'Overlooked' Shelter Dog Finds New Family, Home


NORTH FORK, NY — He’s adorable and lovable, and now Reed, a stray at the North Fork Animal Welfare League in Peconic, who was overlooked for so long, has found his forever family.

Gabrielle Stroup, director of operations at the League in Peconic, said after reading Reed’s heartbreaking story on Patch, one family knew they had to bring Reed, a “gentle giant,”home.

The family had German Shepherds before that had just passed away, most recently around Thanksgiving, she said. “Their Shepherds were large like him. Reed will almost never be left alone. They weren’t really looking for another dog yet. Then they saw Reed on Patch and said, ‘That is our dog.’ They drove out here, and it was a match!” Stroup said.

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She added: “We are all super excited for him! It’s about time it was his turn.”

Reed’s story touched hearts. “He’s a huge Shep mix who loves everyone and everything — but he kept getting overlooked,” she said.

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Reed, she said, was found as a stray, and was brought to another Long Island shelter.

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“In order to get Reed viewed by a new audience, we brought him to the NFAWL to hopefully help find him a home,” Stroup said.

Reed is estimated to be about four-and-a-half years old; he weighs 130 lbs.

“He is very playful, but also enjoys a good cuddle session,” Stroup said.

“We use Reed when we have schools or Scouts visit, because he is so gentle with kids. He is very good with other dogs, and likes cats. He is truly a gentle giant,” Stroup said. “He’s one of the most perfect dogs.”

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