SoCal's $1.765 Billion Powerball Winner Revealed

LOS ANGELES, CA – California lottery officials on Friday announced the winner of last year’s $1.765 billion Powerball jackpot, the second largest in United States history.

The California Lottery identified Theodorus Struyck as the winner, representing a group of people who bought the ticket together at Midway Market in Frazier Park in October. The announcement ends months of suspense about the identity of the mystery billionaire.

It comes almost six months after the historic win that also earned the family that owns the market in Kern County a $1 million bonus check.

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The ticket hit the jackpot on the 36th draw for that Powerball sequence. It was a run that allowed the California Lottery to raise an additional $119.5 million for public schools, according to lottery officials.

The win came on the heels of the largest jackpot ever — a $2.04 billion Powerball jackpot sold in Altadena in Los County and claimed in 2023. California Lottery players have won, or co-won, the top four largest jackpots in Powerball history — all worth more than $1 billion.

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“Announcing big wins like this gives all of our players the chance to hope and dream that they could be next,” said California Lottery Director Harjinder K. Shergill Chima. “But it also gives us an opportunity to shine the spotlight on our terrific mission, which is to generate additional, supplemental funding for public education in California.”

For every Powerball or Mega Millions ticket sold in California, approximately 80 cents goes
toward public schools, according to the lottery.

Once again, the Power jackpot is climbing. Saturday’s jackpot is currently estimated to be $600 million.


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Vidéo "Je rentrais chez moi, puis je suis mort" : le documentaire "Navalny", primé aux Oscars en 2023, diffusé sur France 5

“S’ils vous assassinent, s’ils y parviennent, quel message souhaiteriez-vous laisser au peuple russe ?” Cette question, posée à Alexeï Navalny en préambule du documentaire que Daniel Roher a consacré à l’opposant russe en 2022, prend aujourd’hui une autre dimension. Tout comme la réponse de l’intéressé : “Non, ce n’est pas possible, c’est comme si vous faisiez un film documentaire sur ma mort.” Depuis le 16 février, jour de la mort d’Alexeï Navalny dans une colonie pénitentiaire reculée de l’Arctique, où il purgeait une peine de dix-neuf ans de prison pour “extrémisme”, ces paroles résonnent de manière dramatique.

Navalny, du Canadien Daniel Roher, Oscar du meilleur documentaire en 2023, est diffusé sur France 5, dimanche 17 mars à 21h05. Il décrit l’ascension politique d’Alexeï Navalny, son combat contre Vladimir Poutine, mais aussi la tentative d’assassinat avec un agent chimique produit par l’armée russe à laquelle l’opposant a difficilement survécu en 2020. Le film dévoile également les détails du complot impliquant le président russe et les images du jour où Navalny a été intoxiqué, ainsi que la détermination de sa femme. 

Un malaise pendant un vol

En août 2020, alors qu’Alexeï Navalny prend un vol à Tomsk, en Sibérie, pour rentrer chez lui à Moscou, il fait un malaise dans l’habitacle. Il est rapidement hospitalisé dans un état grave et plongé dans un coma artificiel. L’incident est immédiatement médiatisé, et c’est sous les caméras que son épouse, Ioulia Navalnaïa, se précipite à son chevet. Mais, au centre hospitalier, on lui interdit de le voir. Elle suspecte, sans certitude, une tentative d’assassinat, et craint pour la vie de son mari au sein même de l’hôpital. “Nous demandons la libération immédiate d’Alexeï, car à l’heure où je vous parle, dans cet hôpital sont présents davantage de policiers et d’agents du gouvernement que de médecins”, déclare alors Ioulia Navalnaïa devant des témoins. 

“Comme Alexeï était tout seul [à l’hôpital], je me suis dit que le FSB et Poutine allaient tirer parti de la situation et faire tout ce qui était en leur pouvoir pour s’assurer qu’il meure.”

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Dans “Navalny”

Présidentielle en Russie : des incidents pendant le premier jour d'un scrutin joué d'avance

Dans un bureau de vote de Moscou (Russie), alors qu’une femme semble voter, des flammes s’élèvent de l’isoloir. Dans un autre bureau, au moment de glisser son bulletin dans l’urne, une femme verse du liquide colorant, souillant les votes précédents. Ces incidents ont émaillé un scrutin qui semble joué d’avance. Depuis vendredi 15 mars au matin, les citoyens russes élisent leur prochain président, sans suspense.

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Deux adversaires politiques évincés

Les bulletins sont visibles et les électeurs ne font pas mystère de leur choix. Face à Vladimir Poutine, trois opposants de façade, qui soutiennent tous l’offensive en Ukraine et ne font pas d’ombre au président. Les deux principaux adversaires politiques qui ont tenté de se présenter ont été évincés. Depuis son bureau du Kremlin, vendredi après-midi, Vladimir Poutine a voté en ligne. Il a réagi aux frappes ukrainiennes à Belgorod (Russie). Le président sortant dénonce une tentative de déstabilisation. Au total, 115 millions de personnes sont appelées à voter jusqu’au dimanche 17 mars.

