'Overlooked' Shelter Dog Finds New Family, Home


NORTH FORK, NY — He’s adorable and lovable, and now Reed, a stray at the North Fork Animal Welfare League in Peconic, who was overlooked for so long, has found his forever family.

Gabrielle Stroup, director of operations at the League in Peconic, said after reading Reed’s heartbreaking story on Patch, one family knew they had to bring Reed, a “gentle giant,”home.

The family had German Shepherds before that had just passed away, most recently around Thanksgiving, she said. “Their Shepherds were large like him. Reed will almost never be left alone. They weren’t really looking for another dog yet. Then they saw Reed on Patch and said, ‘That is our dog.’ They drove out here, and it was a match!” Stroup said.

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She added: “We are all super excited for him! It’s about time it was his turn.”

Reed’s story touched hearts. “He’s a huge Shep mix who loves everyone and everything — but he kept getting overlooked,” she said.

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Reed, she said, was found as a stray, and was brought to another Long Island shelter.

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“In order to get Reed viewed by a new audience, we brought him to the NFAWL to hopefully help find him a home,” Stroup said.

Reed is estimated to be about four-and-a-half years old; he weighs 130 lbs.

“He is very playful, but also enjoys a good cuddle session,” Stroup said.

“We use Reed when we have schools or Scouts visit, because he is so gentle with kids. He is very good with other dogs, and likes cats. He is truly a gentle giant,” Stroup said. “He’s one of the most perfect dogs.”

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Le pape François annule sa participation au Chemin de Croix à la dernière minute

Le pape François, 87 ans, a annulé vendredi 29 mars sa participation au Chemin de Croix au Colisée de Rome. “Pour préserver sa santé en vue de la veillée de demain et de la messe du dimanche de Pâques, le pape François suivra ce soir le Chemin de croix au Colisée depuis la Résidence Sainte Marthe”, a annoncé le Vatican dans un communiqué.

Au moment de l’annonce, qui est intervenue quelques secondes à peine avant le début de la cérémonie, les organisateurs ont retiré le fauteuil du pape disposé sur une colline en face du Colisée. Devant le cadre spectaculaire de l’amphithéâtre romain illuminé, des milliers de fidèles de nombreux pays, souvent une bougie à la main, se sont réunis en silence pour assister à ce temps fort de la Semaine sainte qui précède la fête de Pâques.

Vendredi après-midi, le chef de l’Eglise catholique a présidé comme prévu la messe du Vendredi saint dans la basilique Saint-Pierre au Vatican. En 2023, le jésuite argentin avait déjà annulé sa participation pour des raisons de santé, quelques jours après une hospitalisation de trois jours pour une bronchite, mais cette décision avait été communiquée en amont, contrairement à cette fois-ci.

Dimanche matin, Jorge Bergoglio doit présider la messe de Pâques sur la place Saint-Pierre avant de donner la bénédiction “Urbi et Orbi” (“A la ville et au monde”), lors de laquelle il passe généralement en revue les conflits internationaux.

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Volcans japonais : à la rencontre d'un volcanologue

Sur la presque-île de Kyūshū, Kagoshima règne en maitre. Ce volcan de 1 117 mètres de haut est l’un des plus actifs du Japon. Ryusuke Imura est volcanologue, et étudie cette montagne de feu depuis 40 ans, qui entrent une centaine de fois par an en éruption. En analysant les éruptions passées du volcan, ce scientifique tente de prévenir de futures grosses éruptions. “Il faut garder en tête qu’il y a suffisamment de magma à l’intérieur, pour une très puissante éruption”, explique-t-il. 

Un métier à risques

Situé sur la ceinture de feu de l’océan Pacifique, le Japon ne compte pas moins de 111 volcans actifs, qui offre de multiples options aux scientifiques. Cependant, ce métier s’avère dangereux. Ryusuke Imura a “perdu de nombreux amis volcanologues“, et a lui-même déjà “eu peur de mourir”. Pour les 2 000 habitants vivant au pied du volcans, le danger est omniprésent. Alors, tous les enfants ont l’obligation d’aller à l’école avec un casque sur la tête. Une fois par an, Ryusuke Imura leur dispense des ateliers immersifs aux élèves. 

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Northport Council Candidates Cite Proposed Resort As Biggest Issue

NORTHPORT, AL — The Northport City Council on Thursday interviewed three finalists vying to fill the open District 5 seat, with all three citing the proposed University Beach mixed-use resort development as the biggest single issue facing the city.

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As Patch previously reported, the District 5 seat on the Council became vacant with the untimely resignation of Council President Jeff Hogg. This followed a deluge of public backlash over the proposed $350 million University Beach project, with Hogg saying his family had received threats and that the future of his job selling commercial insurance was in jeopardy due to the pushback.

