Stephen King + Hunger Games : 45 ans après, les fans de l’auteur vont enfin avoir ce film adapté d’un de ses meilleurs romans

Le réalisateur d'"Hunger Games" va adapter le roman de Stephen King "Marche ou crève" à l'écran.

Alors que Hunger Games : La Ballade du serpent et de l’oiseau chanteur est actuellement en salles, le réalisateur Francis Lawrence a déjà un nouveau projet. Le cinéaste va adapter le roman de Stephen King Marche ou crève, publié en 1979 sous le pseudonyme de Richard Bachman.

Le livre raconte l’histoire de cent adolescents participant à une longue marche partant du Maine et allant vers le Sud. Les règles de cette marche forcée retransmise en direct à la télévision sont simples : pas d’interférence avec les autres marcheurs, ne pas sortir de la route et ne pas s’arrêter, sous peine d’avertissement. Trois avertissements et c’est la mort. La marche s’arrête lorsqu’il ne reste plus qu’un survivant.

The Long Walk

Francis Lawrence

Et si l’histoire vous rappelle étrangement celle de Hunger Games, c’est normal puisque ce roman de dystopie a inspiré la romancière Suzanne Collins quand elle a imaginé les Jeux de la faim. Francis Lawrence – à qui l’on doit 4 des 5 films de la saga Hunger Games – est donc tout indiqué pour la mise en scène du film en projet depuis de nombreuses années.

Un roman encore jamais adapté au cinéma

Dès 2007, Frank Darabont, déjà à l’œuvre sur les adaptations des romans du maître de l’horreur, Les Evadés et La Ligne Verte, est annoncé à l’écriture mais le film est finalement repoussé.

Quelques années plus tard, le projet atterrit entre les mails de New Line qui confie la réalisation à André Øvredal (Le Dernier Voyage du Demeter) et l’écriture à James Vanderbilt (Spider-Man, Scream 5). Mais à l’été 2022, New Line perd les droits d’adaptation.

Le studio Lionsgate, déjà détenteur des droits des livres de Suzanne Collins, les rachète donc et confie le scénario de ce roman, qui n’a encore jamais été adapté à l’écran, à JT Mollner.

Dans un communiqué repris par The Hollywood Reporter, Joe Drake, le Président de Lionsgate, se réjouit de retrouver Francis Lawrence :

“Lorsque vous avez bénéficié de la collaboration créative et du succès que nous avons connus en travaillant avec Francis, vous voulez répéter cette expérience autant que possible. Nous ne pourrions être plus enthousiastes à l’idée de retrouver Francis pour The Long Walk. C’est un talent vraiment inégalé“.

On ignore encore quand le tournage aura lieu mais Francis Lawrence a déjà un emploi du temps bien chargé puisqu’il est annoncé à la mise en scène de Constantine 2 avec Keanu Reeves et est attaché à l’adaptation en live-action de la franchise de jeux vidéo BioShock par Netflix.

En attendant, Hunger Games: la Ballade du serpent et de l’oiseau chanteur est à voir dans les salles obscures. 

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Boeing Door Blowout Causes Turbulence Among Passengers [Flightmares]

ACROSS AMERICA — The spectacular mid-flight door blowout on a Boeing 737 Max 9 jetliner earlier this month did little to instill confidence in flying among readers who answered an informal survey for Flightmares, Patch’s exclusive feature on flight etiquette and flying in general.

We asked readers if they are less confident in plane safety or less likely to fly, and if their perception of safety changed after the near-disaster on Jan. 5. We also asked readers what they think airlines need to do to reassure them the aircraft is safe.

Some Boeing 737 Max 9 jetliners will return to the skies this weekend for the first time since they were grounded. Alaska Airlines planned to resume flights on its Max 9s Friday, and United Airlines aims to follow suit on Sunday.

Find out what's happening in Across Americawith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Federal Aviation Administration head Mike Whitaker said Wednesday his agency’s review of everything that has happened since the accident, including gathering information about inspections of door plugs on 40 other planes, gives him confidence planes will be safe so long as a new inspection process is followed.

It may take readers who responded to our Flightmares survey a longer to reach the same confidence level.

Find out what's happening in Across Americawith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Redlands-Loma Linda (California) Patch reader Tanya has grounded herself along with Boeing’s 373 Max 9 planes.

