Trump Appeals Illinois Judge's Ruling Kicking Him Off Primary Ballot

CHICAGO — Former President Donald Trump is appealing an Illinois judge’s ruling that he is ineligible for reelection due to his participation in an “insurrection or rebellion” on Jan. 6, 2021.

Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter on Wednesday ordered the removal of Trump’s name from the ballot in the March 19 Republican primary election.

The ruling, which Porter put on hold until Friday in anticipation of an appeal, makes Illinois the third state where authorities have found the presumptive GOP nominee is constitutionally prohibited from returning to the White House.

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Trump’s attorneys filed a notice of appeal hours after the ruling, according to an emergency motion in which they ask appellate courts to keep Porter’s judgment on ice until it is decided by appeals court to “reduce the great risk of voter confusion and logistical difficulties for election officials.”

Porter’s order reversed last month’s decision by the Illinois State Board of Elections to dismiss objections by a group of voters who alleged Trump is disqualified from the ballot by Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

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The elections board found that it was not permitted to interpret the constitution and the issue would have to be settled by the courts. The hearing officer, retired Republican judge Clark Erickson, nonetheless determined that Trump had engaged in insurrection by a “preponderance of evidence.”

Porter said it was “shocking” that the electoral board had refused to make any factual determinations about what happened on Jan. 6, given the evidence.

“[H]owever, the members of the Electoral Board, in this Court’s summation, made it clear from the hearing transcript that they wanted to get as far away from this case as possible, likely given its notoriety,” the judge said.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled 4-3 in December to kick Trump off the ballot. An appeal of that decision is currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, where the justices sounded skeptical of the judges excluding candidates from the ballot on a state-by-state basis.

Judges in Maine are also awaiting the high court’s decision on the Colorado case to decide what to do about Democratic Secretary of State Shenna Bellows’ decision to keep Trump off the ballot there. Both Maine and Colorado are due to vote Tuesday, and Trump’s name will be printed on both ballots.

Because the Colorado high court had found Trump had engaged in insurrection the prior month, the former president “falsely swore” that he was “legally qualified” for the office on his Illinois elections petitions in January, according to Porter’s 38-page ruling.

“This Court shares the Colorado Supreme Court’s sentiments that did not reach its conclusions lightly,” the Cook County judge said. “This Court also realizes the magnitude of this decision and its impact on the upcoming primary Illinois elections.”

The Constitution’s so-called “insurrection clause” was drawn up to restrict U.S. officials who had defected to the Confederate States of America from holding office.

It was only invoked once from the time Congress granted amnesty to most former Confederates in 1876 until the Capitol riot — to block Milwaukee socialist Victor Berger from serving in the House of Representatives even though he was elected twice.

Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, said in a statement following Wednesday’s ruling that “Soros-funded Democrat front-group” are trying to interfere with the election.

“Today, an activist Democrat judge in Illinois summarily overruled the state’s board of elections and contradicted earlier decisions from dozens of other states and federal jurisdictions,” Cheung said. “This is an unconstitutional ruling that we will quickly appeal.”

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Attorneys for the Illinois objectors described Porter’s ruling as part of a growing number of rulings establishing Trump’s role in the Capitol riots.

“This is a historic victory,” said Ron Fein, legal director of the co-lead counsel, Free Speech For People. “Every court or official that has addressed the merits of Trump’s constitutional eligibility has found that he engaged in insurrection after taking the oath of office and is therefore disqualified from the presidency.”


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Mort d'Alexeï Navalny : les services funéraires refusent d'emmener le corps, selon son équipe

L’équipe de l’opposant russe Alexeï Navalny, mort le 16 février dans sa prison en Arctique, a affirmé jeudi 29 février que les services funéraires refusaient d’emmener sa dépouille jusqu’à l’église où sont prévues ses funérailles vendredi à Moscou. “C’est une véritable honte. Les chauffeurs de corbillard refusent maintenant d’emmener Alexeï”, a déploré Ivan Jdanov, l’un des proches collaborateurs de l’opposant décédé, sur Telegram.

“D’abord, nous n’avons pas été autorisés à louer une chambre funéraire pour faire nos adieux à Alexeï. Et maintenant, lorsque le service funèbre est censé avoir lieu à l’église, les agents funéraires nous informent qu’aucun corbillard n’y emmènera le corps”, a confirmé son équipe sur les réseaux sociaux. Selon elle, les équipes funéraires “reçoivent des appels de personnes inconnues les menaçant pour qu’elles n’emmènent pas le corps d’Alexeï où que ce soit”.

