Guerre Israël-Hamas : les Etats-Unis ont présenté un projet de résolution à l'ONU pour un "cessez-le-feu immédiat" à Gaza

Washington espère envoyer un “signal fort”. Le secrétaire d’Etat américain a annoncé, mercredi 20 mars, que les Etats-Unis ont présenté un projet de résolution aux membres du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU appelant à un “cessez-le-feu immédiat lié à la libération des otages” dans la bande de Gaza. A plusieurs reprises ces derniers mois, Washington avait mis son veto à des résolutions appelant à des cessez-le-feu immédiats entre les deux parties.

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'Really Scary': 29 Rescued After Boats Capsize In Westport: UPDATE

WESTPORT, CT — Twenty-nine people, 27 of whom are between the ages of 14 and 18, were rescued from 44-degree water late Wednesday afternoon, when their rowing sculls and motorboat capsized off the Westport shore, according to authorities.

The rowers are from the Saugatuck Rowing Club, which had three 60-foot, nine-person sculls in the water, in addition to a coach’s motorboat.

According to authorities, the rescue, chaotic at times, took roughly 40 minutes. Though initial reports said there were no injuries among the 29 people pulled from the water, two of the young rowers were taken to Norwalk Hospital, suffering from hypothermia.

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“It was really cold,” said Davis Evans, a Weston High School junior, who is one of the rowers rescued. “I couldn’t really talk. When we got back to the beach, we could barely walk.

“I tried to do a good job of keeping my cool, but it was really scary. I’m still kind of shaken up, it hasn’t really sunk in yet. But out on the water, I tried not to freak out.”

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The rowers got into trouble when the weather turned on Wednesday afternoon, and the wind picked up. Before the change in the weather, the rowers had ventured out to the waters near Cockenoe Island, where some were rescued.

Some managed to swim to shore, others came in by boat, and some were still in the water as emergency vessels arrived. Beside the water being 44 degrees, the air temperature was 40 degrees offshore.

“There were two to three-feet swells that were crashing into the boats,” Evans said. “We weren’t really prepared for it, because it was glass water before that, really clean. But then it got windy, and the waves started crashing into our boats, and they began filling up with water.”

The sculls were the first to capsize, and the coach’s motorboat then capsized after some of the rowers tried to hang onto it.

Two adult coaches were among the 29 people rescued. According to Westport Police Chief Foti Koskinas, in addition to Westport police and fire boats, boats from the Fairfield and Stamford Marine divisions; the U.S. Coast Guard; Norwalk police and fire boats; the Noroton Fire Boat; and a second coach’s boat from the rowing club were also involved in the rescue.

“This was truly a team effort,” said Koskinas, during a news conference Wednesday night. “We are grateful for our surrounding agencies who assisted us with this incident, and remind our communities that when a large scale event like this happens, we all show up to help.”

Koskinas said this was the largest water rescue in Westport’s history, and the investigation into what happened is continuing.

“This was considered a mass casualty incident, with unknown outcomes at the time. We kept our entire crews out on the water for another hour, even though we thought we had all 29 people accounted for, just in case someone came back and said it was 30 people.”

He continued, “It was a managed chaotic scene. There was a lot of emotion, it’s an open area, which is difficult to manage, with parents, all the first responders, the media.”

Westport First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker said that she is thankful that the outcome was not worse.

“We just want to say that we hope that all the families, all the kids, all the athletes are reunited and feeling safe, and are feeling well taken care of,” Tooker said during the news conference. “That’s the most important thing. I also want to say thank you to the amazing leadership team that are standing here behind me. We are so blessed with a such a professional group of first responders here in Westport. Things could have gone very differently tonight, but they didn’t, because we have an excellent, excellent police department, fire department and EMS department here in Westport.”

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Bernards Residents Fight Back Against Crime, Form Police Nonprofit

BASKING RIDGE, NJ — Following a recent surge in home invasions and crime, a small group of residents is forming a nonprofit organization to support the police department and protect their community.

Erin Witte, Christine Ziegler, and Mayor Jennifer Asay formed The Bernards Township Law Enforcement Foundation (BTLEF) which seeks to provide support to local law enforcement by offering education, training, equipment, and technology that will help reduce crime, increase officer safety, and improve community relations.

