Menin Secures Concessions In East 94th Street Rezone Development

UPPER EAST SIDE, NY — A developer looking to win approval to rezone a mid-block lot on East 94th Street has agreed to make a series of changes to their proposed building, Council Member Julie Menin’s office announced Tuesday.

Menin said the agreement was able to secure the typically oppositional concessions of not only reducing the total proposed building’s height by 70 feet, but also securing an increase in the share of affordable units to 146 total.

The council member called the agreement “unprecedented.”

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“Those goals are mutually exclusive, generally,” Menin told Patch Tuesday afternoon. “I drew a line in the sand with the developer and I said I will not agree to any deal that does not do both.”

Additionally, the developers of 231 East 94th St., Friedland Properties and the Chapman Group, agreed to several other commitments on park funding, a childcare facility, use of union labor and other benefits.

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Neither company could be reached for comment.

Shorter tower, more affordable units

Originally given a mixed reception, Community Board 8 overwhelmingly voted to approve the zoning change back in November with a number of conditions attached.

Menin’s agreement meets many of the community board’s requests, with a handful of compromises on affordability levels and on the distribution of apartment sizes.

For the Upper East Side, it marks a major increase of new permanently affordable housing units in the neighborhood where only 14 new affordable units were created in 2022.

Menin told Patch that, through many back-and-forth negotiations, they were able to secure a 70-foot height reduction, bringing the height from nearly 500 feet to 414 feet, and the addition of 33 additional affordable apartments from the developer.

“My overarching goal was to get both increased affordability and to lower the height,” Menin said. “Those were the top two community concerns.”

“Not many districts can boast this double sided win,” said Community Board 8 chair Valerie Mason. “Community District 8 is in dire need of affordable housing and this is a long awaited first step in the right direction.”

Changes in affordability, but a net-gain in units

The increase of affordable units did come at a trade-off in terms of the unit sizes and the level of affordability.

In the new proposal, the building gained 62 studio apartments and lost 41 one-bedroom units, 15 two-bedroom units and four three-bedroom units, raising the total number of apartments in the building to 487 — a net gain of 35 units.

Affordability levels have been changed, too.

The original proposal had nearly 50 units pegged at both 40 percent (roughly $40,000 of annual income for a single person) and 60 percent (roughly $59,000) of the Area Median Income.

Now, the 60 percent bracket has been eliminated and replaced with one at 80 percent (roughly $79,000) of AMI, with 88 units listed at that income level. And the 40 percent bracket now has 20 fewer units, for a total of 29.

The upper level of affordable income requirements, at 120 percent of AMI (roughly $111,000) had only 15 units in the original proposal. The new configuration nearly doubles that number to a total of 29 units.

In the end, the total affordable units rose from 113 apartments to 146 units total, according to Menin’s office.

While the agreement raises the overall number of affordable units from 25 percent to 30 percent of the building, a key condition of the community board’s approval, the board also wanted to see the affordable units pegged at an average of 60 percent of AMI. Under the new agreement, 18 percent of the affordable units will be at the 80 percent AMI level, with an equal six percent each for the remaining units for a total of 30 percent.

Another part of the agreement could also help boost affordability, Menin said. While not a done deal, developers have agreed to begin conversations with city agencies to utilize housing vouchers at the property.

Menin said she was also able to secure $150,000 from the developers in improvements and maintenance for James Cagney Plaza, the open street adjacent to Ruppert Park, and a commitment to noise mitigation.

The building will also make an effort to lease space to a childcare facility — another issue of importance to the council member, but not a condition made by the community board.

Developers also reached an agreement with 32BJ for the building’s service workers, and said that if a new 421-A deal can be reached in Albany, they would also begin negotiating with the New York City District Council of Carpenters.

The entire building, said William Friedland, of Friedland Properties — and a former member of Community Board 8, hinges on a new 421-A deal in place as well.

Freidland told the community board at an October meeting that once approved, and after a 421-A replacement finally happens to help finance the project, construction would take about 36 months.

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Greenwich To Officially Establish Fair Rent Commission

GREENWICH, CT — Greenwich will officially have a fair rent commission, as mandated by the state, following approval from the Representative Town Meeting on Monday night.

The RTM voted 128 in favor, 41 opposed with five abstentions to approve a fair rent commission ordinance, which includes the creation of a fair rent commission.

Public Act 22-30 requires any Connecticut municipality with a population of 25,000 or more to create a fair rent commission.

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According to the Act, the fair rent commission shall make studies and investigations, conduct hearings and receive complaints about rental charges on housing and accommodations, except those accommodations rented on a seasonal basis within its jurisdiction, in order to control and eliminate excessive rental charges.

