Guerre entre Israël et le Hamas : la vie au ralenti de Tel Aviv

D’ordinaire, la plage de Tel Aviv (Israël) est bondée, mais dimanche 29 octobre, la plage est totalement désertée depuis les nombreuses attaques du Hamas le 7 octobre. “D’habitude, Tel Aviv se remet rapidement. Mais là, c’est dur. On ne voit plus la joie, ni le bonheur”, affirme un riverain. La chape de tristesse semble recouvrir la ville. “Tu as toujours les images de ce drame dans la tête”, poursuit une citadine.  

Pas l’esprit à la fête

Le marché ne voit, lui, que peu de personnes. Beaucoup d’habitants se sentent abandonnés, et ne voient pas leur quotidien de la même manière. Dans une chaine de boulangerie française, les portes sont ouvertes aux volontaires. Ils préparent des repas pour les militaires. “Aller au restaurant est quelque chose qui ne se fait plus en ce moment”, note une femme. Dans les quartiers branchés, quasiment tout est fermé. Plus personne n’a encore l’esprit à la fête.  

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Dana White: Vince McMahon is ‘Michael Jordan of the business world’

Dana White prefers working with Vince McMahon over competing against him. 

The UFC CEO spoke with Sports Illustrated recently and mentioned that his relationship with McMahon has changed considerably since their two companies merged. 

“My history with Vince isn’t a good one,” said White. “He tried to f— me so many times for no reason whatsoever except just to f— me. But that’s in the past. Now that Vince and I are allies, no one’s been a better partner than Vince.”

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“Since day one of the deal, it’s like I’m dealing with a different guy,” White continued. “It goes to show that when you oppose him, or he thinks you are opposing him, the guy comes after you blindly. Once you are aligned, Vince is an incredible partner."

“We’ve probably spoken on the phone 20 times since the deal. It’s all added-value conversation–with Vince doing work and raising the bar for both companies.”

White continued to say that even though he and Vince haven't always seen eye-to-eye, he's always had a good relationship with Paul Levesque and Stephanie McMahon.

“Triple H and Stephanie have always been great to work with,” said White. “I’ve always had a great relationship with them, always, even when we weren’t aligned back in the day. But the most amazing story is the relationship with Vince McMahon.”

“Vince McMahon, man, he’s an absolute savage,” White continued. “Even with the stuff that went down with us in the past, I respect it. I love killers. He’s definitely a killer. He’s the Michael Jordan of the business world.”

While McMahon remains the executive chairman of WWE, Levesque is now the person responsible for making key creative decisions for the company. A Sports Illustrated article earlier this month confirmed that Ari Emanuel was the one behind the change. Our own Dave Meltzer addressed the situation recently on Wrestling Observer Radio. 

"Vincent Kennedy McMahon was the guy making all the decisions, and now, Vince was in fact overruled, even though when he merged the company he was told that this would not happen. It did happen. And it’s a really interesting thing. And that statement when Ari Emanuel was talking about the reasons the stock is down and he mentioned Vince’s name. So it is very interesting I think what is going to happen," Meltzer said.

"Vince's power is clearly marginalized. There's no way around that."

Retreat For Artists Revives Farm Stand In Brewster

BREWSTER, NY — A simple farm stand on Starr Ridge Road is a symbol of the sea change in farming taking place across the country.

Fifteen years ago, an artist whose family owned one of the oldest continuously held family farms along the East Coast recognized that her own artistic community could both benefit from and contribute to it.

Emily Simoness, an eighth generation Ryder, co-founded SPACE on Ryder Farm with a two-fold mission: provide time and space for artists and innovators to develop new work while contributing to the sustainability and resourceful preservation of the farm. As its residency programs and events grew, SPACE helped restore and manage many of the farm’s historic buildings.

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Then, at the end of the 2018 growing season, Betsey Ryder retired after 40 years of growing organic vegetables, flowers and herbs.