Lansdale Planning Additional DUI Patrols For St. Patrick's Day

LANSDALE, PA — St. Patrick’s Day weekend is here, and as parties, parades, bar crawls, and other festivities get underway, police are warning residents to plan ahead.

Additional patrols will be on the roads around the greater Lansdale area this weekend looking for drunk drivers.

Specific DUI checkpoints have not been announced.

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Police urged residents to both get a designated driver and to be careful walking while intoxicated as well.

“If you are driving, keep an eye out for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users on the roadways,” police said. “Walking while intoxicated can also be deadly. Being under the influence can cause a lack of attention to surroundings and put pedestrians at risk of being hit by a vehicle.”

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Just Close Schools, Murphy Says To Toms River, Districts With Aid Cuts

TOMS RIVER, NJ — When Gov. Phil Murphy unveiled his proposed budget on Feb. 27, he touted it as fully funding New Jersey’s public schools for the first time since the School Funding Reform Act of 2008 took effect.

While many districts are seeing an increase in funding in the 2024-25 state budget, there are 140 districts seeing reductions in state aid — many of them as a result of S2, which amended the SFRA in 2017. It’s meant staffing cuts and more for many of the districts, including Toms River Regional.

For Toms River Regional and other districts that have experienced deep aid cuts, Murphy told CBS News the solution is consolidation.

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“You got three high schools, you should have two. You have five middle schools, you should have four,” Murphy said on Feb. 29, when the state Department of Education revealed the state aid figures for 2024-25. “Those are hard discussions to have inside of a community, and I get that.”

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Proponents of S2 said Toms River Regional and other districts deserved aid cuts because their enrollment fell, a factor they have stressed repeatedly while also saying the district was not raising enough property taxes through its tax levy.

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While enrollment has fallen from a high of more than 17,000 students in the early 2000s, the dynamics of school districts all over New Jersey have changed as well, with a significant increase in students who need special education services and increasing numbers of students for whom English is a second language.

Since 2017-18, the first year of S2, Toms River Regional has seen its state aid cut by more than half. It received $68,342,239 that year; for 2024-25, the district is slated to receive $28,180,559 — a reduction of more than $40.1 million.

The district also is facing a projected deficit of $26.4 million, Business Administrator William Doering has said.

Closing that deficit is going to be a challenge, Superintendent Michael Citta told the state Senate Education Committee Thursday during a budget hearing. While the district has laid off hundreds of teachers and classroom enrollments have risen into the 30s, the number of classrooms in use hasn’t changed significantly.

“Closing a school isn’t on the table,” Citta said, because special education classes have filled the classrooms that had been occupied by general education students in smaller groups. “Space is still at a premium.”

A look at the Toms River Regional Schools’ building-by-building enrollment and classroom usage shows that at the high school and intermediate school level, there is simply not enough space to close any of those schools.

The data, which is for the 2023-24 school year and was obtained through an Open Public Records Act request. It is displayed in a chart at the bottom of this article. The information on total classrooms available and being used is from the 2021 demographics and facility utilization report on the Toms River Regional website.

While the combined capacity of the three high schools shows they are occupied by 960 students fewer than the capacity, Toms River South, which has the lowest enrollment, still has 1,363 students — which would mean cramming about 470 additional students into the other schools, because Toms River South is over its capacity.

Class sizes at the high schools already are well above 30 students in the core English, math and science classes needed for students to learn and pass New Jersey’s assessments.

At the intermediate schools, the on-paper capacity says they can accommodate 604 students more than the current enrollment, but the bulk of the vacancies are at Toms River Intermediate North, which has the lowest enrollment. Intermediate South has the next lowest, but with nearly 1,100 students, there would be 600 to try to squeeze in above the current enrollments.

Class sizes already exceed 30 students in the intermediate schools, and they have the shortest school day of all intermediate schools in Ocean County. Both of those factors affect students’ instructional time and performance on state assessments.

The elementary schools are a more complex situation.

On paper they again appear to have a great deal of capacity for combining schools based on raw numbers, but when special education classrooms are factored in, it changes the equation. Special education classrooms have limited enrollment, based on the types of educational and behavioral interventions the students need.

At East Dover Elementary School, for example, there is a 346-student disparity between enrollment and building capacity. But of the 42 classrooms available, half of them accommodate special education classrooms.

At Silver Bay Elementary School, 16 of its 45 classrooms are dedicated to special education students.

South Toms River Elementary, which currently has the lowest enrollment with 312 students, is expected to see an increase in enrollment because of apartments under construction on Dover Road. Closing that school would require busing those students elsewhere — adding transportation costs for a school where nearly all of the students walk to school or are driven there by family members.

North Dover Elementary School, the repeated subject of closing rumors, has 388 students — more than double the available on-paper capacity at Joseph A. Citta Elementary, the school closest to North Dover. Of 30 classrooms at Citta, 11 are occupied by special education and English language learner classes.

To close any school in the Toms River Regional district would require a complete redistricting and would increase transportation costs for the district, which currently buses about 13,000 of its approximately 14,500 students. Because the elementary schools are located in neighborhoods, many of the students walk or are driven to school by parents or family members.

