4 reasons why coconut oil should not be missing from your skinca

Coconut oil is a natural product already widely used in cooking. It is not only a seasoning that adds tropical flavours to your dish. In fact, you can also use it very well for your external care. In this blog, we dive into the world of coconut oil and find out how you can improve your skin and hair thanks to this wonder product.

1. Keep your skin supple and healthy

Known for its moisturising properties, coconut oil is an excellent way to keep your skin supple and healthy. Due to its saturated fatty acids, it forms a protective layer on the skin’s surface, retaining moisture. Highly recommended is the Coconut Oil Formula Coconut Hydrate Body Lotion 400ml. If you have scars on your body, regular application of coconut oil can improve skin texture and reduce their appearance.

2. Even and rejuvenated skin

Especially for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, coconut oil can reduce itching and irritation. The product is invaluable if you want to reduce inflammation and redness on your skin. The vitamin A present in this coconut oil helps renew skin cells.

Moreover, coconut oil is quickly absorbed by the skin, so it does not feel greasy, but it leaves a lovely silky finish. Of course, you can also use the lotion to give or receive a lovely massage. This way you can really relax for a while. You can find different kinds of body oils in our webshop. Be sure to try our Coconut Oil Formula Coconut Hydrate Body Oil.

3. Deep nourishment for shiny hair

For shiny and healthy hair, you can use coconut oil as a deep conditioner or as a pre-shampoo treatment. Using coconut oil as a deep conditioner nourishes and hydrates your hair, as the oil penetrates deep into the hair follicles. It helps to reduce dryness and improve the overall condition of your hair. Protein is essential as it is the building blocks for healthy hair. Coconut oil reduces the loss of these building blocks. One of our favourites is the Cantu Beauty Leave-In Conditioner.

4. Protection against external damage

Coconut oil can penetrate your hair and protect it from external damage. It protects your hair from heat, sunlight and pollution. So on a hot summer day, these products can definitely come in handy:

  • Coco Repair – Deep Conditioner
  • Coco Wash – Coconut Milk Conditioning Cleanser

Especially for long hair, these products can help reduce hair breakage, keeping your hair looking healthy for longer. Besides all the health benefits, you can also use coconut oil as a natural hair styling product. For taming frizzy hair, you can also use this product very well.

Shop Coconut Oil now in our webshop!

So it is clear that coconut oil has a lot to offer. Add it to your routine and give your body and hair the care they deserve. Take a look at our webshop for all coconut oil products. If you have any questions about any of our products or need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.

How to Build Strong Relationships With Automotive Interior Suppl

Mar 19/21

How to Build Strong Relationships With Automotive Interior Suppliers


Whatever industry you’re in, your approach to suppliers should be part of your brand’s strategic plan. Almost every business, whether product or service-oriented, is dependant on suppliers. This is no different with automotive interior suppliers.

Many company owners seem to think that because they write an order, they’re in a superior position. They may believe they can put forward unreasonable demands, like wanting personal perks.

But every company must make efforts to build strong relationships with high-quality and reliable suppliers. When you find the right suppliers, you must treat them well. You should even work as hard on building healthy supplier relationships as you do with building strong relationships with customers.

After all, your automotive interior suppliers are essential to your company’s health and growth. If you’re not sure where to start on building strong supplier relationships, don’t worry. We’re here to help.

Start on the Right Foot

Making the right decisions from the very beginning is the first step in creating a strong automotive interior supplier partnership. If you want to build strong alliances with suppliers, you need to start on the right foot.

This means you need to look past financial gain and strategics and assess the whole picture. Consider the differences between you and the supplier and whether or not you can trust them and can count on them to support you in future endeavors. The supplier is likely looking at your brand in the same way.

Ensure That Your Partnership Is Mutually Beneficial

When teaming up with an automotive interior design company, ensure that your partnership is mutually beneficial. Otherwise, there’s the risk of long-term failure and expenses from both companies. It’s essential that your conflict management and problem-solving plans inside the brand are up-to-date.

Don’t Expect Impossible Results

Try not to overreach and expect impossible results from your automotive upholstery supplier. Part of running a company means growing and learning so you need to have realistic projections. You don’t want to force impossible targets and expectations on your suppliers from the get-go, otherwise, your relationship will not progress healthily.

Instead, provide your suppliers with honest expectations and listen to what they can offer you.


If you want to build strong relationships with your automotive interior manufacturing supplier, introducing a reward system is an excellent idea. Consider giving your suppliers constructive and positive feedback when you’re happy with their services.

