 and native DSD256. With a maximum output power of around 475mW, it’s about 10 times more powerful than the analog output on an iPhone 15 (footnote 1).

The Kensei acts as the middle man between a digital source (desktop or laptop computer, tablet, or smartphone) and a pair of wired headphones. I listened mainly with the Meze 99s ($300) and later with the Massdrop Sennheiser HD 6XX ($219). My late-model iPhone Pro Max was the source, pulling hi-res streams from Qobuz.

Instrument timbres on the Beatles’ “Strawberry Fields” were lifelike and colorful. I heard the same on “The Incredibles” by Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band. “Sweet drive and pacing,” I scribbled. Amy Winehouse’s “Back to Black” rocked in both senses of the word.

The GO Bar Kensei would make a super-capable travel companion. The often fiddly cables and adapters inherent in these portable setups aren’t for everyone, but if those things don’t bother you, iFi’s little dynamo might be of considerable appeal. Only you Kensei.

Footnote 1: Yes, there is an analog output; you just need a special adapter to access it.

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Avocats, journalistes, opposants, militants d'ONG… Ce que l'on sait de la vague d'arrestations en Tunisie sur fond de crise migratoire

La scène est filmée en direct par France 24. Sonia Dahmani, avocate et chroniqueuse, a été interpellée manu militari, samedi 11 mai, par les forces de sécurité tunisiennes, alors qu’elle s’était réfugiée depuis la veille dans les locaux de l’Ordre des avocats à Tunis. Elle était la cible de critiques en ligne après un commentaire ironique sur la situation du pays et la question migratoire sur un plateau de télévision. Deux chroniqueurs médiatiques ont aussi été interpellés et placés en détention, samedi soir.

Leur sort renforce les craintes d’un tournant autoritaire du président tunisien Kaïs Saïed, dans un pays où la contestation est de plus en plus systématiquement réprimée. Dimanche, environ 300 personnes se sont rassemblées à Tunis à l’appel du Front de salut national (FSN), principale coalition d’opposition, pour demander la “libération des détenus politiques”. Une quarantaine de personnes, dont plusieurs responsables du FSN, sont détenues pour “complot contre la sûreté de l’Etat”, pour certaines depuis février 2023. Franceinfo fait le point sur la situation.

Une avocate arrêtée pour une critique sur la situation du pays

L’avocate interpellée devant les caméras, samedi, était la cible de critiques en Tunisie depuis des propos ironiques sur le plateau d’une émission de télévision tunisienne, mardi. En réponse à un autre chroniqueur, qui affirmait que de nombreux migrants venus d’Afrique subsaharienne cherchaient à s’installer en Tunisie, elle avait fait mine de s’interroger : “De quel pays extraordinaire parle-t-on ?” Une remarque jugée “dégradante” pour l’image du pays par certains utilisateurs sur les réseaux sociaux.

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Convoquée vendredi devant un juge d’instruction, Sonia Dahmani n’avait pas donné suite, expliquant à la presse qu’elle refusait de se présenter devant la justice “sans connaître les raisons de cette convocation”. En raison de son absence, le juge d’instruction chargé de cette affaire a émis un mandat d’amener à son encontre.

Sonia Dahmani a été arrêtée samedi soir alors qu’elle s’était réfugiée à la Maison de l’avocat, à Tunis. La scène a été filmée en direct par une équipe de France 24, mais la diffusion a été interrompue par des policiers masqués. La chaîne d’information a vivement protesté contre l’attitude des policiers encagoulés, qui “se sont ensuite dirigés vers l’équipe de la chaîne, lui intimant de couper la caméra sous les vives protestations de Maryline Dumas”, la correspondante sur place. 

Le journaliste caméraman qui l’accompagniat, Hamdi Tlili, “a été relâché après une dizaine de minutes, et la correspondante de France 24 va bien”, a ajouté la chaîne. France 24 a condamné “fermement cette entrave à la liberté de la presse et cette intervention brutale et intimidante des forces de l’ordre empêchant ses journalistes d’exercer leur métier”.

Full Spoilers For ROH Tapings From May 16th

Last night ROH held television tapings for its HonorClub programming from the Modo Center in Portland, Oregon. These matches will all air at a later date. FULL SPOILERS CAN BE FOUND BELOW.


– Zak Knight def. Sebastian Wolfe

– Marina Shafir def. Amira

– The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry) def. Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico & Angelico)

– ROH Women’s World Championship – Proving Ground: Athena def. Viva Van

– The Infantry (Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo) def. Nick Comoroto & Jacoby Watts

– Red Velvet def. Kel

– Top Flight (Darius Martin & Dante Martin), Action Andretti & Lee Johnson def. Tony Nese, Ari Daivari, Griff Garrison & Cole Karter

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Historic Former Stonington Restaurant Being Renovated

STONINGTON, CT — A building with plenty of history in Stonington Borough is being converted into condominiums with the intention of retaining what makes the structure special.