“Never cared much for flying but with this incident, which could have led to many deaths, I don’t think I’ll be flying anytime in the near or far future,” Tanya said.

She’s a skeptic of airline safety in general, and said she’s never been “100 percent sure that there wouldn’t be a mechanical failure.”

“After all,” she said, “the mechanics are humans.”

Tanya said there’s not much airlines can do to reassure her their planes are safe

“They can’t give any guarantee that the plane won’t malfunction,” she said.

Detroit Patch reader Sally was adamant, too.

“At this point,” Sally said, “nothing could make me fly on an airplane.”

‘Can’t Imagine The Trauma’

Some other readers said the accident reinforces their reluctance to fly, including Rosie, a Babylon Village (New York) Patch reader who said she was “already scared and can’t imagine the trauma these people will live with for the rest of their lives.”

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Patch Across America Patch reader Julie said the door blowout was “definitely unnerving” as she prepares for an upcoming international trip.

“I’m someone who prefers the window seat, so I selected that for several legs of the trip,” she said. “Now I’m finding myself regretting that decision because we can no longer trust companies to put people before profit.”

Madison (Connecticut) Patch reader Nancy said she has never liked to fly. “This incident,” she said, “will make me more nervous.”

Offering a minority opinion, Palm Desert (California) Patch reader Patrick said flying “is still safer than using the roads.”

“Never assume” a plane has passed safety inspections, Patrick said, “but it’s still the safest mode of travel.”

The Dish On Boeing

Several readers said they’ll still fly, but will avoid Boeing jetliners.

Janet, a Banning-Beaumont (California) Patch reader Janet said it’s up to Boeing to restore the image of the 737 Max 9s, not the airlines.

“I don’t know of anything an airline can do to reassure the public that a brand-new aircraft manufactured by the previously reputable Boeing Aircraft Company is currently airworthy,” she said. “While the individual airlines are responsible to provide properly trained and competent employees to operate and maintain the aircraft, [Boeing] is responsible for ensuring the quality, design, manufacture and the peace of mind to the general flying public that the doors will not blow off.”

Some readers pointed to Boeing’s long history of failures. The company should junk its 737 Max 9s, Across America Patch reader Rob said.

“The history of this ‘product’ makes it ‘a lemon,’ ’’ Max said. “It should be scrapped and destroyed at the expense of Boeing.”

“Before the Boeing 737 Max jetliner saga,” Rob said he assumed the plane he was flying in was safe, but the accident changed his perception of aircraft safety.

Kristen, who reads Naperville Patch and Bolingbrook Patch, both in Illinois, agrees. “Get rid of the Max,” she said.

‘Yet It Continued To Fly’

A Tredyffrin-Easttown (Pennsylvania) Patch reader pointed out that the auto pressurization warning system was triggered three times in a month on the Max 9 that lost the door plug, including once the day before the accident.

“Yet it continued to fly,” the reader said.

Travelers should be notified when they book flights what type of airplane they’ll be flying on, the reader said, adding airlines “should make the service record available for each aircraft, like CARFAX.”

William, a Petaluma (California) Patch reader, said it’s “very anxiety triggering” to fly on any Boeing airplane manufactured in the last 10 years. Airlines should stop buying the company’s planes and develop their own inspection processes, William said.

He said inspections get the short shrift “because they don’t help the bottom line” and that “corporate greed has gotten worse.”

Also in California, Venice-Mar Vista Patch reader Greg said airlines should replace Boeing aircraft with planes made by Airbus. He said he’s never been a guy who assumes the plane is safe, and the door plug blowout proved his skepticism wasn’t misguided.

“Obviously, they are not safe when fleets have been grounded multiple times with design, software, and build flaws, i.e. Boeing.” he responded to our survey. “ I’ll fly Virgin [Atlantic] instead with Airbus planes.”

Airbus jets also get Al’s vote.

“If it is a Boeing plane, I get very nervous,” the Across America Patch reader said. “Airbus is what I prefer.”
Al said passengers should be proactive and do their own research because airlines can only do so much to reassure passengers of aircraft safety.

“I now check to see what model and brand the airline is flying,” he said. “I have lost all confidence in Boeing.”

