AEW Dynamite Drops In Viewership For March 27th Episode, Key Demo Also Down

The viewership numbers are in for the March 27th edition of AEW Dynamite on TBS.


According to WrestleNomics, the program drew 747,000 viewers and scored a 0.23 in the 18-49 demographic. This is down from the March 20th episode, which drew 800,000 viewers and scored a 0.27 in the key demo. AEW finished #3 in the key demo behind the two NBA games that were broadcast yesterday.

Dynamite featured top stars in action like Will Ospreay, Swerve Strickland, Konosuke Takeshita, Mercedes Moné, Willow Nightingale, Samoa Joe, Orange Cassidy and more. Wrestling Headlines will continue to provide weekly viewership updates for all of AEW’s programming. Stay tuned.

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An Upper East Side Favorite Grocer Reopens Monday, With More Room

UPPER EAST SIDE, NY — The earth was built in seven days, so the story goes.

“But Butterfield was built in eight,” says Alan Obsatz.

He’s owned Butterfield Market since the 1970’s, when he first moved to an apartment above the Lexington Avenue store, near East 79th Street.

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The popular grocer closed its doors on March 22 for a full renovation — and to connect it with a new corner space recently acquired by the market, which will boost their space by an additional 1,000 square feet for a total of roughly 3,000 square feet.

In the new space, Butterfield Market will add in a new espresso and breakfast bakery area, where customers rushing to the nearby 6 train station or Lenox Hill Hospital can pop in and grab an on-the-go meal. The area will also contain a chef’s table with an array of sandwiches, and a sushi counter.

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Since purchasing the circa 1915 upscale market on Lexington Avenue, Obsatz, 77, has moved (to another unit in the building, where he lives to this day), brought his children — Joelle and Evan — into the business, and opened a second retail location on Madison Avenue and East 85th Street in 2020.

But last year when the longtime florist next door — Windsor Florist — decided to close up shop and focus on their Second Avenue location, Butterfield jumped on an opportunity they haven’t had since the store last renovated in 1993 and expanded into a small, neighboring haberdashery shop.

Years earlier, the market had also taken over a neighboring electrical shop.

“My dad gave that guy CPR once,” Joelle said.

Growing up above the family grocery business, Joelle says she viewed the market as an extension of her kitchen as a child.

She remembers her mother saying “thank goodness we have a store” growing up whenever her football-playing brother had his large, hungry friends over.

“They used to put me on top of the freezer in the store,” Joelle told Patch, “and I would just draw pictures.”

When Patch visited on Wednesday for an exclusive preview of the space, there wasn’t a freezer in sight: only workers, equipment and loads of wood and tile from wall to wall.

After the market closed on Friday — with stock timed to minimize the loss of food — workers rushed to clear out the space, stripping it nearly bare aside from the floors, and have been working non-stop since.

Even without after-hour work permits, Obsatz said they were confident in their one-week makeover.

The biggest change is apparent from Lexington Avenue — a gaping hole in the store where nearly every passerby stopped to gawk their heads in.

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“We’re expanding our froyo,” Joelle said of the massive missing wall.

That whole section, she said, is now going to be for their mega-popular frozen yogurt window, equipped with an additional register and froyo machine, plus at least one new flavor (vanilla).

Other changes customers will notice include a much-expanded — and dedicated — cheese section, more prepared and ready-to-cook foods, space for featured and new products, more freezer space, more breads and baked goods, more fresh local produce

The expansion was more opportunistic than planned.

At the time last spring, Butterfield was finishing up a search for a new kitchen space, to expand from their current East 92nd Street facility.

They ended up with a 10,000-square-foot facility at the base of a new residential building in Long Island City, which will also have a small, 1,000-square-foot retail market.

But don’t mistake the timing of the two projects for a strategic Butterfield expansion plan, Joelle said.

Their only planned expansion is to bring in the next generation of Obsatz’s. Maybe.

