Israël : des lieux de pèlerinage pour ne pas oublier l'attaque meurtrière du 7 octobre

La visite se fait au son des explosions qui résonnent dans la bande de Gaza, toute proche de Re’im (Israël). Mais rien n’arrive à troubler la quiétude et le recueillement des pèlerins israéliens. Sur le site du festival de musique Tribe of Nova, le 7 octobre 2023, 364 personnes ont été tuées par les commandos du Hamas. Sur les champs où les victimes ont été massacrées, des arbres ont été plantés, avec la photo d’un défunt posée au pied de chacun.

Des militaires chantent à la mémoire des victimes

Ce lieu de pèlerinage est gardé par des militaires, qui accueillent parfois les visiteurs en chantant à la mémoire des victimes. À quelques kilomètres de là, à Ofaquim (Israël), l’un des premiers kibboutz à avoir été attaqué, un guide raconte aussi la tragédie aux visiteurs, qui viennent de tout le pays et même de plus loin. La plupart des autres lieux de l’attaque du 7 octobre sont, eux, toujours fermés.

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Colombian Coffee Farmers, Basking Ridge Family Expand To Open 2nd Shop

BASKING RIDGE, NJ — Growing and harvesting coffee beans from the Colombian mountains is a passion that has been passed down for six generations for Ridge High School senior Natalie Ramirez Porras.

“We grew up around coffee. When I was younger, one of the first words I knew was ‘coffee’,” said Porras to Patch. “We are very passionate about it.”

Porras and her family opened their first coffee shop Rey Sol Coffee in Ridgewood in 2020 and are now getting ready to open their second location at 140 Morris St. in Morristown this month.

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While their shop has only been open for almost 4 years, their family’s passion and dedication to the artistry of growing and roasting 100 percent single-origin, microlot Colombian beans have been a part of their lives for much longer.

In 1966, Porra’s father Arley “Gazapera” Ramirez took over Rey Sol Coffee Farms in Balboa Risaralda, Colombia, and has dedicated his life to coffee since then.

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About four years ago, Porras and her sister Linda Valentina Ramirez became more involved in the farm and helped sell their coffee beans to friends and then online before eventually opening their first shop in August 2020.

The sisters’ goal is to help their dad continue his legacy of bringing Alto del Rey’s mountain coffee to the area through Rey Sol Coffee shops.

Ramirez is the farmer, Porras handles marketing and social media, her sister is the manager, and their mother Johanna Porras oversees everything.

“We are farmers,” said Porras. “We harvest the beans and export them here. We grind them and brew them in-house. Everything we do, we always come back to it being ingrained in our family story.”

Rey Sol Coffee offers a variety of light and medium roasts. Their main barista Jorge is nationally known in Colombia for his note-tasting. He has helped to create coffee mixtures that are infused with ingredients such as whiskey, rum, Portovino, and more.

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“We put the beans in a barrel for five months and it just sits there and saturates,” said Porras. “After the roasting process the alcohol percentage that was once soaked within the bean literally gets burnt off. Yet the notes/flavor of the coffee beans stay making it delicious for all to try and consume.”

While the family is passionate about coffee farming, Porras said they are more passionate about sharing their Latin culture.

“It’s not just about the coffee but about bringing that community together,” said Porras.

Porras is currently a senior at Ridge High School. She plans to continue in her family business after graduation.

“Since opening Rey Sol Coffee when I was 13 it switched my life around in a way I never would’ve imagined,” said Porras. “I love coffee, the community that it brings and also breaking language barriers… You don’t have to speak the same language but just by drinking coffee you find each other together.”

For more information on Rey Sol Coffee visit reysolcoffee.com or follow instagram.com/reysolcoffee or facebook.com/reysolcoffee.

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New Web App Can Help War-Torn Ukraine Families, NJ Nonprofit Says

ESSEX COUNTY, NJ — An Essex County nonprofit is trying to use modern technology to make a boots-on-the-ground difference for traumatized families in Ukraine.

In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, setting off what turned out to be the largest attack on a European country since World War II. The invasion – an escalation of a conflict that has been raging since 2014 – has left an estimated 500,000 military members and civilians dead on both sides, a number that has grown increasingly difficult to confirm as the war continues.

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What is certain, however – according to Hope for Ukraine – is that a desperate need for humanitarian aid endures. And new technology may be able to play a crucial role in that battle, advocates say.

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On Tuesday, the Roseland-based nonprofit announced that it’s launching a partnership with The Gadfly Project to create a new web application that can be used by people in Ukraine.

Similar to ridesharing and food delivery apps, the application will provide real-time notifications to users about upcoming aid distribution events in their area – leading to reduced wait times, increasing transparency, and creating a more “humane” experience for people already struggling with uncertainty. Ukraine families will also be able to verify their need for aid and receive support from local non-governmental organizations through the new app.