It’s a familiar story.

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The average U.S. farmer is nearly 60 and nearly half of U.S. farmland is on the brink of changing ownership over the next two decades, according to the National Young Farmers Coalition, which says support for young farmers, who face significant challenges, “is essential if we are going to achieve food security, healthy communities, and protect natural resources into the future.”

Increasingly, owners of farms are non-farmers who hire experienced operators to manage the day-to-day operations, according to FarmTogether.

Ryder Farm is still owned by a board of family members. SPACE took on the agricultural operations and hired a young farm manager, Adam Mahon.

Mahon didn’t grow up farming, but it lured him in.

“In college I was confronting not only what are the things that are important to me but what feels authentic — a certain amount of physicality, certain amount of problem solving,” he told Patch. “I thought if I did something with plants I would be moving in the right direction.”

He liked the integrity, the “small is good” ethos and the tangibility. “What I create goes from me to you, you’re going to eat them this week.”

So he worked on several farms in a bunch of different places, and hooked into a vibrant network of small scale growers. “I had my ear to the ground,” he said. “SPACE popped up and I thought ‘I’ll throw my hat in the ring.'”

In the pandemic years, he concentrated on sustaining some acreage in production and creating a CSA, but always kept the two old buildings facing the road in mind.

“Those structures have been there a long time,” he said. “There was still so much potential, specially since many people have known those farm stands for decades. I really wanted to start building them up and build our retail out of that.”

Now it has become the main focal retail space.

“Things are looking quite happy in there,” he said. “I’m super pleased with how everything has been set up and how it’s looking from the road. We’ve had great interactions with people who popped in. We’re trying to get people re-acclimated.”

They even have online check-out.

“I try to pack that thing every Friday by noon. We get a rush from people coming home after work. But there are some things I keep in the stand all the time,” he said. “The stand is open for everybody’s convenience, any time you happen to be passing by over the weekend.”

He has more plans.

The farm’s enormous wooden wagon would make a great display this fall with pumpkins, hay bales and winter squash.

And this winter he plans to give a lot of attention to the farm’s greenhouses.

“We used to have a plant sale, but have been too busy these past two years,” he said. I would love to get into potted plants, help get people’s gardens started.”

I’m experimenting with cut flowers a lot more,” he said. “Our dahlias were beautiful last year and I didn’t have a market for them.”

Mahon does interact with the artists as much as he can.

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“It’s a lot of grounds but it’s an intimate team,” he said.

Even more than a logistical partnership, the farm is central to the ethos of SPACE, which has served more than 1,400 residents, established one of the first residencies for parent-artists and their children, mentored over 75 young professionals through its internship and fellowship program and become one of the most sought-after artist residency programs in the country.

“The food that grows here goes to our Putnam neighbors through the farm stand and our partnership with Second Chance Foods, but also directly to the artists that come for residencies through our culinary program,” said Kelly Burdick, the Executive Director at SPACE on Ryder Farm. “Residents are fed three communal meals a day—with foods focused on hyper-local produce (from the farm), sustainability, and seasonality. Fueled and nourished by these meals and the conversations that are had over them, our residents use their time at SPACE to generate sustenance for the soul through their work.”

SPACE’s farm stand is located at 406 Starr Ridge Road. Parking is available directly in front of the stand. Payments for the fresh organic produce can be made in cash, check, or by using an online checkout via a QR code available at the stand.

Any produce that is not sold is donated to community partner Second Chance Foods each week.

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Fixing Swampscott's King's Beach: Some Progress, Ongoing Frustrations

SWAMPSCOTT, MA — While Swampscott local and state elected officials continued to express optimism that a fix to the decades-old contamination problem that keeps King’s Beach in Lynn and Swampscott off limits to swimming more than quarter of the year is on the horizon, some residents at Wednesday night’s Select Board meeting on the beach expressed ongoing frustrations about the pace of the process and the lack of accessible updated information on the state of the beach and progress toward a solution.