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A la recherche d’un lieu pour un “adieu public”

Les funérailles de l’opposant et militant anticorruption doivent avoir lieu vendredi à 14 heures dans une église du sud-est de Moscou. Il doit être inhumé deux heures plus tard au cimetière de Borissovo, non loin de là où il habitait lorsqu’il était libre. Depuis la remise du corps d’Alexeï Navalny à sa mère, l’équipe de l’opposant mort à 47 ans cherchait un lieu pour un “adieu public”, mais se voyait “rejeter” toute demande. Elle accuse les autorités de faire pression sur les gérants.

Jeudi, son équipe a appelé les Moscovites à venir aux funérailles de l’opposant et à ses soutiens dans d’autres villes et à l’étranger à se rassembler pour honorer sa mémoire. Ces rassemblements peuvent être gênants pour les autorités russes à deux semaines de la présidentielle qui doit voir Vladimir Poutine être réélu sans opposition. Près de 400 personnes avaient été arrêtées lors des jours suivant la mort de l’opposant pour avoir honoré sa mémoire publiquement, selon l’ONG spécialisée OVD-Info.

Room 806 and Just Audio: Mission, Audiolab, Cyrus, Spendor, Dual

Just Audio’s Lenny Florentine presented two rooms at the show, one jammed with components at all price points (including Luxman, inspiring that company’s VP of Sales John Pravel and myself to reminisce about 1970s hi-fi sales), the second with more affordable but no less listenable alternatives. Room 806 offered two systems in one.

System One consisted of three Audiolab components—a 9000CDT CD Transport ($1499), a 9000N Wireless Audio Streaming Player ($3499)—and a 9000A integrated amplifier ($2999), the latter helping a pair of Mission 770 loudspeakers ($5000/pair) push out sound waves.

System Two consisted of a Cyrus Stream XR streaming DAC ($3400) and I9XR integrated amplifier ($4700) and Spendor Classic 2/3 speakers ($6100/pair). A Dual turntable—not sure which one—rounded out the system.

I asked room host Joe Yerardi, also of American Audio & Video, to play System Two, as I own a pair of Spendor BC1s. The sound was a little forward but presented excellent imaging and stellar dynamics that I could air guitar to. Joe played “Way Down Deep” from my current fave singer Jennifer Warnes, from Tidal; the recording was big bottomed and thick in all the right places. Bob James’s “Taxi” theme was also rich sounding and nostalgic; this system played most music with a broad soundstage and an easy gait.

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New London Brewery Charts Move To Larger, Downtown Space

NEW LONDON, CT — Tox Brewing Company is moving to downtown New London. The new site, a 14,000-square-foot Bank Street space, is about 10 times larger than its current site on Broad Street.

Co-owner Dayne Laskey said there’s no firm date for when the move will happen, but they’re hoping it will be this year. For now, Laskey said they’re still seeking permits.

The brewing company was started by Laskey and Michael Zaccaro, who are described on the Tox Brewing website as “two lifelong friends from New London County that went to preschool together and have been the best of friends since fifth grade.”

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Tox Brewing opened its 635 Broad St. location in 2019. Laskey said that the 1,400-square-foot space has never been big enough for them.

“The demand has always been higher than what we can provide,” he said.

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The Downtown New London Association highlighted Tox Brewing moving its beer brewing tanks on Wednesday on the organization’s Facebook page.

The new space will allow Tox Brewing to provide a better experience, especially for larger groups, Laskey said.

The Bank Street location will have a pizza oven and a coffee counter. The space has two floors, with operations on the bottom floor and seating upstairs.

Laskey emphasized that the brewery is engaged in the community and donates to local charities.

“It’s an environment that’s welcoming to everybody,” he said. “It’s not just about the beer; it’s about bringing people together.”

Recently Tox Brewing introduced an imperial coffee maple stout and a porter made with local honey.

All of their beers are named after poisonous plants and animals, a nod to Laskey’s job as a professor of toxicology at the University of St. Joseph. One example is the “Double Dart,” a New Zealand hopped Double IPA.

Laskey said he didn’t want to give away too much of what they have in store at the Bank Street location.

“There’ll be a few more surprises I think patrons will like,” he said. “We’re very excited.”

For more, check out Tox Brewing’s website.

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Booker T Talks When He Was At This Best In The Ring

Booker T gave his thoughts on various topics on his latest Hall Of Fame podcast. 


During it, the WWE Hall Of Famer talked about his in-ring career and how he didn’t get to be his best until he was 40. 