In the long-term, financial rewards are a sure-fire way to build good partnerships with suppliers too.

Maintaining Strong Relationships With Automotive Interior Suppliers

Building and maintaining strong relationships with automotive interior suppliers is crucial to the health and development of your business.

Remember, just as you take into consideration what your suppliers think about you and your company, you should consider what you think about them.

When you’re on the same page, it’s easier to solidify your relationship and business goals.

Here at Mayo International, we offer art to part design services to take your project from an idea to a product. Learn more about our services here.

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Supporting Young Minds

We at Redox are excited to share that we have renewed our Chemical Educational Foundation’s Presidents Club membership. This is our way of supporting the CEF team’s efforts to promote chemistry education and raise awareness among students in grades K-8.

CEF’s You Be The Chemist programs uniquely connect business and education in local communities to reach students early in life and ignite a passion for chemistry and science-related careers.

Companies and individuals in the science and chemistry industries have invested in You Be The Chemist since 1989, to inspire young students into a lifelong passion for these fields. Programs are implemented in partnership with schools and education programs so activities align with local workforce and learning needs.

In today’s world, where science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are crucial for the future workforce, high school and post-secondary students often receive the most attention in terms of preparation.

However, it is essential to realise that igniting a passion for science at a young age, even as early as five years old, significantly enhances the likelihood of engaging students in learning and ultimately pursuing careers in STEM fields.

CEF’s outstanding program, You Be the Chemist, is dedicated to this cause. It offers educators many educational resources, including activity guides and workshops. Additionally, the program hosts an annual academic competition at the local, state, and national levels, inviting students in grades 5-8 to compete for scholarships and prizes.

The impact of CEF’s You Be the Chemist program is evident in the remarkable outcomes it has achieved.

The You Be the Chemist program continues to serve as a bridge between businesses, educational institutions, and young students, demonstrating the immense potential of chemistry to create a better world.

Keyword: Soundproof Booth

Turkey launches historic TANAP gas pipeline project

Turkey Launches Historic TANAP Gas Pipeline Project

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline the fruit of the shared vision of the countries involved in the project.

Turkey along with other partner countries launched on Tuesday the historic Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) project in the central Turkish city of Eskisehir.

The inauguration of the project was performed jointly by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and Mustafa Akinci, President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.



Speaking at the ceremony, Erdogan called TANAP the fruit of the shared vision of the countries involved in the project and said it would pave the way for similar future projects.

A historic step

“The political and economic stability ensured over the last 16 years in Turkey has played a very significant role in realizing TANAP in such a short time,” Erdogan said, referring to the era governed by the Justice and Development (AK) Party.

Calling it a historic step for the countries of the region, he added, “We are opening the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline, the backbone of the southern gas corridor, which we call the Silk Road of energy.”

Erdogan said the project was made possible primarily due to good Turkish-Azeri relations, based on mutual trust. He added that the harmonization and understanding among producers, transit, consumer countries, and companies also sped up the process.




掌握舒緩技巧與療法能幫助女性有效應對月經期間的腰痛問題,是提升生活品質的重要一步。 歸納要點:

  • 中醫辨證論治,根據個人體質使用當歸、川芎等中藥,針對月經腰痛有效調理。
  • 穴位按摩如腎俞、八髎和承山,有助於促進氣血通暢,緩解疼痛。
  • 調整生活習慣,保持腰腹溫暖及適度運動可以減少疼痛發生的機率。




  • 須注意事項 :
    • 中醫方法對於個體差異的適應性有限,並非所有人都能從相同的療法中獲益,這在治療月經腰痛時可能導致效果不佳。
    • 穴位按摩需要專業知識,如果由非專業人士進行,不僅效果會大打折扣,甚至可能因手法不當造成額外傷害或不適。
    • 生活習慣調整需要長期堅持,但許多人面對快節奏的現代生活難以做到,這使得依賴於習慣改變來減少疼痛的做法不夠可行。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 市場上競爭者眾多,各種緩解月經腰痛的方法層出不窮,包括西醫藥物和其他替代療法,這使得中醫的市場份額受到威脅。
    • 隨著科技進步,人們越來越傾向於依賴數據驅動的治療方案,而傳統中醫理論與現代科學之間存在一定距離,可能影響其接受度。
    • 社會對健康資訊的快速更新,使得一些老舊或未經證實的方法容易被淘汰,中醫在年輕群體中的吸引力可能逐漸降低。







  • 穴道按摩能迅速舒緩經痛,適合在經期時使用。
  • 熱水澡和熱敷可有效減輕腰部疼痛,冷熱敷交替也有助於放鬆肌肉。
  • 瑜伽或皮拉提斯可以幫助穩定核心,從而減少經痛症狀。
  • 建議飲用生薑肉桂紅糖飲及杜仲桑葚茶,以改善氣血失調與寒氣問題。
  • 每天進行至少50分鐘的健走,有助於提升卵巢血液循環,促進健康。
  • 中醫經絡瑜伽有助於療癒身體,尤其是針對子宮的保養非常重要.