“My daughter is nine. She’s in kindergarten,” Joelle told Patch. “She’s like: ‘I want to work in Butterfield.’ She told my mom she wants to be a cashier.”

In her daughter’s words: “You gotta start somewhere.”

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Tully Garrett's Final Comments On The Launching Pad

WILMINGTON, IL — Last week, Joliet Patch was on hand to witness the removal of the Gemini Giant from his perch near the Launching Pad restaurant in Wilmington as the Joliet Area Historical Museum moved the world-famous Route 66 landmark to a temporary, secure location. By summer, the Gemini Giant will be unveiled at his new home in Wilmington, the entrance to South Island Park along the Kankakee River.

Months ago, the museum offered to purchase the Gemini Giant and the shuttered Launching Pad restaurant property from Holly Barker for a grand total of $620,000. But Barker did not accept the deal, instead, she chose to auction off just the Gemini Giant, which the Joliet Area Historical Museum purchased for $275,000.

After the March 20 hoopla was over, and the Gemini Giant was hauled away from the Launching Pad, Barker got in the face of several people, including a videographer as well as Greg Peerbolte, the Joliet Area Historical Museum chief executive officer, ordering them to get off of her Launching Pad property immediately.

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Back in October 2017, Barker and Tully Garrett bought the property in Wilmington and proceeded to devote thousands of hours into rehabilitating The Launching Pad over the next couple of years.

In 2019, Joliet Patch produced a glowing article about the Wilmington couple, and the article headline declared, “Once In Ruins, Route 66’s Launching Pad Now Open Daily.”

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“It looked like a Jurassic Park scene. It was shuttered. It was bad. The place was closed and totally in disrepair,” Barker told Joliet Patch during the May 2019 interview. “It took us about 16 months to get it back to the right look and feel. It’s back to life, and it’s in our family, and it’s going to stay here.”

Fast-forward to March 20.

Tully Garrett announced on Facebook that this would be the final post for The Launching Pad. Here’s a sampling of comments Garrett shared with everyone:

Related Joliet Patch coverage:

Destruction Of Launching Pad Underway, Police Cite Owner: 12 Photos

Gemini Giant Leaves Launching Pad, New Wilmington Spot Revealed

“I always wanted the restaurant to remain open, as well as the Giant remaining exactly where he is for future generations to come,” Tully Garrett wrote on Facebook on March 20. John Ferak/Patch

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Crise en Haïti : le pays est en proie à une situation "cataclysmique", alerte l'ONU

La situation en Haïti est “cataclysmique”, avec 1 554 personnes tuées au cours des trois premiers mois de 2024, a alerté jeudi 28 mars l’ONU, déplorant que les “frontières poreuses” facilitent l’approvisionnement des gangs en armes et munitions.

“Il est choquant de constater qu’en dépit de l’horreur de la situation sur le terrain, les armes continuent d’affluer. J’appelle à une mise en oeuvre plus efficace de l’embargo sur les armes”, estime le Haut-Commissaire de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme, Volker Türk, dans la présentation d’un nouveau rapport.

Haïti, qui vivait déjà une profonde crise politique et sécuritaire, est en proie à un regain de violences depuis le début du mois, lorsque plusieurs gangs ont uni leurs forces pour attaquer des lieux stratégiques de Port-au-Prince, disant vouloir renverser le Premier ministre Ariel Henry.

“Les institutions de l’Etat (…) au bord de l’effondrement”

Très contesté, ce dernier n’a pas pu regagner son pays après un déplacement au Kenya au début du mois. Il a accepté de démissionner le 11 mars, et le futur conseil présidentiel haïtien, qui doit prendre les rênes du pays, s’est engagé mercredi à restaurer “l’ordre public et démocratique”.