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“I tell people all the time, my best form of Booker T was when I was like 40. That’s when I had all the knowledge in my head. It’s not about the wrestling, it’s not about the moves, it’s what you do before the move and what you do after the move.”

He added, “I didn’t get into wrestling to win the title; I just wanted to be the best guy on the roster. My dad used to say, ‘Cream rises to the top.’ So, I always just went out to perform.”

(H/T to Wrestling Inc for the quotes)

Coroner ID's Pedestrian Struck, Killed In Hemet

HEMET, CA — A fatally injured pedestrian discovered in a Hemet roadway Friday night was identified this week by the Riverside County Coroner’s Bureau.

Elder Oswaldo Mazariegos Lopez, 27, of Hemet, died of injuries he sustained in the roadway on eastbound CA-74, just east of Georgia Avenue, near the border of Hemet and Valley Vista.

He died minutes after he was found at that location, according to the coroner’s report.

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Mazariegos Lopez’s next of kin has been identified, and the California Highway Patrol’s San Gorgonio division is investigating the death.

No other information was immediately available.

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Cashier Claims She Was 'Tricked'

PALOS HILLS, IL — Two men reportedly conned a cashier into applying money onto a gift car without paying any money, Palos Hills police reports said.

Officers responded to a deceptive practice report at a store in the 10300 block of Roberts Road Feb. 25. The cashier told police that two men came in wanting to purchase gift cards.

Without displaying any cash, the cashier told police she was “tricked” into hitting the cash button, applying $495 on to the gift card. Both men left with the card.

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It is unclear exactly how the men tricked the employee.

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Le volume de déchets dans le monde ne cesse de croître de manière exponentielle, alerte l'ONU

Deux tiers de déchets en plus d’ici à 2050 : le volume de déchets dans le monde, à 2,3 milliards de tonnes en 2023, devrait continuer à croître de manière exponentielle, faute d’action, avec un impact massif pour la santé et les économies, alerte l’ONU mercredi 28 février. A ce rythme, les déchets courants, hors déchets industriels et de construction, devraient atteindre 3,8 milliards de tonnes au milieu du siècle, dépassant les prévisions du précédent rapport consacré à ce thème par la Banque mondiale.

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Pittsburgh-Area High School Evacuated Following Explosion Threat

CHURCHILL, PA — Woodland Hills High School was evacuated Wednesday after an anonymous Snapchat was located by a student that indicated an explosion threat.

Woodland Hills School District Superintendent Daniel Castagna announced the move on social media.

Students were dismissed at 11:55 a.m.

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Additionally, all district school campuses are closed to visitors for the rest of the day and police patrols have been increased at the elementary buildings and the middle school.

A full sweep of the high school building is being conducted in coordination with Churchill and Allegheny County police.

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All evening events at the high school have been canceled.

“In our professional opinion, we do not feel the threat is credible and we are investigating the source with all of our resources,” Castagna stated in the post. “Emptying the building will allow for a more thorough sweep and also time to fully investigate the origin of the message.”

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RVD Says A Lot Of The AEW Stars Went Out Of Their Way To Make Him Feel Appreciated And Welcomed

RVD (Rob Van Dam) recently talked about a wide range of topics on his 1 Of a Kind podcast.


During it, the WWE Hall of Famer discussed the warm welcome to AEW from the locker room. 

RVD was most recently in action by teaming with FTR against Samoa Joe, Swerve Strickland and Hangman Adam Page on AEW Dynamite last week. 

“It was good. All those guys are good. It was a little bit chaotic. Yea, I was in the ring with Joe, but it might have been a couple moves here and there where it could have been a save or whatever. There was just so much going on. It’s not the same as actually being in there and wrestling around with somebody in the ring a little bit, although that does happen and it’s part of the match. People pair off and do that stuff. I don’t know. I guess I feel like I was in there for a long time actually in that match. I was in there and people were taking turns whipping on me and stuff for a while. I know that, but it was cool. Everyone’s good.”

“A lot of the guys really went out of their way to make me feel appreciated and welcomed. They were like, ‘Hey, some of us might be a little apprehensive about coming up and telling you this, but we’re all so excited that you’re here and so stoked. Man, it’s so cool.’ There were a few particular guys who said that and I’ll always remember that because that stands out. It definitely puts me in a different perspective than in WWE where I felt replaceable and expendable. I might be there next week, I might not. I never knew. I never knew if I was really being appreciated there or not because there was so much balance of different energies conflicting.”

 (H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the quotes)  

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