He added that “safety and quality assurance must be the main focus, not profit,” for any airplane manufacturer.

Time For Robots To Take Over?

One thing the airline and aircraft industries can do to restore consumer confidence is to hire workers “on merit and experience only, not ‘equity,’ ” said Northridge-Chatsworth (California) Patch reader Casey.

Across America Patch reader Pam agreed.

“We would hope staff are being hired based on their expertise,” she said. “Will it take a fatal accident due to negligence to change their hiring process? Hire people who know what they are doing, from mechanics to pilots.”

Bridgewater (New Jersey) Patch reader Julia said airlines should “pay mechanics more, ensure more inspections and, obviously, stop letting stuff like this happen.”

In California, Temecula Patch and San Diego Patch reader MaryAnne said it’s time to take human error out of the equation.

“I know there is a lot to inspect. [Airlines] need to have a programmed robot set up to inspect each plane after it has flown a certain amount of miles,” MaryAnne said. “We have all this AI these days — put it to some good use for the safety of human lives and get a robot to do the work instead of high-paid inspectors who are obviously not trained or qualified to do it on a human level.”

Petaluma Patch reader Phyllis says she’ll fly only in family emergencies. Airlines “will have to earn back my trust and only the future (and no more screwups) will determine that,” she said. “It’s not just the door incident. There have been so many crazy and dangerous incidents on planes in the last two years.”

Livermore (California) Patch reader Paulita said she’s not as comfortable flying as before the door plug debacle and plans to be a more active observer the next time she flies.

“I certainly won’t be sitting near the exit row,” she said. Also, she added, “I’ll be giving it more thought now and looking at things myself as I board and during the flight so I can report anything that seems off.”

Calabasas (California) Patch reader Nunya, who said she isn’t less likely to fly but is more likely to avoid Boeing planes, said it’s time for a reckoning on airline deregulation.

“The FAA should have some kind of stamp or certificate that they themselves conducted all of the inspections before a plane is cleared for usage,” Nunya said. “I don’t like them delegating any part of that inspection process to the manufacturers.”

Patrick, the Palm Desert Patch reader, said it’s the government’s responsibility “to hold manufacturers accountable, CEOs especially.”

Rosie, the Babylon Village Patch reader, said transparency and reassurance on the part of airlines are keys in winning back customer confidence.

“So many people are terrified to fly,” she said. “Maybe start education on how to help people and explain turbulence, noises and everything else scary in the sky.”

About Flightmares

Flightmares is an exclusive Patch feature on flight etiquette — and readers provide the answers. It will appear monthly on Patch. If you have a topic you’d like for us to consider, email beth.dalbey@patch.com with “Flightmares” as the subject line.

Catch up on Flightmares.

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Nouveau sur Netflix : l’un des meilleurs films d’animation de 2022 s’offre un épisode spécial de Noël et il réchauffe le coeur !

Netflix met aujourd’hui en ligne Un Noël façon Bad Guys, un court-métrage d’une trentaine de minutes qui marque le retour de nos voleurs préférés.

En 2022, les spectateurs découvraient dans les salles obscures le nouveau film d’animation de DreamWorks, Les Bad Guys. C’est un succès absolu. Avec plus d’1 million d’entrées et un bouche-à-oreille favorable, ce groupe de voleurs pas si méchants que ça a ravi le cœur de nombreux Français. Et bonne nouvelle pour ces derniers, Mr Loup, Mr Serpent, Mr Requin, Mr Piranha et Mlle Tarentule sont de retour sur nos écrans.

DreamWorks a en effet collaboré avec Netflix pour proposer, dès aujourd’hui, un épisode spécial des Bad Guys, placé sous le signe des fêtes de fin d’année. Intitulé Un Noël façon Bad Guys, ce court-métrage ne dure qu’une trentaine de minutes mais on retrouve les mêmes ingrédients que le long : des personnages attachants, un peu de musique et une jolie morale.