Dans son rapport, l’ONU indique que “la corruption, l’impunité et la mauvaise gouvernance, aggravées par les niveaux croissants de violence des gangs, ont érodé l’Etat de droit et conduit les institutions de l’Etat (…) au bord de l’effondrement”. Le Haut-Commissariat note qu’en dépit de l’embargo sur les armes, “le trafic illicite d’armes et de munitions à travers des frontières poreuses a fourni une chaîne d’approvisionnement fiable aux gangs”, de sorte qu’“ils disposent souvent d’une puissance de feu supérieure à celle de la police nationale haïtienne”.

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The Cicadas Are Coming! They're Cool Science; You Can Eat Them, Too.

If you haven’t heard, you’re about to: Billions, and perhaps trillions, of periodical cicadas will come out of the ground in a few weeks, setting up a cacophony of insect booty calls.

Yes, the emergence of these approximately inch-long, red-eyed insects is loud, obnoxiously so to some. But it’s also kind of beautiful. Even people who don’t live in cicada country can’t help but delight in this choreographed copulation in the treetops with full sound effects that goes on for a few weeks. (Spoiler, though: They all die.)

California may have eternal sunshine and great surfs, but one thing Golden Staters will never experience on their home turf is a periodical cicada emergence, nor will anyone outside the eastern half of the country.

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More’s the pity. Periodical cicadas are cool science. Here’s what you need to know:

Where Are Cicadas In 2024?

These insects spend most of their lives underground as nymphs feeding off the sap of tree roots. They transform into adults when they emerge and live only a few weeks above ground.

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There are three broods of 13-year cicadas and 12 broods of 17-year cicadas. This year, two broods will emerge, likely starting in late April and through June: Brood XIII, known as the Northern Illinois Brood, which has a 17-year-life cycle, and Brood XIX, the Great Southern Brood of 13-year cicadas.

These two broods haven’t emerged at the same time since 1803, and the dual emergence could produce more than 1 trillion cicadas, according to Smithsonian Institute entomologist Floyd Shockley.

Between the two broods, periodical cicadas will emerge in 16 states this year: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Virginia.

Cicadas Are Insect Sexy

Cicadas aren’t sleeping hibernators, a common misconception about the insects, according to the National Wildlife Federation. They are busy underground tunneling, but especially sucking the juice from tree roots as if they’re in training for their important job — their only one, really — during brief three or four weeks above ground.

The whole setup is insect sexy. The males come out of the ground in full voice, vibrating their tymbals — drum-like membranes on their abdomens, an anatomical structure that conveys a certain intimacy — in concerto of cicada romance.

They all — well most of them; nature is brutal — eventually make it the treetops in this choreographed cicada copulation. The females switch partners, hooking up with as many of the fellas as they can because that’s how the species continues.

Once the deed is done, females make slits in tree branches to lay their eggs. All the adults die off, and their decaying bodies add nutrients to the soil.
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Meanwhile, life goes on. The eggs hatch in about six or seven weeks. Nymphs fall to the ground and burrow into the soil, where the cycle begins anew. And just as their parents did in 2024, they will emerge en masse in another 13 or 17 years.

Cicadas Are Evolutionary Superheroes

Even if you don’t live in cicada country you can’t help but delight in their evolutionary superstardom.

Scientists can’t fully explain periodic cicadas’ evolutionary strategy. One theory is their periodic emergence is timed to avoid certain predators. Tulane University biologist Keith Clay calls the emergence of periodical cicadas “one of the most unusual biological phenomena on Earth.”

One theory is that cicadas, which are lousy flyers and a veritable fast-food buffet for predators like copperheads, have adapted to ensure they don’t all get eaten up. Even if predators have a feast, there are so many of them that enough survive to mate and lay eggs.

If they came out every 16 years, for example, predators with two-, four- and eight-year cycles would be around at the same time of year to eat them.

“The main hypothesis is that it’s very difficult for predators to have a similar life cycle, where they could actually specialize on these cicadas ’cause they also would have to have a 17-year life cycle,” Clay said in an interview with the American Association for the Advancement of Science three years ago when another brood of 17-year cicadas emerged.

Another hypothesis about the synchronized emergence of periodical cicadas is that the forced developmental delay was an adaptation to climate cooling during the ice ages.