舒緩技巧/療法 效果 適用時機 優缺點 穴道按摩 迅速舒緩經痛 經期使用 優:即時效果;缺:需掌握正確手法 熱水澡和熱敷 有效減輕腰部疼痛,放鬆肌肉 經期及其他腹部不適時使用 優:簡單易行;缺:不便於外出使用 冷熱敷交替 促進血液循環,放鬆肌肉 經期或運動後的恢復期使用 優:雙重效果;缺:需準備兩種物品 瑜伽或皮拉提斯 幫助穩定核心,減少經痛症狀 日常鍛鍊及經前週期間使用 優:長期改善效果;缺:初學者可能有困難 生薑肉桂紅糖飲及杜仲桑葚茶 改善氣血失調與寒氣問題,增強身體抵抗力 平時飲用或作為保健飲品使用時最佳 優:天然成分;缺:味道偏甜可能不適合所有人 健走(50分鐘) 提升卵巢血液循環,促進健康與代謝功能 每天建議執行,不限任何時間段 優:方便、可隨時進行;缺:需要持之以恆的習慣 中醫經絡瑜伽 針對子宮保養,有助於療癒身體 定期參加課程或自我練習 優: 整體調理身心 ; 缺: 需要專業指導才能取得最好效果



1. **精準穴位定位與深度按摩**:運用現代科技,比如穴位按摩儀或熱敷墊,能夠快速找到疼痛點,並進行深層次的按摩。這樣不僅能放鬆肌肉,還可以有效地緩解痙攣和疼痛。

2. **芳香療法結合穴位按摩**:使用一些舒緩精油,例如薰衣草或玫瑰天竺葵,搭配穴位按摩,可以透過吸入或塗抹來加強鎮痛效果。這種雙重療法讓你在享受香氣的同時也能感受到身體的放鬆。

3. **按摩手法創新**:把中醫和西醫的方法結合起來,你會發現許多創新的手法專門針對不同經期症狀設計。不妨根據自己的需求選擇最適合你的舒緩方案!







不妨考慮將認知行為療法 (CBT) 整合進你的生活中。這種方法鼓勵我們挑戰那些與疼痛相關的負面思維,比如「我永遠無法擺脫這種疼痛」等消極信念,並學會建立更積極的應對機制。試著重塑你對疼痛的看法,也許會讓你獲得意想不到的輕鬆與舒適!

Keyword: 裝潢

At the End of October 2021, VISTA Completed the Delivery of Non-standard Deep Groove Ball Bearing 909001 and 909002 for Overseas Customers

VISTA is a leading global supplier of high quality ball and roller bearings. Vista can directly provide customers with standard bearings or customized products. Vista also has its own factory to provide its own agents with high-quality products.


At the end of October, 2021, Vista had a batch of new orders. Previous orders were all standard bearing products purchased directly by customers. This time, the order is non-standard customization, i.e. deep groove ball Bearing 909001 and deep groove ball Bearing 909002 .


Here are more details about bearing 909001 with high quality assurance :


0,173 KG




19,05 MM


52,83 MM


17,9 MM





Vista’s products are absolutely reliable. Each product is marked with Vista’s logo and product model. The packing of the goods is also guaranteed. Therefore, whether from the perspective of the product itself or from the perspective of Vista’s service, vista is the most satisfactory manufacturer and supplier for bearing purchasers.


Welcome to contact Vista to be your reliable supplier!


About Vista:

VISTA is a leading global supplier of high quality ball and roller bearings. Modest (Shanghai)Power Transmission Fittings Co., Ltd and Vista (Jiangsu) Industry Co.,Ltd are VISTA’S sole authorized dealer in Asia to manufacture VISTA bearing products and serve customers worldwide.


