Gordon Matthew Thomas Summer, better known by buzzy stage name Sting, will headline as a voice actor in upcoming and very enticing new game Where the Water Tastes Like Wine.
This is the gorgeously illustrated American folklore game about travelling and sharing stories, made by Dim Bulb Games, the studio run by Johnneman Nordhagen, co-founder of Gone Home developer Fullbright.
Sting will play the part of the Wolf, and he’s in good company. He’s joined by Melissa Hutchison (Clementine in The Walking Dead games), Dave Fennoy (Lee Everett in The Walking Dead games), Kimberly Brooks (Ashley Williams in Mass Effect), Cissy Jones (Delilah in Firewatch, and Joyce in Life is Strange), and Elizabeth Maxwell.
The actors are introduced in a new trailer and their performances sound great.
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine is due out on Windows PC early this year, so not long to wait at all.