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Following Thursday night’s interviews, which lasted roughly an hour, City Administrator Glenda Webb asked elected leaders to consider the candidates ahead of Monday’s upcoming council meeting, where the decision will be announced.

Patch previously reported that a total of nine candidates applied to fill the open District 5 seat, with city leaders opting to interview the three finalists on Thursday — Anwar Aiken, co-owner of The Grand Event; Danny Higdon, chief school financial officer for the Tuscaloosa County School System; and retired Tuscaloosa Police Captain Gary Leddo.

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The candidate chosen by the Council will fill out the remainder of Hogg’s unexpired term, which is up for election again in 2025.

If the council, for whatever reason, is unable to reach a simple majority on an individual candidate, the appointment will be made by the governor.

The interviews on Thursday were conducted solely by City of Northport Human Resources Director Joseph Rose, with no follow-ups from elected officials.

Here is a digestible synopsis of each interview in the alphabetical order (by last name) that they were conducted:

Anwar Aiken

Rose asked each candidate the same list of pre-formulated questions, with Aiken the first up to interview. Several of the questions were simple, with all of the candidates giving fairly similar answers to the following:

To reiterate, all three candidates answered the questions with different variations of the same responses, so there’s little need to delve into them.

Originally from Minden, Louisiana, Aiken and his wife first moved to Tuscaloosa before moving to Northport a decade ago to raise their family and start their business — one that was named Northport’s Business of the Month in early March.

“There’s a lot more to Northport than I first thought,” he said when asked about his understanding of District 5. “There’s a lot of hidden gems here.”

Still, Aiken was the first of the three candidates to cite the proposed University Beach development as the single-biggest issue facing the City of Northport at present.

Rose asked each candidate the same question and, while their second and third answers varied slightly, all three candidates pointed to the controversial resort concept as their primary platform issue going into the appointment interviews.

“There’s unrest in the community amongst the city and the people, because I don’t guess they feel like they’ve been heard,” he said, before pointing to improved lines of communication for City Hall and the people they serve, along with transparency.

Two of the more relevant questions asked of the candidates focused on how they would handle harsh criticism from the community and how they would approach unpopular decisions.

Aiken was candid and cited his lack of intimate familiarity with the proposed development. But as a private citizen who cares about his community, he said this fact was partly the reason he decided to apply for the open seat.

“I don’t understand the project,” he said. “I didn’t understand when it happened, I don’t know anything and people don’t know anything.”

One of the final questions asked was if each candidate would run for election in 2025 after filling out the unexpired term. The question was a bit unwieldy and wordy, with Aiken answering the first part but not the second when asked if he would run for election to the council if appointed.

Aiken confirmed to Patch following the meeting that he planned to run if selected to fill out the rest of the term.

Danny Higdon

An accountant by trade, Higdon worked in Northport City Hall as an auditor before starting with the Tuscaloosa County School System in 2005. Higdon also ran an unsuccessful campaign for the District 5 seat in 2016.

Still, Higdon said his longtime connections to the city, understanding of municipal law and his familiarity with the district make him uniquely suited for the role.

He then reflected on the changes seen in Northport during his time, ranging from the construction of the Northport Police Department headquarters and the extensive development of the Rose Boulevard corridor where Higdon calls home.

“When I campaigned in District 5, I walked just about every bit of it,” Higdon told the Council when asked about what he knew about the district. “I thought that’s how you did campaigning.”

Like Aiken, Higdon cited the University Beach development as the biggest issue facing the city, pointing to concerns over its location and the city’s transparency relating to the project.

Higdon then elaborated on the question of the three biggest issues, pointing to the quality of roads in Northport and the financial stability of the city.

“People are never going to agree with you on every subject,” Higdon said when asked how he would handle making unpopular decisions “I’m married and that just doesn’t happen. So let’s hear their point of view and don’t brush them off. Everyone deserves to be heard, regardless of their opinion.”

To improve transparency, Higdon also suggested hosting community meetings for large-scale initiatives like the proposed resort as a way to open up dialogue and allow citizens to be heard.

“I was here the other night when the council voted on the resort and [citizens] were limited on time,” Higdon said. “So more opportunities to express concerns and procedures. I think it’s vital you have those kinds of community meetings.”

As it relates to financial transparency, Higdon pointed to one of his platform issues on the campaign trail in 2016 and insisted the city post its financials and audits online.

“I feel like that would be viable and it’s an easy thing to do to be that transparent and be that open,” he said.