Their goal is to help law enforcement officers protect and serve the residents of Bernards Township.

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An “unexpected and frightening” home invasion at Witte’s home this past fall prompted her to form a partnership with the police and start the nonprofit.

Witte and her husband Paul along with their two teenage daughters have lived in the Liberty Corner section of the township for the past 15 years.

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“We have always felt this is a safe, welcoming, and supportive community and that sense of safety was damaged when our home, our loving home, was broken into in the early morning of Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023,” said Witte, who spoke at an Understanding Bernards Town Hall in February.

At 4:42 a.m., Witte’s home security cameras captured four people pulling up to her home in a car.

Two people can be seen walking up the driveway and opening the front storm door. The main front door was locked so the suspects went to the back of the house with a crow bar.

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Using the crowbar they broke the lock in the living room window, climbed onto their couch and went into the kitchen where they took Paul’s wallet and car keys from the kitchen counter.

The suspects then left the house through the same open window, started the car, and knocked over the Witte’s mailbox as they sped away, said Witte.

“What is most frightening about all of this is that it happened while we were all asleep and completely vulnerable,” said Witte.

Bernards Township Police arrived in the morning and using an app they were able to track down Paul’s car to a chop shop in the Bronx, NY. The New York City Police were able to impound it and return it. However, Witte said the car had $24,000 worth of damage done to it.

“The morning of Oct. 5 was one of the worst days of our lives. I might not recall all of the details from that day but I can say the men and women of the Bernards Township Police Department were professional, kind, thorough, and genuinely concerned for our family’s wellbeing and it was obvious to me that our situation was personal to them as well,” said Witte.

After the robbery, Witte told Patch she was very passionate in that moment about wanting to help support the police department.

Witte met with Police Chief Jon Burger and asked, “What can I do to help?”

Burger mentioned equipment such as license plate readers, more training, and other items that the department needed.

That’s when Witte got together with Ziegler, and Mayor Asay to form BTLEF.

“My father bravely served as a law enforcement officer for 42 years in Indianapolis. My brother currently is serving his 26th year with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. I am a proud law enforcement family member. As a Bernards Township resident and Committeeperson, I have seen the BTPD’s work firsthand and have been so impressed by and am grateful for the brave women and men of the BTPD, serving under the leadership of Chief Jon Burger. My interest in this organization is driven by my personal understanding and gratitude of our law enforcement officers,” said Asay to Patch.

The nonprofit will be organized exclusively for charitable purposes to aid the Bernards Township Police Department in providing supplemental programs and initiatives not fully by Bernards Township.

“As a Mayor, I see additional benefits of this organization. While the town allocates budget for the tools the BTPD needs, sometimes the once yearly budget timing may result in a delay, until the next budget cycle, for the police to obtain new tools. Additionally, when the chief determines priority of tools for the department, needs may be based on what serves the most residents. If there is a fund like this, if a certain group of residents have an interest in a specific tool, like having a speed sign trailer to slow traffic near their homes, they could donate to achieve this desire, if the police agreed to this solution,” said Asay.

Some of BTLEF’s offerings will include:

    If you are interested in serving with this new group, click here. They are especially seeking people with experience in bylaws, fundraising, and treasurer/accounting.

    Burger thanked Witte for starting the nonprofit at the Town Hall.

    “It’s a partnership between the police and the community. Erin is one of those rare people who had a traumatic incident but refuses to continue to be a victim so she wants to do whatever she can to not be a victim anymore,” said Burger.

    “In October entering our home was so much more brazen and such an invasion of our privacy. That’s what really kind of pushed me over the edge,” said Witte. “We are aware of what’s going on and we are not going to be complacent. We can’t stop crime but we can deter it and make it difficult to commit in Bernards.”

    Watch the Understand Bernards – Police Department Town Hall below. Witte starts speaking at 1:16.55:

    Have a news tip? Email alexis.tarrazi@patch.com.

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    Nick Aldis Recently Had Surgery For A Torn Bicep, Is Not Expected To Miss Any Time In WWE

    Nick Aldis is dealing with a torn bicep.