Natalie Marcus, of Marcus Stonington Ventures, LLC, and her father, Mitch Marcus, recently purchased the 17 Hancox St. property.

“When we saw Sea Village for the first time after it went on the market last summer, we recognized its potential to benefit the community if the building were fixed up and cared for,” Natalie Marcus said.

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At some point in the 19th century, the property was home to Zebulon Hancox, who the street was named after. The building first opened in 1929 as a restaurant and was later converted into a hotel, then eventually became apartments.

“We are currently working on renovating the property and converting it into condominiums,” Natalie Marcus said. “We are taking special care to update the property while preserving all of the historic charm and character.”
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She said they found many old photos of the property from the Stonington Historical Society and are working with a tenant on enhancing them to showcase throughout the lobby and hallways to celebrate its history.

In the mid-20th century, the building was home to Sea Village Restaurant. Natalie Marcus said they’ve heard “anecdotally from locals that Sea Village Restaurant was where you’d go out for a fancy celebration dinner.”

The restaurant closed in 1962 due to bankruptcy. The condominiums will be dubbed Sea Village.

“What’s so special about this property is that it’s nestled right onto a quiet, residential street in the heart of the Borough,” Natalie Marcus said.

The property is on the water with a private dock overlooking Little Narragansett Bay. It has 14 units, with two currently on the market. The starting price for these units is $399,000, which Natalie Marcus said was “virtually unheard of in the Stonington Borough” as prices have skyrocketed in recent years.

“The units are designed as pied-à-terres for someone who wants to own a place in Stonington without the commitment of an entire house,” she said. “Sea Village enables residents to reap all the benefits of living in the Borough — keeping their boat right in their backyard, walking to nearby restaurants and shops, ingraining themselves in the close-knit community — without the hefty price tag of purchasing a house in the Borough.”

More information on Sea Village condominiums is available here.

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Keep It Green, Keep It Clean For Earth Day At The Roundhouse Aquarium

MANHATTAN BEACH, CA — The Roundhouse Aquarium is hosting a celebration in honor of Earth Day to promote sustainable living and marine conservation.

Alongside local community groups and school organizations to provide hands-on and interactive activities including plankton races, searching for dolphins and learning about sea wildlife. Booths at the event will be set up inside and outside the aquarium.

Festivities will begin on Saturday, April 20 at 10 a.m. and will go until 4 p.m. at the Manhattan Beach Pier.

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Guests who are interested in attending can register online. The event is free, but donations are welcome.

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Gaza : nouvelle évacuation de civils à Rafah en prévision de bombardements israéliens

Depuis plusieurs jours, ce sont les mêmes images dans les rues de Rafah, au sud de la bande de Gaza. De nombreux civils transportent avec eux le peu d’affaires qu’il leur reste pour fuir la menace israélienne d’un assaut de grande ampleur. Certains ont prévu de revenir dans le nord de la bande de Gaza, où ils avaient déjà été chassés il y a plusieurs semaines par les bombardements israéliens.

Des rassemblements à Tel Aviv

Selon l’armée israélienne, ils seraient plus de 300 000 Palestiniens à avoir quitté les quartiers de Rafah depuis son ordre d’évacuation le 6 mai dernier, soit près d’un quart des Gazaouis entassés dans cette zone à la frontière avec l’Égypte. La branche armée du Hamas a annoncé le décès d’un otage israélien dont elle avait publié une vidéo plus tôt dans la journée. Ce samedi 11 mai au soir, les familles des otages se sont à nouveau rassemblées en nombre à Tel Aviv pour demander au gouvernement israélien de conclure un accord avec le Hamas afin d’obtenir la libération des captifs.

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AEW DYNAMITE PREVIEW (4/24): Announced matches, location, ticket sales, how to watch


When: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Where: Jacksonville, Fla. at Daily’s Place

How To Watch: Live on TBS

Attendance: WrestleTix reports today that 2,134 tickets have been distributed so far; arena is set up for 2,459.

Announced Matches & Other Notes

  • Jon Moxley vs. Powerhouse Hobbs – IWGP World Heavyweight Championship match
  • Swerve Strickland vs. Kyle Fletcher – AEW World Championship Eliminator match
  • Mina Shirakawa vs. Anna Jay
  • Willow Nightingale’s Championship Celebration
  • Chris Jericho to speak
  • Chuck Taylor to choose between Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta

LAST WEEK’S RESULTS: AEW DYNAMITE RESULTS (4/17): Samoa Joe and Strickland set stage for Dynasty, Ospreay vs. Claudio, Hook-Jericho-Taz, plus Bucks & Okada, Mercedes, more

OR CHECK THIS OUT AT PROWRESTLING.NET: Goldberg says the AEW product is too cheesy for him to work for the company

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