As a one-stop bearing supplier, VISTA offers professional application analysis, solutions and inventory management proposals. With well-trained sales and customer service staffs, professional lab service and engineer teams, VISTA not only can provide quick & accurate service, strong technical support but also meet various customers’ requirements.


When the whole bearing industry faces severely lagged deliveries, VISTA’S greatly optimized production process, improved production efficiency and shortened production circle. For regular series of bearings, VISTA offers a 45-day delivery period, which can meet customers’ requirements timely.


Welcome all the bearing experts and users worldwide to join VISTA family and share the achievement of VISTA.


Contact Vista: 

Website: www.vista-bearing.com



Modest (Shanghai) Power Transmission Fittings Co., Ltd

Vista (Jiangsu) Industry Co.,Ltd

Tel: 0086-512-50138834

Fax: 0086-512-50138847

Moblie: 13681933096,13818822628

Email: export@vista-bearing.com






3411 Hornbeam Dr. Houston. Texas. 77082. U.S.A.

Email: vista-us@vista-bearing.com



Hi-Roll Bearings

Unit 1/44-46 Mills Road


Email: barrie@hirollbearings.com.au



Keyword: cnc prototyping

China Southern Precision: Ball screw used in automotive wire control systems, and subsidiary Southern Yongning new energy vehicle bearings have been put into production

According to the Financial AI Telegraph report, Southern Precision stated in its latest investor relations activity record that it currently does not have any business cooperation relationship with Tesla, and the company’s existing factory buildings are sufficient to meet current business and development needs. The ball screw produsts developed by Southern Precision is mainly widely used in automobile brake-by-wire systems. The project has reached production in 2023 and successfully formed sales. Southern Precision's holding subsidiary Southern Yongning New Energy Automobile Bearing (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. has been put into production in the first quarter of 2024.

In addition, Shanghai Zhencheng Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., another holding subsidiary of Southern Precision, is mainly engaged in the research and development and design of integrated circuits. Its products are widely used in consumer electronics such as TWS headsets, smart home appliances, health and medical supplies, and new energy vehicles. chip market. In the future, Southern Precision will continue to promote the research and development and investment of related chip products according to the company's strategic layout.

Keyword: cnc prototyping

What is Metal Casting: Process, Types and Applications

flange machining

Metal casting, a metalworking process involving liquid metal and a mold, has existed for thousands of years.

Over its history, metal casting has been used to make everything from swords to wind turbines, and today it is one of the most valuable and versatile methods for making high-quality metal parts.

This guide looks at the basics of casting metal, including its many variants — die casting, investment casting, etc. — and the most common casting metals.

What is metal casting?

Metal casting is a type of casting process that involves pouring molten liquid metal into a mold.

The inside of the mold is designed with a negative impression of the part being made, so when the molten metal cools and solidifies within the mold, it takes the shape of the final part. The finished part can then be removed from the mold.

Depending on the parts being made and the metals being used, there are different varieties of metal casting, each with their own particular advantages. Patterns, molds, and filling techniques can vary greatly between these varieties.

Although casting metal is a versatile process, cast parts are subject to certain design constraints, and engineers must account for the shrinkage of metal during the cooling stage.

The metal casting process explained

The central metal casting process involves heating up a metal, pouring it into a mold, waiting for it to cool and solidify, then removing the finished part from the mold. In reality, there can be many more stages to the process, and different metal casting processes work in different ways.

The following is a simplified overview of the metal casting process. Note that some steps vary for different casting variants, while some are omitted altogether.

1. Making the pattern: Starting at the beginning, many metal casting processes require the fabrication of a pattern, a duplicate of the final part that is used to make the mold. Patterns can be either permanent or expendable, and can be made of materials like wax, wood, and plastic.

2. Making the core: For the casting of hollow parts, it may be necessary to design a core, a solid piece of material placed inside the mold cavity that shapes the interior geometry of a cast part. (For example, a cylindrical core within a larger cylindrical mold will produce a tube-shaped cast part.)

3. Making the mold: Molds are made in different ways depending on the process. For example, permanent metal molds can be made using a CNC machine, while sand molds are made by applying a sand mixture to the exterior of a pattern. The practice of fabricating molds is known as moldmaking and is a specialist discipline.

4. Filling the mold: The metal is heated up until it melts, then poured or forced into the mold. In gravity casting, for example, the molten material is poured downwards into the cavity; in high pressure die casting, it is forced into the cavity at high pressure, with high clamping forces required to keep the die secure.