    According to PW Insider, the National Treasure underwent surgery on March 20 for the mentioned injury and is not foreseen to miss any scheduled appearances as the General Manager for WWE SmackDown.

    Aldis later verified the news on social media. He writes:

    Yes, I just got out of surgery for a ruptured bicep tendon, and yes, the sheets had it within minutes. God bless ’em. Must be a slow news day…anyway it was a freak accident, I’m on the mend, and I will continue to fulfill my obligations.

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    ZFE : entre délais de mise en place et manque de contrôles, des contraintes très limitées

    La qualité de l’air s’améliore et le gouvernement a décidé d’assouplir les règles dans les zones à faibles émissions (ZFE), c’est-à-dire dans les plus grandes villes, pour la circulation des véhicules polluants. Ainsi, les voitures Crit’Air 3 qui devaient être interdites à partir de janvier 2025 à Rouen, Strasbourg et Marseille ne le seront finalement pas. Seuls Paris et Lyon devront prohiber ces véhicules de leur centre-ville. Mais rien ne semble indiquer que ces interdictions seront forcément accompagnées de contrôles et de sanctions dissuasives.

    à lire aussi Marseille, Strasbourg et Rouen autorisées à laisser les véhicules Crit’Air 3 circuler dans les ZFE : “Une décision malhonnête et politique”, dénonce Respire

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    West Deptford Man Sexually Chatted With NJ Child: Prosecutor

    WEST DEPTFORD, NJ — A West Deptford man engaged in sexually explicit online conversations with a 14-year-old girl, authorities said.

    Jeremy M. Slickerman, 33, was charged with third-degree child endangerment. He was arrested at his home Friday.

    Slickerman communicated with the victim — a Monmouth County resident — through several online-chat platforms, including Xbox Live, Skype, Discord and Chat IB, authorities said. In their conversations, Slickerman encouraged the girl to travel to a park near his home, where they could meet, according to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.

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    He also suggested the teen engage in sexual acts with relatives, neighbors and classmates, the prosecutor’s office said.

    An investigation into the matter began earlier this month, when prosecutors received a referral from the Middletown Township Police Department.

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    Slickerman used the username “Blue Jay” on Chat IB and went by “Tcencho” on the other platforms, authorities said.

    Anyone with information about his activities can contact MCPO Det. Dylan Lovgren at 800-533-7443 or Middletown Police Det. Janine Kennedy at 732-615-2100.

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    Backstage News On How Many More Matches Will Be Added To The WWE WrestleMania 40 Card

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    A big update regarding WWE WrestleMania 40.


    WrestleVotes is reporting this morning that fans can expect at least four more matches to be announced for this year’s Showcase of the Immortals, which takes place on April 6th and April 7th from Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The belief is that WWE wants at least seven matches per night.



    Seth Rollins & Cody Rhodes vs. The Rock & Roman Reigns (If Cody and Seth win then all members of The Bloodline will be barred from ringside during Cody’s Undisputed WWE Universal Championship match against Reigns on Night 2.
    If Reigns and Rock win, then the championship match on Night 2 will be held under Bloodline Rules.


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    Les gérants d'un bar emprisonnés en Russie pour "extrémisme" LGBT+, une première

    C’est une première pour ce motif en Russie. Les gérants d’un bar d’Orenbourg, une ville de l’Oural, ont été placés en détention provisoire pour “extrémisme” LGBT+, mercredi 20 mars, et risquent jusqu’à dix ans de prison.

    “Il s’agit de la première affaire pénale de ce type en Russie après la décision de la Cour suprême de classer [sous l’étiquette] extrémiste le mouvement LGBT”, s’est félicitée Ekaterina Mizoulina, une militante défendant les “valeurs traditionnelles” prônées par Vladimir Poutine.

    à lire aussi Présidentielle en Russie : l’offensive ultraconservatrice, l’autre guerre de Vladimir Poutine

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    Cherry Hill's Proposed School Budget Increases Taxes, Prevents Layoffs

    CHERRY HILL, NJ — Massive reductions in state aid won’t force Cherry Hill schools to lay off staff or increase class sizes. But that will come at a cost.