Un Noël façon Bad Guys

Sortie :
30 novembre 2023
0h 30min

Bret Haaland

Michael Godere,
Ezekiel Ajeigbe,
Raul Ceballos


Voir sur Netflix

Dans Un Noël façon Bad Guys, nos voleurs préparent un coup sans précédent. Il se tiennent prêts à célébrer Noël, leur jour préféré de l’année car si tout le monde est occupé à ouvrir les cadeaux le matin de Noël, personne n’est là pour empêcher le groupe de réaliser le casse dont ils rêvent. Sauf que cette année, Noël est annulé ! Nos héros vont alors tout mettre en place pour faire revivre la magie … quitte à faire le bien !

Ce joli cadeau, qui plaira autant aux fans qu’à ceux qui ne connaissent pas le film d’animation (qui est aussi dispo sur Netflix), arrive à point nommé. C’est le choix idéal pour regarder un programme en famille et pour se mettre dans l’ambiance des fêtes !

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Health Inspections In Berwyn In January

BERWYN, PA —Health inspectors visited establishments in Berwyn during the first three weeks of January.

Inspectors found some establishments in violation of health codes set by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

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See places inspected, and violations found:

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Columbus, Veterans Day Removed From Stamford Public Schools Calendar

STAMFORD, CT — Students and staff in Stamford Public Schools will no longer have days off for Columbus Day and Veterans Day, at least for the next two school years.

The Stamford Board of Education on Tuesday voted 5-3, with Board President Jackie Heftman absent, to remove the holidays from the school calendars for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years.

Those in favor were Joshua Esses, Michael Hyman, Gabriela Koc, Versha Munshi-South and Antonia Better-Wirz. Andy George, Becky Hamman and Michael Larobina voted against it.

Find out what's happening in Stamfordwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

According to state statute, individual school districts have local control over closing for holidays that fall on a school day outside of December and January.

However, if classes are held, the board of education requires that each school hold “a suitable nonsectarian educational program in observance of each holiday.”

Find out what's happening in Stamfordwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Last year, there were some conversations early in the calendar planning process about removing Columbus Day and Veterans Day from the calendar, but the school board received pushback from the community and the holidays remained, as in previous years.

During Tuesday’s meeting, Esses put forward a motion to remove the two holidays, plus Juneteenth, the Muslim holiday Eid-Al Fitr, which was just added to the calendar as a day off last January, and the second day of the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah.

Esses said he felt the school year, which stretched into mid-June, was too long.

“The school year as proposed is too long. I think we should make it shorter. We should make it shorter because it’s better educationally for our students,” Esses said. “It’s not about picking favorite holidays or celebrations, it’s about what works best for the education of every child in our district, and I think there are some relatively costless ways that we can go about making the district and the school year five days shorter.”

An amendment was made to Esses’s motion to keep Juneteenth. His motion to remove Eid-Al Fitr and the second day of Rosh Hashanah did not receive support from fellow board members.

Earlier this month, the Board of Education Labor Committee briefly discussed removing Columbus Day and Veterans Day, but no motions were made and the proposed calendars with the two holidays included passed by a vote of 3-2, which sent the item to the full board for consideration.

In that Jan. 9 meeting, Munshi-South explained that the first few months of school are critical for instruction and that it’s important to keep education as uninterrupted as possible.

“We have amazing veteran programming that happens in our building. Let’s do that on Veterans Day. I don’t really see why we do that for the day before Veterans Day and also have Veterans Day off,” she said.

She added that, “I can’t imagine that we have many students on Columbus Day who are observing Columbus Day with their families.”

Munshi-South also said she observed a social studies class at Dolan Middle School this school year and said the title of a lesson was, “Columbus, Hero or Villain?”

“The students were using primary sources to investigate the true history of Columbus. I can tell you that, based on primary source research, no, they did not conclude that Columbus was a hero,” Munshi-South said. “I don’t think it makes sense to teach students one thing in class and then have Columbus Day off. It’s a mixed message for students.”

Hamman pushed back on the suggestion to remove the two holidays.

“We need to be respectful of Stamford. Stamford is a city where many immigrants came from Italy,” she said earlier this month. “There’s a lot of polarization with curriculums. To paint Columbus as a villain is because of the polarization. I think we can’t be doing that publicly… I look at Columbus as a hero.”

On Tuesday, Hamman reiterated her views, saying that a special committee on calendar planning worked extensively on putting together the proposed calendars with input from the school community.