Because their brief time above ground is so fraught with danger, periodical cicadas time their synchronized emergence at night when many of their predators are sleeping. The strategy isn’t perfect. Male cicadas make so much noise with their vibrating tymbals that every predator around knows they’ve popped out of the ground.

They are very, very loud.

Their chirping — incessant chirping, many say — can reach 100 decibels, as loud as a Harley-Davidson motorcycle with straight pipes or a jackhammer running full bore into concrete or a lawn mower cutting through tall grass.

Trigger Warning: You Can Eat ’Em

Did you know you can eat nutrient-dense cicadas? They’re high in protein and low in fat, and people who eat them call them the “shrimp of the land” and a rare delicacy.

Some common ways of cooking cicadas include deep-frying and serving the with a hot mustard dipping sauce, marinating then in teriyaki sauce, or baking them into a cake or pie. Many people consider cicadas a rare delicacy.

“We regularly eat the arthropods of the sea, and those are the shrimp, lobster and crabs,” Isa Betancourt, an entomologist from Philadelphia’s Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, told Lancaster Online in 2019, noting that “cicadas are arthropods, too.”

Cicada aficionados recommend looking for freshly hatched cicada first thing in the morning. It’s a good idea to boil them for a few minutes to make them more tender and also to kill any fungus or bacteria cicadas may have contracted during their years underground. You probably also want to remove their legs and arms.

Mike Raupp, an entomology professor at the University of Maryland, just loves them. His former students even created “Cicada-Licious: Cooking and Enjoying Periodical Cicada,” a cookbook filled with cicada recipes.

“I’ve had them several different ways and, frankly, I’ve enjoyed them every way I’ve eaten them,” Raupp told Lancaster Online.

Gaye Williams, an entomologist with the Maryland Department of Agriculture, called cicadas “the truffles of the insect world” in a 2004 interview with The Baltimore Sun.

Many cultures around the world regularly eat insects, Williams said.

“Americans are the only ones around who are grossed out by eating insects,” Williams told The Sun. “For most people around the world, insects are a major food source or delicacy.”

Raupp doesn’t understand why so many people automatically turn up their noses at the idea of eating cicadas.

“Have you ever eaten an oyster or a clam out of the bay?” he told the publication. “It lives on the bottom of the bay and filters you know what (feces). You’d eat this thing, but would not eat this delectable insect that’s been sucking on plant fat for 17 years? I think it’s weird.”

A Long, Strange Trip

Speaking of weird, researchers say cicadas answering nature’s call to perpetuate their species face a rather ghastly peril: certain types of the fungus Massospora that contain the same psychoactive chemicals found in hallucinogenic mushrooms and street amphetamines.

Cicadas that get into the fungus go on the equivalent of long, strange trip. In so many words, and more scientific ones, researchers said cicadas copulated so furiously that their genitals fall off.

And not only that, the cicadas were so inspired they continued doing it after their genitals fell off and without regard to the gender of the other bug, according to study co-author Matthew Kasson, a plant pathologist at the University of West Virginia.

He said in a news release announcing the 2019 study that cicadas infected by the fungus “engage in hypersexual behaviors.”

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Massacre du 17 octobre 1961 : l'Assemblée nationale adopte une résolution pour condamner la "répression sanglante et meurtrière" des manifestants algériens par la police

La répression avait fait entre 30 et plus de 200 victimes, selon les historiens. L’Assemblée nationale a approuvé une proposition de résolution qui “condamne la répression sanglante et meurtrière des Algériens commise sous l’autorité du préfet de police Maurice Papon” au cours d’une manifestation pacifique le 17 octobre 1961, jeudi 28 mars.

Soixante-sept députés ont voté pour le texte et 11 contre, issus des rang du Rassemblement national. Le texte “souhaite” en outre “l’inscription d’une journée de commémoration [de ce] massacre” à “l’agenda des journées nationales et cérémonies officielles”. Il “invite” enfin “le gouvernment à travailler en commun avec les autorités algériennes pour appréhender leur histoire commune, y compris celle des événements du 17 octobre 1961”.