Higdon said he planned to run for election in 2025 if appointed and decided to apply for the vacant seat after long conversations with his family and careful consideration.

“I’ve always cared deeply for the city of Northport, it’s not just the time I worked here,” he said. “This is my home. We’ve raised our sons here and now they are raising our grandchildren here … I want my grandchildren to stay here.”

Gary Leddo

Leddo has lived in Northport since 1986 and is a retired captain with the Tuscaloosa Police Department.

As was the case with Aiken and Higdon, Leddo also mentioned University Beach as the most pressing matter facing the city.

He followed this by underscoring what he views as a “distrust” of city officials by residents of District 5 and saying that the city was dealt a “black eye” when it was announced that the Kentuck Festival of the Arts would be moving to Tuscaloosa.

“A city councilperson is supposed to represent the interests of their council district and citizens,” he said. “Meet with your members regularly and find out what they are thinking about on certain issues and do your best to get things done.”

Leddo said the University Beach project will personally impact him and said that sometimes elected officials have to make hard decisions in doing what’s right.

“If it’s going to upend a whole neighborhood or neighborhoods and affect a whole lot of people then sometimes you have to do what’s best for your district,” he said.

Leddo pointed out that he is not on social media, but would likely adopt the practice if appointed to office as a way to better communicate with the people he is serving.

“I want to do what’s best for the citizens of District 5,” he said. “Right or wrong, they haven’t had the right representation over the past several years in my opinion. I would have loved to run for office previously but I didn’t think Jeff Hogg was beatable in an election and after he stepped down, I saw my opportunity … I want to be a part of the solution.”

When asked if he planned to run for election if appointed to the seat, Leddo was the only candidate to express uncertainty.

“To me, it’s first things first and I want to get through the year and a half,” he said. “I don’t wanna step on anybody’s toes but there are a lot of upset people in District 5 and I don’t know if they would vote for an appointed person at this point. If I get this position, I’m hoping to change their minds and work with them a little better than the previous council member did and take their thoughts and considerations into mind.”

The Northport City Council’s next meeting is set for Monday, April at 5:30 p.m. in the city council chamber at Northport City Hall.

Have a news tip or suggestion on how I can improve Tuscaloosa Patch? Maybe you’re interested in having your business become one of the latest sponsors for Tuscaloosa Patch? Email all inquiries to me at ryan.phillips@patch.com

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AEW Rampage Preview: Dustin Rhodes In Action, Roderick Strong vs. Matt Menard and more

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Tonight’s AEW Rampage takes place from the Centre Videotron, in Québec, Canada and will broadcast on TNT. Below is the card that AEW have announced thus far. As a reminder, this is a taped show. SPOILERS can be found here.


-Roderick Strong vs. Matt Menard

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-Deonna Purrazzo vs. Rose

-Mariah May vs. Nikita

-Dustin Rhodes vs. The Butcher

Suspected Carjacker Arrested In Temescal Valley: RSO

TEMESCAL VALLEY, CA — A carjacking suspect was behind bars Thursday following his arrest in Temescal Valley.

While armed with a knife, Aaron Matthew Holcomb, 33, of Corona assaulted two people Wednesday night and attempted to take a vehicle in the 8900 block of Cajalco Road, according to the sheriff’s department.

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The sheriff’s department was called and deputies quickly intervened, the law enforcement agency said.

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The deputies “were able to disarm the suspect and take him into custody,” according to the department.

Anyone with additional information is encouraged to contact Deputy Arnold at the Lake Mathews Station: 951-272-5600.

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Russie : après l'attentat de Moscou, les personnes originaires d'Asie centrale visées par des agressions et dans le collimateur des autorités

Même si Vladimir Poutine continue d’assurer que l’Ukraine est impliquée dans l’attentat près de Moscou, de plus en plus de Russes pointent aussi du doigt les immigrés d’Asie centrale, dont sont originaires les quatre suspects arrêtés. Kiev dément pour sa part toute implication dans cette tuerie. Et Washington affirme que les dirigeants russes sont des “marchands de fumier” essayant de diffuser une “propagande absurde” à propos de l’attentat dont l’EI est “seul responsable”

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Police Search For Stabbing Suspect In Long Beach Incident

LONG BEACH, CA — Long Beach police were searching for a stabbing suspect on Thursday after an incident that happened in Downtown Long Beach.

Officers received a report of a stabbing in the 300 blo0ck of West Golden Shore at about 9:59 p.m. When police arrived, they found a man with a non-life-threatening stab wound.

Preliminary investigation results suggest that the victim was outside with the suspect when the suspect stabbed him. Police said the suspect fled the scene before they arrived, but the two men knew each other.