5. Removing the part: Once the cast part is cooled and solidified, it is removed from the mold. For processes like sand casting, this means the mold must be destroyed to get to the part inside; for permanent molds, the two halves of the metal mold are pulled apart and ready to use again.

6. Post-processing: Cast metal parts may require cleaning — to remove remnants of the mold, for example — or other post-processing steps before they are ready for use.

Advantages of metal casting

There are numerous reasons to choose metal casting over other metalworking options like forging or CNC machining. Some of the key benefits of metal casting include:

  • Suitable for mass production
  • Can produce huge and heavy parts
  • Can produce very thick-walled parts
  • Suitable for large one-piece parts (rather than assembled components)
  • Excellent bearing qualities
  • Ideal for some light alloys
  • Material versatility

Limitations of metal casting include unavoidable defects, limited dimensional accuracy (compared to e.g. CNC machining), labor-intensiveness, and typically high minimum order quantities.

The main types of metal casting

Die casting

One of the most important types of metal casting for intricate and detailed parts, die casting uses two reusable tool steel dies as tooling. The process is similar to plastic injection molding: the molten material is forced into the cavity at high pressure, which allows engineers to make parts with fine details.

The cost of creating custom dies is high, which makes the process more common in mass production. Once manufactured, however, these dies can be used many times. Die castings tend to have an excellent surface finish.

Aluminum die casting and magnesium die casting are both widely employed for high-quality parts.

Gravity casting

Like die casting, gravity casting is a way of casting metal using a reusable metal mold. However, gravity casting relies upon gravitational forces to move liquid metal through the mold, top to bottom, rather than pressure. Molds must be preheated before the first casting and are often made from cast iron due to its low thermal fatigue.

Gravity casting predates all other metal casting techniques, with gravity cast parts existing for millennia. It is a form of permanent mold casting; alternatives to the gravity cast process include gas pressure and vacuum.

Investment casting (lost wax casting)

Investment casting or lost wax casting is a way of casting metal using an expendable pattern and mold: both items are destroyed during the casting process (although the melted wax can often be reused).

Like gravity casting, investment casting is thousands of years old. During the lost wax casting process, a pattern is made from wax or an equivalent material — sometimes by hand, sometimes using a resin 3D printer — before a refractory material is poured around the pattern to make the mold.

The investment is the ceramic layer applied around the pattern which then functions as the mold for the molten metal. This ceramic layer is removed in a process called divesting.

Sand casting

Sand casting is a simple, centuries-old method of casting metal and is more affordable than alternative techniques. It uses sand (mixed with a bonding material like clay) as a mold material, and the molds are capable of withstanding high heat.

In the sand casting process, a pattern is immersed in sand contained within a special box called a flask. By compacting the sand around the pattern, a mold can be made into which molten metal can be poured.

The sand used in the metal casting process can be either green sand (wet clay) or air set sand (dry sand with an adhesive).

Other casting processes

There are dozens more metal casting processes used in manufacturing, including loam molding and shell molding — both expendable mold processes — and permanent mold processes like centrifugal casting and continuous casting.

Casting pressure: high or low?

Metal die casting is a valuable metalworking process, and it can be divided into two further categories: high pressure die casting and low pressure die casting. Choosing the right pressure depends on factors like material, wall thickness, and part size.

High pressure die casting is a more common technique than low pressure die casting, and is used more than twice as often.

Ideal for soft alloys like aluminum and zinc, high pressure die casting involves forcing the liquid metal into the mold at high pressure and high speed, requiring a powerful press to keep the mold closed. The process is therefore more expensive than low pressure die casting.

Advantages of high pressure die casting:

  • Fast production
  • Thin walls possible
  • Smooth surface finish
  • Minimal shrinkage

Low pressure die casting is a slower form of die casting that forces molten metal into the mold more gently. It is suitable for alloys with low melting points. Although slower than high pressure die casting, the process of casting metal at low pressure is suitable for complex geometries and can produce very strong parts.

Advantages of low pressure die casting:

  • Strong parts
  • Complex geometries

Castable metals

A variety of metals are suited to the casting process. However, the three most common casting materials accepted by 3ERP are aluminum, zinc, and magnesium.

Aluminum casting

Casting aluminum is the most widespread means of forming aluminum. It is used to manufacture items like industrial and automotive parts such as transmissions and engines from alloys such as A380 and A383.

There are a few ways to perform aluminum casting. Aluminum die casting is excellent for high-volume production due to its speed and excellent surface finish; permanent mold casting is suitable for extra-strength aluminum parts; and sand casting is appropriate for the aluminum casting of small quantities and intricate geometries.