Ce jour-là, le Front de libération national avait appelé à manifester dans les rues de Paris pour réclamer l’indépendance de l’Algérie, à l’époque département français où la guerre faisait rage depuis 1954, et la fin du couvre-feu visant les “musulmans algériens” depuis le 5 octobre. Entre 20 000 et 30 000 Algériens ont participé au rassemblement, mais celui-ci dégénère et de nombreux manifestants sont frappés avec des gourdins ou à coups de crosse par la police. Plusieurs d’entre eux sont même tués “par balle” puis jetés dans la Seine, précise l’historien Emmanuel Blanchard au Monde.

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Attentat de Moscou : le bilan de l'attaque terroriste monte à 143 morts

L’attentat dans la banlieue de Moscou a fait 143 morts, selon un nouveau bilan communiqué mercredi 27 mars par les autorités russes. Cette attaque, revendiquée par le groupe jihadiste Etat islamique, est déjà la plus meurtrière en Russie depuis une vingtaine d’années. Elle a en outre fait 80 blessés, dont six enfants, toujours hospitalisés mercredi en milieu de journée, a précisé le ministre de la Santé russe, Mikhaïl Mourachko, cité par l’agence de presse Tass.

Une source médicale anonyme a aussi affirmé mercredi matin à Tass que 205 personnes avaient reçu des soins ambulatoires ne nécessitant pas d’hospitalisation. La vice-Première ministre russe, Tatiana Golikova, a affirmé mardi à la presse que de nombreuses personnes en état de choc ne s’étaient pas immédiatement tournées vers des médecins après l’attaque, d’où la hausse soudaine de ces prises en charge. 

Lundi, le président russe Vladimir Poutine a admis pour la première fois, trois jours après les faits et la revendication de l’EI, que les assaillants présumés étaient des “islamistes radicaux”, tout en continuant à pointer du doigt l’Ukraine. Il a notamment assuré que les assaillants présumés comptaient fuir “en Ukraine”. La frontière entre ces deux pays, qui s’affrontent militairement depuis deux ans, est pourtant très difficile à franchir.

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Human Remains Scattered On Disneyland Ride Prompts Closure And Horror

ANAHEIM, CA—A popular Disneyland ride was temporarily shut down in mid-March after human cremation remains were scattered inside, according to numerous social media posts. The typical glossy black floor of the “Rise of the Resistance” attraction was smeared with bone chips and dust like a Roomba gone wrong.

The ride was closed for several hours that day due to the necessary HEPA cleaning, the original Reddit poster said in a thread named “Ashes on Attractions.” Still, the conversation has sparked numerous comments on the creepy practice of scattering cremains at the park and the psychological effects on park workers — Cast Members —forced to clean up the mess.

The Galaxy’s Edge ride has joined the short list of places at the theme park where illegal cremation scattering has been witnessed. According to both the LA Times and Wall Street Journal, “It’s a Small World,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” and “Haunted Mansion” also share that dubious honor.

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Such an incident “ruins a cast member’s day” and is “disrespectful to the crowd and the person who died,” several former cast members said on Reddit threads.

Disneyland did not answer Patch’s request for comment on the most recent photo, however this is not the first time such an instance has made the news. The Los Angeles Times has covered a handful of verified sightings of cremains scattered on Disneyland’s property in 2007. In 2018, now-retired Anaheim Police Sgt. Daron Wyatt discussed the problem with unauthorized cremation remains being released at Disneyland with the Wall Street Journal. Wyatt said that the department had been called to the scene regarding ashes at Disneyland “a handful of times.”

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In each case where witnesses saw cremation ashes scattered during rides, the attraction was shut down, and custodial employee cleanup was performed under “Code HEPA,” according to the WSJ.