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Meanwhile, the app will provide a centralized platform for groups to access information about aid deliveries, enabling them to pick up aid immediately after delivery and reduce administrative burdens, advocates said.

Hope for Ukraine isn’t the only aid organization that will benefit from the new technology. After the app is launched, it is expected to be used by groups such as Paths of Hope, Lviv Charitable Organization International Charity Foundation Frontline Volunteers, Kyiv Charitable Organization Charitable Foundation of Development City, Kryvyi Rih Charitable Organization Charitable Fund We Are Near.ua, Chernivtsi Give the Community a Little of Myself, Volyn Region International Charitable Fund, and “House of Good Hearts” – Charkiv Region.

The effort is getting a boost from an in-kind software development grant, Hope for Ukraine noted.

“Among a pool of high caliber grant submissions, Hope for Ukraine’s project premise, follow-through and potential for transformative impact for thousands of beneficiaries made them an obvious grant awardee choice for us,” said Ryan Johnson, Chief Executive at the Gadfly Project.

Yuriy Boyechko, CEO of Hope for Ukraine, said the new app will “transform how humanitarian aid is delivered” and empower people to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.

“As we commemorate the second anniversary of the war, this collaboration with The Gadfly Project and the generous support of the in-kind software development grant mark a pivotal moment for Hope for Ukraine,” Boyechko said.

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Haïti : un chef de gang brandit la menace d'une guerre civile

Le nouvel homme fort d’Haïti, surnommé “Barbecue”, l’un des principaux chefs criminels du pays, veut renverser le gouvernement. La menace a été proférée, mardi 5 mars. L’influent chef de gang haïtien a assuré qu’une “guerre civile” aurait lieu si le Premier ministre contesté, Ariel Henry, ne démissionnait pas. Absent depuis plusieurs jours d’Haïti après un déplacement au Kenya, le Premier ministre a atterri mardi 5 mars à Porto Rico, n’ayant pas pu atterrir dans la capitale Port-au-Prince en raison de la situation sécuritaire à l’aéroport. 

Alerte de l’ONU

Les bandes criminelles, qui contrôlent la majorité de la capitale Port-au-Prince ainsi que les routes menant au reste du territoire, s’en prennent ces derniers jours à des sites stratégiques du pays. L’ONU tire la sonnette d’alarme et demande le déploiement de la mission multinationale d’appui à la sécurité en Haïti. En deux mois, près de 1 200 personnes ont été tuées dans le pays du fait de la violence des gangs.

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Environnement : dans le Var, un jardin collectif et associatif

À Hyères (Var), avec 300 jours de soleil par an, les habitants ont longtemps été nourris par des fruits et légumes produits à quelques kilomètres de la ville. Le blé a remplacé les arbres fruitiers, mais quelques hectares de friche sont réhabilités. Les jardiniers ont prévu de planter 250 oliviers sur une terre prêtée par un agriculteur à une association. Le travail est en permaculture, au plus proche du cycle naturel des sols et de l’eau.

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Un premier jardin partagé en 2021

Les oliviers remplacent des arbres arrachés il y a une trentaine d’années par des paysans confrontés à la concurrence mondiale. Les jeunes participent également à l’élaboration du jardin. Tout a commencé avec un jardin en 2021. Grâce à des financements publics, un hectare est déjà cultivé sur les 10 disponibles. Les légumes sont destinés à des personnes précaires. Une association travaille avec le jardin collectif depuis deux ans. Les bénévoles préparent les légumes pour des sans-abri.

Arrowhead Ales Owner To Open BBQ Spot In Manhattan

MANHATTAN, IL — Mike Bacon’s been thinking about barbecue for a while, and he’s even slipped it into his Arrowhead Ales’ menu on occasion. But it took some beers over tacos at Soundgrowler Brewing in Tinley Park, for him to really get the idea cooking.

“I decided to start exploring the option of a side project focused only on a small but interesting BBQ menu as well as catering,” Bacon said. The Manhattan resident and Arrowhead Ales Brewing Company owner brainstormed with creative director Matt Sharp.

“It was then Arrowhead Smoke Works was born.”

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Mulling the ideas of pop-ups, food trucks, or a small location, a prior collaboration with the Village of Manhattan came to mind. Bacon had partnered with Manhattan officials previously on themed beer Manhoppenins. At mention that he was seeking space for his newest idea, Village officials said they had just the spot. On Tuesday, the Manhattan Village Board approved the barbecue spot opening in what once was the original firehouse building, 195 S. State Street at the corner of Park Street and Rt 52.

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With Arrowhead Ales Brewing based nearby in New Lenox, the name and reputation precedes it.

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“This is a great addition to our community and especially our downtown area,” said Mayor Mike Adrieansen. “We started discussing this opportunity with Arrowhead soon after our downtown development plan was approved in 2023, and we believe this will be a great catalyst for future downtown development.”