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The investigation is ongoing.

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Pourquoi la sortie d'"Oppenheimer" au Japon est très critiquée

Un film sur un passé très douloureux. Oppenheimer de Christopher Nolan sort en salle au Japon vendredi 29 mars. Consacré au physicien américain Robert Oppenheimer, père de la bombe atomique, le long-métrage de 3 heures a connu un large succès dans le monde entier l’été dernier. Il a par ailleurs raflé sept statuettes lors de la dernière cérémonie des Oscars, dont celles du meilleur film et du meilleur réalisateur.

Mais au Japon, où l’arme nucléaire a dévasté les villes d’Hiroshima et Nagazaki, les 6 et 9 août en 1945, à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, tuant plus de 214 000 personnes, il a fallu attendre plus de six mois pour que le film soit projeté. Aucune raison officielle n’a été avancée, mais le distributeur nippon du film, Bitters End, a déclaré dans le magazine américain Variety qu’il avait pris cette décision “après des mois de réflexions et de discussions”. Il a souligné “la sensibilité particulière du sujet”.

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Des points de vue divergents

Début mars, le distributeur d’Oppenheimer au Japon a organisé une avant-première et une table ronde dans la ville d’Hiroshima afin d’évaluer la réaction du public avant la sortie officielle du film, relate le Asahi Shimbun. Plusieurs voix ont émis des critiques, comme l’ancien maire de la ville, Takashi Hiraoka, âgé de 96 ans. Il a notamment regretté que le film n’ait pas davantage montré “les horreurs des armes nucléaires”, cite le quotidien japonais. Il s’est interrogé sur l’absence d’images des villes dévastées après les bombardements. “Le film a été réalisé de manière à valider la conclusion selon laquelle la bombe atomique a été utilisée pour sauver la vie des Américains”, a ajouté l’ancien édile d’Hiroshima.

Une autre habitante d’Hiroshima, Kyoko Heya, interrogée par l’AFP, a également estimé que le film était “très centré sur l’Amérique” mais a toutefois souhaité “que beaucoup de gens [le] regardent” afin d’engager des discussions sur les armes atomiques. Même impression pour Yu Sato, étudiante de 22 ans à l’université d’Hiroshima. “Même s’il [Robert Oppenheimer] n’avait pas l’intention de tuer beaucoup de gens, il ne peut pas être considéré comme totalement exempt de responsabilité”, observe-t-elle auprès de l’AFP.

“Ce film montre la divergence des points de vue entre les Américains et les Japonais sur ce qu’il s’est passé en 1945, explique Yuta Yagishita, journaliste à Courrier international, à franceinfo. Il y a une différence fondamentale entre les Américains qui pensent que ces bombardements étaient nécessaires pour mettre fin à la guerre et qu’ils ont même pu sauver des vies japonaises en stoppant le conflit”, expose-t-il. Côté japonais, la mémoire de ces événements est toujours très douloureuse et reste centrale dans l’identité nationale, avec notamment toute une littérature consacrée aux victimes, les “hibakusha”, souligne Yuta Yagishita.

L’opinion publique choquée

En janvier 2023, le réalisateur Christopher Nolan avait justifié l’absence de représentation des victimes japonaises dans son film en expliquant que “s’écarter de l’expérience d’Oppenheimer trahirait les termes de la narration”, cite NBC News. Son long-métrage s’inspire d’ailleurs d’une biographie du physicien : Robert Oppenheimer : Triomphe et tragédie d’un génie, écrite par les auteurs américains Kai Bird et Martin J. Sherwin. “Il a appris les bombardements d’Hiroshima et de Nagasaki à la radio, comme le reste du monde, défend le cinéaste. Comme je ne cesse de le rappeler à tout le monde, ce n’est pas un documentaire. C’est une interprétation. C’est mon travail.”

L’été dernier, les sorties simultanées de Oppenheimer et du film Barbie ont également provoqué l’émoi au Japon, car elles ont engendré d’innombrables mèmes sur internet. Sous le hashtag #Barbenheimer, de nombreuses images associant la poupée à la bombe atomique ont circulé, choquant l’opinion publique. “Vous devriez visiter le parc du Mémorial de la paix à Hiroshima et apprendre ce qui s’est passé là-bas. C’est l’un des plus graves crimes contre l’humanité” ou “Nous, Japonais, n’oublierons jamais cet été-là”, ont dénoncé des internautes, en publiant des photos de vêtements d’enfants brûlés retrouvés dans les décombres des villes bombardées.

Drive-Thru Diary: McDonald's Adds Krispy Kreme Doughnuts To Its Menu

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CALIFORNIA — Hello fellow fast food fanatics! Welcome to the first installment of Patch’s Drive-Thu Diary.