“I have to speak for Columbus Day. It is very much a part of Stamford, Connecticut, and I certainly would be opposed to taking out Columbus Day,” she said. “Veterans Day, I need to speak up for all the veterans. I realize this is something that you’re just putting on the table now, Josh, but I know the committee spent a good two months, three months working through some of those details. I’d suggest maybe we consider that down the road, but not for this calendar year.”

In September 2020, CBS News reported at least 33 Christopher Columbus statues had been removed around the country since Black Lives Matter protests began that spring.

Locally in Stamford that summer, there was a push to remove the Columbus monument in Columbus Park.

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Le Temps d’aimer est-il bon ? Que pensent les premiers spectateurs de ce film avec Vincent Lacoste et Anaïs Demoustier ?

Que pensent les premiers spectateurs de cette fresque romanesque portée par Vincent Lacoste et Anaïs Demoustier ? Aperçu des premiers retours !

Sorti ce mercredi 29 novembre dans nos salles, le long métrage a-t-il convaincu ses premiers spectateurs ? Alors qu’il obtient une moyenne de 3,8 sur 5 du côté de la presse, et de 3,6 sur 5 du côté du public, grâce aux 180 personnes* qui l’ont noté à ce jour (dont 25 critiques), voici un petit condensé des avis spectateurs sur Le Temps d’aimer.

Le Temps D’Aimer

Sortie :

29 novembre 2023

2h 05min

Katell Quillévéré

Anaïs Demoustier,
Vincent Lacoste,
Paul Beaurepaire



Séances (605)

Présenté à Cannes dans la section Cannes Première, Le Temps d’aimer est la nouvelle réalisation de Katell Quillévéré (Suzanne, Réparer les vivants, Le Monde de demain…). Cette fresque romanesque a déjà valu un prix d’interprétation à Vincent Lacoste, qui se dévoile ici sous un jour très différent de ses rôles comiques. Les internautes soulignent notamment les qualités d’interprétation parmi les points forts du film.

Ils ont aimé

Paul D. (4,5 / 5) : “Superbe mélodrame joué merveilleusement bien par Anais Demoustier et Vincent Lacoste , très justes et émouvants.”

Emilie007 (4,5 / 5) : “J’ai pu voir ce film en avant première, et je vous conseille absolument d’y aller. Cette fresque sur 20 ans est absolument magnifique et très maîtrisée. J’ai eu beaucoup d’émotions et à des endroit auxquels je ne m’attendais pas, grâce à la justesse très délicate de la mise en scène et au jeu subtil de Vincent Lacoste et Anais Demoustier. Un grand film de cinéma, qui étonne par de modernité dans la facture et les sujets abordés si contemporains.

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Véronique Cocaign (5 / 5) : “Ce film si sensible amène une réflexion fine sur la psychologie de personnages marqués au fer rouge par la société. Katell Quillévéré film avec justesse la destinée d’une femme, la complexité de la maternité, de la sexualité, du couple. Les questions identitaires amènent à penser notre société actuelle. Les acteurs sont fabuleux et il est difficile de quitter ces deux personnages.”

Retrouvez toutes les critiques spectateurs sur AlloCiné

Ils ont moins aimé ou pas aimé

Melany T (3 / 5) : “Le récit est prenant et la fresque romanesque plutôt jolie mais il est dommage que l’intériorité des personnages ne soit pas creusée et que des thématiques très importantes servent seulement de prétexte à l’histoire.”

Korbô D (3 / 5) : “Un mélo un peu longuet et trop sage. C’est tout de même bien interprété par Demoustier et Lacoste mais rien de transcendant. Quelques belles scènes, parfois sensuelles, parfois drôle. Mais c’est trop long, trop mou et trop “écrit”.

Math719 (2 / 5) : “Même si certains moments sont bien, le tout est plutôt très lent, je n’ai pas été ému ni touché, on reste à l’extérieur du film et le tout est plutôt décevant. J’ai trouvé Vincent Lacoste un peu en dehors du film et pas très réaliste tout ça. Finalement on reste vraiment sur notre faim comme si on racontait une belle histoire mais peu touchante malgré les sentiments exposés. Dommage !