In determining whether a rental charge or a proposed increase is excessive and “harsh and unconscionable,” the commission shall consider the following circumstances, according to the ordinance:

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Among its duties, the commission will be able to compel people to attend hearings, issue subpoenas and administer oaths, the ordinance states.

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Greenwich had been the lone qualifying municipality without such an ordinance before Monday night.

The Board of Selectmen passed along a drafted proposal for a fair rent ordinance last year, and the RTM took up the item in September. A Fair Rent Ordinance Special Committee was formed then to analyze the mandate closely.

Patty Roberts, board chair of Greenwich Human Services, urged the RTM to pass the ordinance and establish the commission.

“No one likes the state to tell you what to do, so I’m the first to say I’m sorry it moved forward, but I think it’s the right thing and I think that the drafted ordinance with the amendments that have been approved reflects the town values,” Roberts said. “I think Greenwich will be a better place for having a method for tenants and landlords to get together.”

Roberts noted that “this is not rent control.”

“A rent control indicates that the commission would say, ‘Your rent can’t go above that [number].’ That is not the case,” she added. “They’re going to be benchmarking against comparable properties. The rents could go up 40 percent, then the tenant, if it goes up 70 percent, has an avenue to talk to somebody.”

Most cases are solved in mediation, Roberts said. “You get two people together, you make a compromise and you move on.”

David Snyder, an RTM member from District 6 who was a part of the Fair Rent Ordinance Special Committee, said that he reached out to other towns to find out what the “lived experiences” were of a fair rent commission.

“There’s one big common denominator: a vast majority of the inquiries were informational in nature, and people would come, they’d learn what their rights are and what they can do about it, and they were dealt with in that initial interaction with the department,” Snyder said. “Those that came with a complaint were mediated quickly and did not require a commission hearing.”

The commission will consist of seven regular members and three alternates, all of whom shall be electors of the town.

Of the seven regular members, at least one shall be a landlord or a professional property manager, and at least one shall be a tenant, the ordinance states.

Members and alternates shall be nominated by the Greenwich Board of Selectmen and appointed by the RTM. Terms will be for three years.

One amendment was made to the proposed ordinance Monday night.

Francia Alvarez, a member of District 12 and the Fair Rent Ordinance Special Committee, put forward a motion to reduce the “threshold of action” form five votes to four votes, out of the seven commission members.

“The Fair Rent Committee set the bar too high to be fair and effective by asking for a higher threshold for action. We need to reset requirements to four affirmative votes,” Alvarez said. “As was said earlier in the evening, it is the residents who are experiencing food and rent insecurity that need these kinds of changes the most.”

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Haïti : quatre questions sur la situation politique du pays après la démission du Premier ministre Ariel Henry

Le Premier ministre haïtien Ariel Henry a démissionné lundi 11 mars, a annoncé le président de la Communauté des Caraïbes (Caricom) et président du Guyana Mohamed Irfaan Ali. Port-au-Prince s’enfonce depuis plusieurs semaines dans les violences liées aux gangs qui ont pris le contrôle d’une grande partie de la capitale.

Les pays des Caraïbes s’étaient réunis d’urgence lundi à Kingston (Jamaïque), à l’initiative de la Caricom, avec des représentants de l’ONU et de plusieurs pays, dont la France et les Etats-Unis, afin de trouver une solution en Haïti. Franceinfo fait le point sur la crise politique et sécuritaire qui secoue le pays. 

1Que se passe-t-il en Haïti ?

Port-au-Prince, la capitale, est en proie à des violences depuis la fin du mois de février. Des milices s’en prennent à des sites stratégiques comme le palais présidentiel, des commissariats et des prisons. Dans la capitale haïtienne, les administrations et les écoles sont fermées du fait des violences entre policiers et bandes armées, qui se sont intensifiées lors du week-end du 9 mars. Des hôpitaux ont été pris d’assaut par des milices et des équipes médicales ont dû fuir avec des patients – y compris des nouveau-nés – selon l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM). Depuis le 29 février, plus de 160 000 civils ont été déplacés dans la région de Port-au-Prince, d’après l’OIM

Les autorités haïtiennes ont décrété il y a une semaine l’état d’urgence, assorti d’un couvre-feu, dans le département de l’Ouest, qui comprend la capitale, mais elles ne contrôlent pas entièrement ce territoire. Ce couvre-feu a été prolongé lundi jusqu’au 14 mars. Les forces de sécurité haïtiennes ont pu reprendre le contrôle du port de Port-au-Prince après des affrontements avec les gangs durant week-end, a déclaré lundi le directeur de l’Autorité portuaire nationale. La situation sécuritaire a poussé l’Union européenne à évacuer l’ensemble de son personnel de Port-au-Prince lundi, a annoncé la mission sur place. La veille, la mission diplomatique allemande avait pris une décision similaire. Les Etats-Unis ont de leur côté évacué leur personnel diplomatique non essentiel dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, a fait savoir l’ambassade américaine.