    The Cherry Hill School District would raise taxes by $194.71 on the average assessed home worth $226,922, according to the preliminary budget for the next school year that was approved at Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting.

    That’s on top of the tax obligation from the 2022 bond referendum, which raised taxes by $386 on the average home.

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    The budget’s general fund, as outlined, would fall from $256.1 million in the current school year to $251.6 million for 2024-25 — a 1.8 percent decrease. But local taxation would increase 3.6 percent — from $189.3 million to $196.2 million — because of slashes to state aid and other outside-funding sources.

    Cherry Hill schools will receive $29.5 million in state-equalization aid from Gov. Phil Murphy’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year — a 19 percent decrease from this school year’s allocation of $36.4 million and the district’s lowest total since 2021-22.

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    Past reporting:

    Several board members praised Assistant Superintendent Lynn E. Shugars, who presented the proposed budget, for finding ways to prevent layoffs and other negative impacts for students.

    “We’re not going to be seeing any increase in class sizes,” said Board Member Adam Greenbaum. “We’re keeping all of our academic support services in place. Our students should not see the impact of these cuts.”

    Retirements and other projected job vacancies helped trim the budget. The district will also reduce spending on equipment, supplies, professional development and athletics, according to Shugars.

    The budget is merely preliminary. The school board will hold a public hearing April 30 on the revised budget.
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    Several community members expressed concerns about the tax hikes. Laurie Neary, a former board member and president, said the board should rethink burdening the taxpayers, since shortfalls in equalization funding could remain an issue until state lawmakers come up with a new formula for distributing school aid.

    “I am absolutely terrified of a tax impact like that on the average homeowner,” said Laurie Neary, a former board member and president. ” … We are now pitting our taxpayers against our students and staff. It’s a Sophie’s choice. I hate it.”

    Board President Miriam Stern echoed that reductions in state aid made budgeting a Sophie’s choice, calling the local tax hikes “a really difficult decision” and a “huge ask” for property owners.

    But Stern endorsed another tool that could help Cherry Hill balance its budget: community advocacy. Since state officials revealed last month that Cherry Hill would receive the state’s second-largest reduction in equalization aid, the district community has mobilized for better state funding.

    Dozens of stakeholders, including students, will bus to Trenton on Wednesday to push for the restoration of Cherry Hill’s state aid. Several will testify before the State Assembly’s Budget Committee.

    “We are grateful for the advocacy that’s been happening,” Stern said. “We will continue to advocate. My hope is that our voices will be heard and that we will be able to have a revised budget by April 30th.”

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    C.M. Punk coming back to Chicago to appear on Raw, announces WWE today


    WWE is touting the return of C.M. Punk to Monday Night Raw in two weeks when the show emanates from his hometown of Chicago, Ill. A press release issued to PWTorch today notes that there are “new seating sections released to meet demand.”

    The complete press release follows…

    WWE, part of TKO Group Holdings, today announced that C.M. Punk will make a sensational return to Monday Night Raw at Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois, on Monday, March 25.

    The sold-out show will now have brand new seating sections opened to meet demand. Fans are invited to visit www.ticketmaster.com from 10.00am CT / 11.00 a.m. ET to purchase the final remaining tickets.

    This will mark C.M. Punk’s first return to Chicago’s Allstate Arena since he shocked the world back in November with a stunning return to WWE at Survivor Series, garnering more than 71 million record-breaking views across social media platforms.

    His last appearance on Monday Night Raw on February 5, 2024, saw him reveal an injury sustained at Royal Rumble that would force him to miss WrestleMania XL. Questions remain around what the self-proclaimed “Best In the World” will have to say when he addresses the WWE Universe in-person on Monday, March 25.

    Punk suffered an injury during the Royal Rumble, which knocked him out of the WrestleMania 40 line-up where he was expected to face Seth Rollins for the World Hvt. Title. He appeared on the panel discussion at WWE’s WrestleMania 40 Kick-off show in Las Vegas, Nev. and has been a target of steady verbal digs by Drew McMahon, suggesting a feud between them when Punk is cleared to return to wrestling.

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