“We have a generation that has lost access to this beach,” State Rep. Jenny Armini (D-Marblehead) said during the two-hour discussion. “In finding a solution we have to weigh timing and cost. The goal is to get King’s Beach open for our kids as fast as we possibly can in an effective manner.”

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Much of what was presented on Wednesday was an overview of the information included in previous presentations surrounding the source of the problem — largely stormwater runoff of sewerage seeping into pipes and being released to the beach at the Stacy’s Brook outflow — and the merits of proposed solutions.

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Officials continued to champion an ultraviolet light treatment solution that engineers said could be the quickest, most cost-effective way to treat the water well enough so that the beach will be more than 90 percent accessible within the next few years.

Swampscott Town Administrator Sean Fitzgerald also said on Wednesday that he received encouraging receptiveness to an outpour extension pipe of about 4,500 feet toward Nahant Bay that had previously been placed as a secondary solution because of its cost and the length of time it would take to install it.

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“The question is: Can we expedite the permitting on the state and federal level?” he said. “Can we really get them to take what was originally presented as an eight- or nine-year permitting process and take that down to 24 months or 36 months?

“That is the challenge.”

Yet, while Fitzgerald said there is “positive momentum” toward the ultimate goal of a safe and useable beach on both sides of the Lynn/Swampscott border, residents who spoke expressed concerns about the commitment to source elimination — making sure the sewage is not making it to the pipe system in the first place — and accessible information for those near the beach who say the signs are often confusing, conflicting between Swampscott and Lynn — which have different water testing schedules — and that information is not available on the municipal website.

When it comes to source contamination, Fitzgerald said the process of “sleeving” the pipes to reinforce them is ongoing and required through a state Department of Environmental Protection consent decree, but that the age and complexity of the pipe system make it necessary to have a two-tiered solution to the problem because “we could be in a position where we spend $20 million (on capital reinforcements) and we still couldn’t be able to use that beach.”

“If you start looking underground there are pipes you can’t see while you are driving through the town that is a spiderweb of connections and they are all interconnected,” he said. “These systems still work. And we’ve done an excellent job of maintaining them … but these are clay pipes and they do break. At any point, we might see a loading (of waste that increases bacteria levels).

“So one house fails and the beach may be shut down. One property can do enough loading that we would have to shut down that beach.”

Fitzgerald allowed the town must firm up its capital plan in that regard. But it was also noted that even if all Swampscott pipes were fortified, the lack of doing so comprehensively in Lynn — which is far less far down the road in addressing the issues — would still result in a closed beach because the discharge is essentially in the same place.

Fitzgerald said Lynn has become a strong partner in finding the combined solution that works for both the town and the city.

“We’ve gotten beyond who is responsible for it and we’re all owning it,” he said.

Fitzgerald also pledged more public information on when the beach is safe to swim and when it is not based on more online information and signage that is more visible and more consistent with Lynn.

He added that while the desire is to fix the problem as quickly and comprehensively as possible, that fix must include state and federal support, and cannot fall all on the backs of Swampscott taxpayers.

“I don’t think we should pay the lion’s share,” he said. “I think we’re a small town that should pay a proportional share.”

(Scott Souza is a Patch field editor covering Beverly, Danvers, Marblehead, Peabody, Salem and Swampscott. He can be reached at Scott.Souza@Patch.com. Twitter: @Scott_Souza.)

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Reportage Suisse : polémique autour d'une piste de ski creusée dans un glacier pour la Coupe du monde

À 3 400 m d’altitude, des pelleteuses creusent une piste de ski dans le glacier de Théodule, dans le sud de la Suisse. À moins d’un mois des descentes de la Coupe du monde de ski alpin à Zermatt, le chantier en cours divise les habitants de la station et suscite une levée de boucliers d’ONG de défense de l’environnement.

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