2Pourquoi le Premier ministre a-t-il démissionné ?

Le départ du Premier ministre Ariel Henry était l’un des objectifs principaux des groupes armés. Sans président ni Parlement – le dernier chef d’Etat, Jovenel Moïse, a été assassiné en 2021 – Haïti n’a connu aucune élection depuis 2016. Ariel Henry, accusé par le parquet de Port-au-Prince du meurtre de Jovenel Moïse, aurait dû quitter ses fonctions début février. Le 28 février, il avait accepté de “partager le pouvoir” avec l’opposition, dans le cadre d’un accord prévoyant des élections d’ici à un an. Mais cette concession n’a pas suffi : Jimmy Chérizier, influent chef de gang surnommé “Barbecue”, avait menacé mardi 5 mars d’une “guerre civile qui conduira à un génocide” si Ariel Henry restait au pouvoir.

Le chef du gouvernement haïtien, bloqué sur le territoire américain de Porto Rico, a finalement cédé à la pression des partenaires régionaux. Son départ a été annoncé lors d’une réunion d’urgence des membres de la Caricom et de représentants de l’ONU en Jamaïque. “Le gouvernement que je dirige ne peut rester insensible à cette situation. Comme je l’ai toujours dit, aucun sacrifice n’est trop grand pour notre patrie, Haïti”, a déclaré Ariel Henry.

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3Quelles sont les perspectives ouvertes par cette démission ?

Après l’annonce de la démission d’Ariel Henry, le président du Guyana et de la Caricom, Mohamed Irfaan Ali, s’est dit “heureux” d’annoncer “un accord de gouvernance transitoire ouvrant la voie à une transition pacifique du pouvoir”. Ce dénouement doit déboucher selon lui sur “un plan d’action à court terme en matière de sécurité” et “des élections libres et équitables”.

Un “conseil présidentiel de transition” sera mis en place, a annoncé Ariel Henry, rapporte le journal haïtien Le Nouvelliste. Les membres de ce conseil seront choisis après une entente entre les différents secteurs de la vie nationale”, a ajouté le Premier ministre démissionnaire.

4Quelle est la réaction de la communauté internationale ?

Lundi, le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU avait appelé tous les acteurs politiques haïtiens à des “négociations sérieuses” pour “rétablir les institutions démocratiques” du pays. “Les Haïtiens ne peuvent pas attendre plus longtemps un chemin vers la sécurité, la stabilité et la démocratie”, a souligné mardi le secrétaire d’Etat américain, Antony Blinken, sur X.

Haïti : le Premier ministre Ariel Henry démissionne, en pleine vague de violences des gangs

Il était contesté et confronté à une vague de violences des gangs dans son pays. Le Premier ministre haïtien Ariel Henry a démissionné lundi 11 mars, ont annoncé le président de la Communauté des Caraïbes (Caricom) et un responsable américain. “Nous prenons acte de la démission du Premier ministre Ariel Henry”, a déclaré Mohamed Irfaan Ali, président du Guyana et de la Caricom, lors d’une conférence de presse à l’issue d’une réunion en Jamaïque consacrée à la crise en Haïti. Il s’est dit “heureux” d’annoncer “un accord de gouvernance transitoire ouvrant la voie à une transition pacifique du pouvoir, à la continuité de la gouvernance, à un plan d’action à court terme en matière de sécurité et à des élections libres et équitables”.

à lire aussi Haïti : quelle est la situation dans la capitale Port-au-Prince, en proie à la violence des gangs armés ?

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Residential Burglary Suspect Arrested: Palos Verdes Crime Blotter

PALOS VERDES, CA — The following is the most recent Lomita Sheriff’s Station crime blotter for the Palos Verdes Peninsula.

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Car Passenger Killed By Flying Metal Object On NJ Turnpike

EAST WINDSOR, NJ — A passenger in a car on the NJ Turnpike was killed by a metal object that hit the front hood and windshield on Thursday, said NJ State Police Sgt. Jeffrey Lebron.

On March 7 at 1:22 p.m., Troopers were called to a motor vehicle accident on the northbound side of the New Jersey Turnpike at milepost 67 in East Windsor Township.

Based on a preliminary investigation, a Toyota passenger vehicle was driving north on the outer roadway of the highway when in the area of milepost 67, a metal object hit the front hood and windshield of the Toyota, said Lebron.