1947. Sur une plage, Madeleine, serveuse dans un hôtel-restaurant, mère d’un petit garçon, fait la connaissance de François, étudiant riche et cultivé. Entre eux, c’est comme une évidence. La providence. Si l’on sait ce qu’elle veut laisser derrière elle en suivant ce jeune homme, on découvre avec le temps ce que François tente de fuir en mêlant le destin de Madeleine au sien…

Le Temps d’aimer est actuellement en salles.

* Moyenne relevée le jeudi 30 novembre 2023 à partir des notes et critiques visibles sur AlloCiné

Russie : la population en colère face aux pannes de chauffage récurrentes

En Russie, dans plusieurs régions, les canalisations de chauffage cèdent les unes après les autres. Alors que le thermomètre descend à -20°C, les habitants sont contraints de trouver des solutions pour se chauffer : les cuisinières fonctionnent à plein régime dans des maisons où les températures ne dépassent parfois pas les 4°C. Les habitants les plus déterminés descendent dans la rue pour dénoncer, à l’aide de slogans et de pancartes, le manque d’investissements dans les infrastructures de chauffage. “Cette saison de chauffage est un cauchemar, c’est comme une lutte pour la survie”, déplore une femme lors d’un rassemblement.

Des réseaux de canalisations trop vétustes

Dans la ville de Podolsk, à une quarantaine de kilomètres de Moscou, les pannes s’enchaînent et les habitants sont en colère. À l’origine des pannes, un défaut de maintenance dans une chaufferie qui alimente la ville, expliquent les enquêteurs, forcés de trouver un coupable pour éviter l’embrasement. À l’échelle nationale, il faudrait moderniser les réseaux de canalisations, trop vétustes, pour éviter les pannes. Mais le coût des travaux pourrait s’élever à 45 milliards d’euros, selon une estimation. Une somme considérable quand la Russie fait de la défense la priorité de son budget.

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Backstage News On TNA Hard To Kill 2024 PPV Buys

TNA Wrestling made its official return this month with a rebranded event called Hard to Kill. The pay-per-view.


The show introduced several new faces, including former WWE stars Dana Brooke, Nic Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler), and Xia Brookside.

According to Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio, the show is expected to have done  TNA’s highest PPV buys since AEW’s Kenny Omega defeated Rich Swann to win the Impact World Title at the 2021 Rebellion event.

The current TV buyrate is 8,000. The final numbers, including streaming, will be released in two weeks.

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Alcohol Stings Snares 5 Across Canyon Lake, Wildomar

LAKE ELSINORE, CA — A Lake Elsinore Sheriff’s Station sting aimed at preventing booze from getting into the hands of minors resulted in five citations over the weekend, authorities announced Wednesday.

Relying on underage decoys, the Jan. 20 operation clamped down on clerks who sell alcohol to people under 21 and on adults who buy booze for them.

One clerk at a Canyon Lake business in the 24000 block of Canyon Lake Drive was cited for selling alcohol to minors. The fine includes a minimum of $250 and/or 24 to 32 hours of community service for a first violation. The ABC is also taking administrative actions against the seller. That could include a fine, a suspension, or the permanent revocation of the license, according to the sheriff’s department.

Find out what's happening in Lake Elsinore-Wildomarwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

Additionally, decoys were deployed in Wildomar. Four people were cited there for furnishing alcohol to a minor. The penalty is a minimum $1,000 fine and 24 hours of community service, the sheriff’s department reported.

The weekend operation was a joint effort between the sheriff’s department and the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.

Find out what's happening in Lake Elsinore-Wildomarwith free, real-time updates from Patch.

“Minor decoy operations hold accountable those who sell alcohol to minors,” said ABC Director Joseph McCullough. “Keeping alcohol away from youth is a priority.”

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AEW Rampage Spoilers For 1/26/24: International Championship Number One Contender’s Match

The January 26, 2024, edition of AEW Rampage was taped on Wednesday from the Enmarket Arena in Savannah, Georgia. Below are the spoilers, courtesy of F4Wonline.com: 

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Jon Moxley defeated Lee Moriarty

Konosuke Takeshita defeated Christopher Daniels

Anna Jay defeated Ruby Soho

“Freshly Squeezed” four-way AEW International Championship number one contender’s match: Kip Sabian defeated The Butcher, El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander. Kip Sabian vs. Orange Cassidy for the AEW International Championship is official for the Saturday, January 27 Collision show.