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WWE Reportedly Aiming To Have A Triple Threat Match For U.S. Championship at WrestleMania 40

Some backstage news on one of WWE’s planned matches for WrestleMania 40.

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According to WrestleVotes, Logan Paul will be defending the WWE United States Championship at the Showcase of the Immortals in a triple-threat match. The report reveals that Paul will be taking on Kevin Owens and Randy Orton at the event.

This would make sense as Owens and Orton have a beef with Paul dating back to the Royal Rumble. On that night, Owens had Paul defeated after using brass knuckles on the champ, but th referee caught him in the act and he was disqualified, even though Paul attempted to use them on him first. At WWE Elimination Chamber, Paul cost Randy Orton a shot at the world heavyweight championship by hitting him with the knuckles, which led to Drew McIntyre getting the win.

Somalie : l'attaque d'un hôtel par des islamistes radicaux shebabs fait trois morts et 27 blessés à Mogadiscio

Trois personnes ont été tuées et 27 blessées dans l’attaque menée durant 13 heures par des islamistes radicaux shebabs dans un hôtel de la capitale somalienne Mogadiscio, a annoncé vendredi 15 mars un porte-parole de la police. Parmi les 27 blessés figurent 18 civils, dont trois parlementaires, a précisé le colonel Qasim Ahmed Roble, quelques heures après l’annonce de la fin des opérations de police et de la mort des cinq assaillants.

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L’attaque, revendiquée par le groupe islamiste affilié à Al-Qaïda, a visé l’hôtel SYL, établissement fréquenté par des responsables gouvernementaux et des parlementaires, à proximité de l’enceinte ultra-sécurisée de Villa Somalia, qui abrite la présidence et les bureaux du Premier ministre.

Cinquième attaque dans cet hôtel depuis 2015

Il s’agit aussi d’une cible récurrente des shebabs : l’attaque lancée jeudi est au moins la cinquième depuis 2015, la dernière en date, en décembre 2019, ayant fait cinq morts. Selon des témoignages recueillis par l’AFP, un commando d’hommes armés a pénétré dans l’hôtel jeudi vers 21h45 heure locale (19h45 à Paris), après avoir endommagé le mur d’enceinte à l’explosif.

“Il s’agit d’une attaque significative qui rompt avec l’impression de calme qui s’était développée à Mogadiscio ces derniers mois après certaines réformes sécuritaires”, a estimé Omar Mahmood, chercheur à l’International Crisis Group. Menée quelques jours après le début du ramadan, elle “constitue également un signal des shebabs”, ajoute-t-il : “Malgré les nombreux efforts annoncés par le gouvernement pour les affaiblir, le groupe reste actif et résilient et est même capable de frapper le gouvernement près de son siège.”

"Il est l'espoir du pays" : scènes de joie au Sénégal après la sortie de prison de l'opposant Ousmane Sonko avant la présidentielle

Un tournant décisif à un peu plus d’une semaine du scrutin présidentiel du 24 mars. Emprisonnés depuis juillet et avril dernier, l’opposant sénégalais Ousmane Sonko et son second, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, candidat à la présidentielle, principal rival du président Macky Sall, sont sortis de prison, jeudi 14 mars, dix jours avant l’élection, provoquant la liesse de milliers de Dakarois descendus spontanément dans les rues de la capitale.

à lire aussi Sénégal : l’élection présidentielle prévue le 24 mars, après des semaines de crise

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Présidentielle américaine, vie sur Mars, Michelle… À Paris, Barack Obama inaugure un sommet sur la transition énergétique

Comme une star… Barack Obama n’est plus président, mais à première vue, cela ne se voit pas lorsqu’il entre sur scène. L’ancien chef d’Etat est l’invité d’honneur pour la première édition du POwR (power) Earth Summit à Paris, jeudi 14 mars. Prévu sur deux jours, ce sommet entend fédérer tous ceux qui souhaitent accélérer la transition énergétique dans le pays. Il s’agit notamment de promouvoir le développement des énergies propres et renouvelables.

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Handcuffed Arrestee Escapes From San Diego Police Station

SAN DIEGO, CA — Authorities sought the public’s help Wednesday in finding a man who escaped from police custody in San Diego.

Dandre Lamonte Johnson, 27, was secured with two pairs of handcuffs when he escaped from an unsecured holding cell at the San Diego Police Department’s Central Division station.

“Johnson was able to escape police custody by opening the door to the holding cell and exiting the police station by running out of Central Division onto the Imperial Avenue side of the station,” Lt. Daniel Meyer said. “An extensive search was conducted by officers, K9s and the department’s helicopter unit.”

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Johnson was arrested Tuesday as part of an operation by the department’s VICE unit, Meyer told Patch. The VICE unit typically investigates crimes related to gambling, liquor laws and prostitution.

“I cannot advise specific charges as it would damage the investigation,” Meyer said.

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Johnson was described as a 6-foot-1, 180-pound Black man, with black hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing a black T-shirt, pants and black tennis shoes.

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Anyone with information about Johnson’s whereabouts was asked to call the station at 619-744-9500. Tipsters can remain anonymous by calling San Diego County Crime Stoppers at 888-580-8477.

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