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The passenger, Steven Bradshaw, a 39-year-old man of Audubon, was hit by the metal object and sustained fatal injuries, said Lebron.

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There were no other injuries reported. The accident remains under investigation and there is no additional information available.

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Hollywood Photographer Accused Of Sex Assault During Photoshoot: LAPD

LOS ANGELES, CA — A headshot photographer known for his work with celebrities was arrested this week following accusations that he sexually assaulted a woman at his Hancock Park home photography studio, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

Kenneth Howard Dolin, 64, was arrested on March 4 on a charge of penetration with a foreign object. He was since been released from custody pending further investigation, police said.

Dolin’s arrest comes after a 29-year-old woman in January reported she was sexually assaulted by the photographer and acting coach. Detectives learned that two other women in their mid 20s had accused Dolin of sexual assault in 2017, police said.

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All three incidents began with professional contacts that led to Dolin being accused of touching the woman inappropriately during photoshoots, police said.

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“These victims felt trapped and had to comply with his advances,” Detective Brent Hopkins said in a release. “There’s a huge difference between art photography and sexual assault. We want to make sure we know everything that happened and make sure that line does not get crossed again.”

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Dolin’s online portfolio includes photos of many prominent actors and other celebrities.

Police believe there may be additional victims that have not come forward. Anyone with information is asked to contact Officer Richard Podkowski at 213-473-0447 or 877-527-3247 during non-business hours.

Anonymous tips can be submitted online to Crime Stoppers or by calling 800-222-8477.

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Le drapeau de la Suède, désormais membre de l'Otan, a été hissé au siège de l'alliance militaire

Le pays est devenu le 32e membre de l’Otan. Malgré la pluie, le drapeau de la Suède a été hissé, lundi 11 mars, au siège de l’Alliance à Bruxelles, entre celui de l’Espagne et de la Turquie, épilogue d’un long parcours pour ce pays scandinave qui a décidé de joindre l’organisation militaire après l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine. Ironie de l’histoire : c’est la Turquie qui a longtemps bloqué la ratification de l’adhésion de la Suède à l’alliance nord-atlantique.

“L’Otan est plus grande et plus forte”, a lancé le secrétaire général de l’Otan Jens Stoltenberg, peu avant la cérémonie. “Lorsque le président Poutine a lancé son invasion il y a deux ans, il voulait moins d’Otan et plus de contrôle sur ses voisins. Il voulait détruire l’Ukraine comme Etat souverain. Mais il a échoué”, a-t-il déclaré en présence du Premier ministre suédois Ulf Kristersson.

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Tchad : le Premier ministre nommé par la junte, Succès Masra, annonce sa candidature à la présidentielle

Le Premier ministre de la junte militaire au Tchad, Succès Masra, a annoncé dimanche 10 mars, lors d’un meeting sa candidature à la présidentielle du 6 mai, huit jours après celle du Président de transition, le général Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno.

Succès Masra, ancien opposant, avait signé un accord de réconciliation avec Mahamat Déby avant d’être nommé Premier ministre le 1er janvier. L’opposition dénonce une “candidature prétexte” destinée à donner un semblant de pluralité à un scrutin qu’elle considère gagné d’avance par Mahamat Déby.

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“Je réponds présent comme candidat à l’élection présidentielle (…) pour réparer les coeurs et réunir le peuple”, a lancé ce docteur en sciences économiques de 40 ans, devant des centaines de militants de son parti Les Transformateurs qui l’appelaient à se présenter.

En réponse aux accusations de ceux qui lui reprochent d’avoir rallié la junte, il a répondu : “c’était un accord de réconciliation nationale, un accord des braves”, “pour que notre quête de justice ne soit jamais transformée en quête de vengeance”.

Victim Identified In Killing In Northwest Montgomery County Friday: DA

EAST GREENVILLE, PA — The victim in a fatal shooting in the northwestern edge of Montgomery County Friday morning has been identified by authorities.

Derek Sherer, 42, of the 200 block of Jefferson Street in East Greenville, was found dead in front of the home of a single gunshot wound.

Police had been called to the home at around 8:11 a.m. due to a domestic dispute, and Sherer was already dead when they arrived.

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See previous coverage: 1 Shot, Killed in Northwest Montgomery County Friday

The shooter remained on the scene and has cooperated with law enforcement, the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office said Friday afternoon.

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“The initial investigation found that the incident is domestic in nature, and there is no danger to the public at this time,” the office added.

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Further details about the circumstances that led up to the shooting were not released.

No charges have yet been filed, though the investigation remains underway. It is not clear if any are forthcoming.

Pennsylvania State Police, Montgomery County Detectives, and East Greenville Police are working together on the investigation.

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