In this periodic column, I’ll take you on a journey of all that’s delicious, noteworthy and downright weird in the world of fast food, making sure to keep you abreast of all the latest developments in California’s quick-bite dining scene.

Whether for an occasional treat or regular sustenance, many of us turn to drive-thrus, fast-casual chains and convenience stores. In fact, one U.S. government study found that over 36 percent of adults consumed fast food on a given day.

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And fast food is as much a part of Golden State culture as sunshine and Hollywood. The state’s official tourism organization dubs California “the birthplace of fast food” — you can thank California for McDonalds, In-N-Out, Taco Bell, Del Taco, Jack in the Box and Panda Express.

I’m not your doctor, but it would be remiss of me not to mention that a balanced diet is important! So as I highlight the latest indulgences, remember to eat your veggies, too.

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But before I do that, a little about me: My name is Chris Lindahl, I live in Los Angeles, and I’m always thinking about my next meal.

Though I’ve been working in journalism for a decade, my roots are in fast food. In my Massachusetts hometown, you had two picks for a first job: a supermarket or Dunkin’ Donuts. I chose the latter, so I know just as much about the frenzy of trying to clear a long, Saturday morning drive-thru line as I do the frustration of being stuck in it.

Without further ado, here’s what’s happening in fast food:

McDonald’s, Krispy Kreme and local doughnut cultures

This week, a Southern-born sweetheart and SoCal native announced an unusual union: Krispy Kreme doughnuts will (eventually) be available at McDonald’s locations nationwide.

And those Original Glazed, Chocolate Iced with Sprinkles and Chocolate Iced Kreme-Filled doughnuts will be delivered fresh every day, the companies say.

Here’s the rollout plan: Krispy Kreme doughnuts will begin popping up at McDonald’s throughout the country during several phases and will be available nationwide by the end of 2026. We don’t have the when and where yet; McDonald’s says more details will be revealed soon.

The announcement comes after McDonald’s tested the arrangement at 160 restaurants in Kentucky — “where consumer excitement and demand exceeded expectation.” Unsurprising for those who remember the long lines of yesteryear that were a common sight when Krispy Kreme expanded into new markets.

Back to my Dunkin’ past: In middle school, I remember the hubbub when Krispy Kreme FINALLY arrived in New England. But 20 years after all that fanfare, there exists not a single Krispy Kreme in Massachusetts — firmly, unequivocally Dunkin’ territory.

And where the Bay State has Dunkin’ on every street corner, California has countless mom-and-pop doughnut shops. As PBS SoCal explains, many of these were opened by Cambodian immigrants in the 70s and 80s and have remained go-to spots for a sweet breakfast in many neighborhoods.

See Also: Community Helps Doughnut Shopkeeper Get Home To Sick Wife

It makes me wonder about how successful McDonald’s and Krispy Kreme will be in places with such ingrained doughnut cultures. Dunkin’ is fine and Krispy Kreme is good, but I think I speak for many Californians when I say neither can compare to the beautiful cases of fresh doughnuts — made with love — at places like Los Feliz’s Daily Donuts, San Clemente’s Surfin’ Donuts, Randy’s Donuts which opened a new location this week, or Rocklin Donuts & Cinnamon (named the best in the country by Yelp).

The ambition makes sense for McDonald’s, whose execs are making a point to go after Starbucks’ coffee dominance.

McCafé blended drinks, lattes and coffees are now a standby at McDonald’s in the U.S., McCafé K-Cups and ground coffee are available at grocery stores, and the company has standalone McCafé stores in countries across the world.

Stateside, the fast food giant is testing a different coffee-focused restaurant called CosMc’s, with an out-there concept described by the CEO thusly: “What would happen if a McDonald’s character from the 1980s that was part alien, part surfer, part robot — what would happen if this character were to open a restaurant in 2023?”

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And Krispy Kreme — which already delivers fresh doughnuts to stores including Ralphs, Stater Bros. and Walmart — says it expects to “more than double our points of access” by the time the McDonald’s partnership fully rolls out by 2026’s end.

The sheer breadth of this partnership will require a lot of investment by both companies. “Krispy Kreme has been scaling its supply chain, building a support team, adding technology and new equipment, and enhancing field training to support its Delivered Fresh Daily expansion,” the company said.

That speaks to their confidence in the marriage’s ability to cleave away customers of Starbucks and Dunkin’ and likely locally owned competitors, too.

Here’s hoping the ubiquity and convenience of a McDonald’s drive-thru Krispy Kreme doesn’t come at the expense of the mom-and-pop doughnut shop.

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