Regardless of the casting process, casting aluminum makes strong and lightweight parts and is therefore highly versatile.

Zinc casting

Zinc alloys are popular, affordable, and widely available metals suitable for casting. Zinc casting typically involves high pressure die casting, allowing for high production rates and minimal post-processing requirements.

Because of zinc’s high casting fluidity, zinc casting can result in parts with very thin walls and fine details. Zinc can also be cold-formed for better joining.

Manufacturers can choose between ZAMAK zinc alloys or zinc-aluminum (ZA) alloys. Cast zinc parts include automotive components, air conditioning parts, and electronic components.

Magnesium casting

Casting — in particular high pressure die casting — is by far the most common metalworking process for making magnesium parts, accounting for around 98% of magnesium part production.

As magnesium is the lightest of all structural metals, it is ideal for lightweighting applications. Other advantages of magnesium casting include very thin walls, excellent detail, and a good stiffness-to-weight ratio.

In small quantities, magnesium parts can also be made using plaster casting, though magnesium die casting is best for professional applications.

3ERP is a prototyping specialist with a dependable network of casting companies available for your next project, no matter how small. Get a free quote today.

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The Story of the Blackest Color Ever Made

cnc machining china

Colors are all around us, from the pictures we paint to the clothes we wear. But, have you ever thought about where colors come from? Today, we’re going to discuss the science behind color transmission and absorption, as well as why it’s important for new product design and development. Understanding how light interacts with a surface will help you to fine tune your product’s look to achieve exactly the effect you want. And to illustrate this, we’ll also take a look at who made Vantablackthe blackest color ever made.

What is Color?

Throughout history, there have been numerous competing theories about exactly what color is. From a physics standpoint, color is what comes from a beam of visible light, split up into different wavelengths, which produce the sensation of color. Put all those wavelengths together at one time and you get white. Split them into discrete bundles and you get all the colors of the rainbow. In this case, black is the absence of light and hence, not a color. If you think of color as a pigment or molecular additive, like artists do, white becomes the absence of pigment and black is all the colors put together.

In all the cases when we see a color, we are depending on light to reflect off a surface and back to our eyes where we then interpret it as one of the known colors. (Ten million or more possible visible wavelengths.) But what if nothing comes back?

Absorbing light

First, a little history. Back in the ‘90s, NASA and other organizations were seeking a new way to block out all incidental or reflected light so that sensitive telescopes and other instruments could get a clearer view of the night sky.

They eventually settled on the use of carbon nanotubes, which are atomically small structures of pure carbon that could withstand the rigors of space travel while absorbing light. The process has since been refined to create a more user-friendly coating called Vantablack, which is an acronym that stands for “Vertically Aligned Nanotube Array.”

But, who made Vantablack? One of the darkest substances on record, Vantablack was developed by Surrey Nanosystems, one of the world’s leading developers of special coatings.

With Vantablack, tiny filaments of carbon nanotubes stick up from the surface of a substrate. Their dense arrangement ensures that any beams of light that strike the surface get bounced around between tubes, eventually being absorbed in the form of heat. Light goes in but it doesn’t come out. None of it.

Painted profile appears to lack any dimension

The effect of staring at a swatch of Vantablack is said to be like staring into the void – a void utterly without depth, dimension, or form of any kind.

A new realm of design possibilities

Vantablack was originally licensed to the artist Sir Anish Kapoor, but other architects and artists successfully have recently fought for the right to use Vantablack in their own work.

One example of this was displayed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea. When visitors entered the games, they were confronted with a cube coated in a sprayable form of Vantablack known as VB x2. The architect Asif Khan intended to create a total void without apparent dimension, like the depths of empty space, dotted with thousands of tiny LED lights to suggest a starry sky against the white snow-capped mountains.

This is an example of an artistic use for the blackest color, but it’s also being employed for other scientific instruments since it can successfully absorb all kinds of stray energy, not just visible light.

Can you use it in your next prototyping or low-volume manufacturing project? Well, true Vantablack is a highly engineered substance which is vacuum-deposited under very controlled conditions. But the sprayable form is, according to Surrey Nanosystems, being used in aerospace, automotive, consumer electronics, luxury items, architecture and scientific instruments. Can you find a new way to use it? The possibilities are up to you, but when you’re ready to get started we’re ready to help with a free quote and project review.





Keyword: 室內設計