The Village is the current owner of the building which has been vacant approximately four years. Through an agreement between the Village and the restaurant operators, Bacon will lease the building, giving residents and visitors another food option while generating new revenue for the Village, officials said in a release.

“At Arrowhead Ales, we’ve always had a side passion for BBQ,” Bacon said. “As many people know, we’ve offered BBQ in a lot of different settings over the years. Triple Play Concerts, Manhattan Pork and Pint, and Sons of the American Legion Rib cook-off, to name just a few. We really never have any intentions on turning Arrowhead Ales into a BBQ joint.”

Bacon was envisioning a small space, but the firehouse seemed to good to pass up.

“… The Firehouse was a little bigger than I was thinking to get started, but the opportunity was right there,” Bacon said, “and I couldn’t let this pass by without giving it a shot, so here we are.”

Arrowhead Smoke Works is expected to offer a simple, but well-executed menu covering many different styles of BBQ.

“We’re looking to offer a small menu mainly consisting of brisket, pork, ribs, wings and some other surprises as we get creative,” Bacon said. “We will also offer catering. The space is small, in restaurant terms, so inventory could be limited, and some items could sell out rather quickly. We’re going to have some limited indoor and patio dining, but the main focus will be on carry-out and catering. “

Signature sandwiches will also appear on the menu, as well as distinct styles of ribs.

“We are excited to bring our passion for high-quality craft food and beer to Manhattan,” said owner Mike Bacon. “I live in Manhattan and see a great opportunity for BBQ and craft beer in this community. We are grateful to the Mayor and Village Board for being very easy to work with.”

The Village Board approved a multi-year lease at its March 5 Board meeting. The new economic development announcement follows the Manhattan downtown plan that was approved in 2023 and was intended to be a concept plan that would guide future investments in the central part of the Village.

Bacon estimates they’ll open by early-summer.

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Hérault : l'érosion menace plusieurs communes

À Vias (Hérault), la plage disparaît d’année en année, grignotée par l’érosion. Un enrochement artificiel a été construit pour ne pas submerger les habitations. “On n’a pas d’autres moyens de se protéger (…) la mer avance inexorablement”, s’inquiète Jean-Raymond Richaud, habitant de Vias (Hérault). Des riverains se sont rassemblés en collectif, par crainte que leurs habitations soient démantelées par les autorités. Ils souhaitent rester chez eux, coûte que coûte.

Une étude pour cartographier l’évolution du trait de côte

Le collectif attend les résultats d’une nouvelle expérimentation lancée par la mairie. Il s’agit de filets installés dans la mer pour retenir le sable et lutter contre l’érosion. Dans la commune de Frontignan (Hérault), la plage a reculé par endroits et un restaurant a dû être détruit. Une étude vient de débuter pour cartographier l’évolution du trait de côte à horizon 2050 et 2100. D’autres zones de littoral devraient être cédées à la mer.

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AEW Collision Sees A Boost In Viewership For March 2nd Episode, Key Demo Also Up


The viewership numbers are in for the March 2nd edition of AEW Collision on TNT.


According to WrestleNomics, the program drew 455,000 viewers, an increase of 18% from the previous Saturday’s average viewership number of 385,000. It scored a rating of 0.13 in the 18-49 demographic, which was also up 18% from last week’s show.

Collision featured a massive eight-man tag, a three-way dance between Penta El Zero Miedo, Dante Martin, and Bryan Keith, as well as more build-up to AEW Revolution, which took place on March 3rd and was centered around the retirement of sting.

Wrestling Headlines will continue to provide weekly viewership updates for all of AEW’s programming. Stay tuned.

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Belleville May See Impact From Newark Hydrant Water Flushing

BELLEVILLE, NJ — Hydrant flushing in Newark may temporarily impact water in Belleville, town officials announced Tuesday.

Belleville officials released the following statement about the flushing:

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“The City of Newark is in the process of flushing their hydrants. If you are experiencing brown water, please run your cold water until the water is clear. Do not run hot water. The work should be finished in about two hours.”

Belleville purchases treated surface water from the Newark Water Department through four interconnections located on Passaic Avenue, Hilton Street, Joralemon Street, and Belleville Avenue.

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LA Robotaxi Outsmarts Would-Be Car Thief: Police

LOS ANGELES, CA — A homeless man who tried to steal a Waymo autonomous-driving car in Downtown Los Angeles bit off way more than he could chew, according to authorities.

Los Angeles police arrested 33-year-old Vincent Maurice Jones on suspicion of grand theft auto.

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, a white Jaguar sedan had just dropped off a passenger on Main Street north of 1st Street when Jones hopped into the driver’s seat and attempted to put the car in drive. However, he could not manipulate the controls, according to police.

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“A Waymo representative used the communication system in the vehicle and warned Jones to exit the vehicle,” the LAPD said in a written statement. “Jones did not follow the instructions, and the representative contacted the LAPD.”

Police arrived on the scene and arrested Jones.

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