Current Anaheim Police Sgt. Jon McClintock told Patch that the department had not been called for a similar instance within the past 18 months.

According to Reddit posters who claim to be park workers, cremains left at Disneyland rides are HEPA vacuumed out. The act is likely to result in a theme park ban for the ones responsible if caught.

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Definitely not a “happy” last memory for the family.

The post showed a picture of the cremation ashes and ride tracks inside Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge ride, looking like a “Roomba” gone wrong. the post quickly received hundreds of responses and sparked disgust and conversation among park lovers and workers. The photo was removed from Reddit but was shared over X, formerly Twitter, with a similar response.

Disneyland workers Patch spoke with, who chose to remain anonymous, said that if you dump cremains, be aware you’re shutting the ride down for hours.

“Depending on where you try to do this, the ashes get swept up and dumped,” one Cast Member/Redditor wrote, adding that “the ashes won’t stay where you drop them.”

Another former park worker wrote that: “Any sort of human remains require special clean up. And it ruins the day for others who lose a chance to ride because it’s closed for hours to do the specialty cleaning.” They offered other ideas in lieu of disruptive scattering. “Get ashes pressed into jewelry. Or a coin. Or a rock. Whatever. Just don’t hinder other people’s enjoyment with your entitlement. Or the dead person’s entitlement.”

“They sell special Disney-themed urns specifically to deter this,” another commenter said.

Overall, Disney fans’ most common response is, “Just don’t do it,” even if that was their loved one’s wish. According to the state’s Cemetery and Funeral Bureau’s 2023 Cremated Remains Disposers Booklet, scattering cremains without permission is a misdemeanor in the Golden State. It can result in a fine of no more than $10,000 and a county jail sentence of up to a year.

If you want to honor your loved one’s passing at Disneyland, consider just going and having lots of fun, as a Reddit commenter said:

“The best way to honor your loved ones at Disney is to just go and have lots of fun. Talk about them while you’re there and share funny stories. Eat the foods they enjoyed. Promise to gather and do it again next year.”

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6-Week Road Closure Underway As Festival Season Ramps Up In Indio

INDIO, CA—As Indio gears up for the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival and the Stagecoach Festival, city officials announced that Avenue 50 between Monroe Street and Madison Avenue will be temporarily closed from March 25 to May 6.

Motorists and pedestrians are advised to adjust their commutes accordingly. Recommended detours during the festival period include Highway 111, Dr. Carreon Boulevard, Avenue 48, and Avenue 52.

“The closure of Avenue 50 is essential to ensure the safety of workers, residents, and
commuters alike,” said Indio’s Community Services Manager Jim Curtis. “By using the recommended alternative routes, we can work together towards another exciting year where we showcase the City of Indio and greater Coachella Valley to those visiting from around the world.”

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The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival takes place April 12, 13 and 14 and April 19, 20 and 21; Stagecoach takes place April 26, 27 and 28. The Empire Polo Club will host both events.

Additional closures and access routes in the city of Indio will be announced soon, officials said.

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For concert logistics, questions or issues, call 760-391-4112 or email concertinfo@indio.org.

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Reportage "J'avais pris l'engagement de venir dans ta forêt" : Emmanuel Macron a remis la Légion d'honneur à Raoni en Amazonie

Ils ont joint leurs mains pour ne faire qu’un, sur une photo qu’on peut qualifier d’historique : Emmanuel Macron, Lula et Raoni. C’était la première étape de la toute première visite d’Emmanuel Macron au Brésil : la remise de la Légion d’honneur pour le Cacique Raoni. La cérémonie s’est déroulée mardi 26 mars au soir en plein cœur de la forêt Amazonienne, sur l’île de Combú, près de Belem.

Après avoir annoncé un programme d’investissements verts pour l’Amazonie – un milliard d’euros d’argent publics et privés sur les quatre prochaines années -, le chef de l’État français a donc remis cette décoration hautement symbolique au chef kayapo, chantre de la défense de la forêt primaire.

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