QUIZ: Can You Guess The Real Vs. Fake Alberta Cannabis Store Names

If this keeps up, Alberta’s soon going to run out of cheesy pot puns for which to name their cannabis stores.

The legalization of marijuana is less than a month away in Canada, and the province is expecting 250 private outlets to open across Alberta within the first year.

(Move over, pipelines. Hello, pipe-lines!)

What’s more impressive is the sheer number of store licence applications the Alberta Gaming And Liquor Commission (AGLC) has received, so far. In its first six months of accepting applications, alone, the provincial regulator saw more than 750 applications.

Seven. Hundred. And. Fifty.

That’s a lot of places to score some stash.

With every application the applicant must list the proposed name for their storefront.

And, wow.

These wannabe pot sellers sure know their puns.

Instead of us telling you all the best names right off the bat, why don’t we play a game? Take our quiz below to guess which are proposed storefront names pitched to the AGLC, versus names we made up.

Here are a few quick hints before you begin. The AGLC states:

  • Store names can’t promote intoxication.
  • Store names cannot suggest medical or pharmaceutical links.
  • Store names can’t promote cannabis accessories.
  • The word “Alberta” can’t appear in the name.

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