Mueller probe is making me stronger, says Donald Trump in new book

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Donald Trump is convinced the investigation into alleged collusion with Russia has made him more politically powerful, according to a new book by two of his longest-serving advisers.

Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie worked on Mr Trump’s election campaign and argue that the White House, Justice Department and intelligence agencies are filled with the president’s enemies who are working to delegitimise his position and undermine his agenda, according to The Washington Post which obtained an advance copy.

In an interview for the book, Mr Trump said he believed the investigation by Robert Mueller into allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 election had helped him politically.

“I think it makes my base stronger,” said Mr Trump. “I would have never said this to you. But I think the level of love now is far greater than when we won. I don’t know, what do you think, Mike?”

Mike Pence, the Vice-President, who was present for part of the interview, added: “As strong or stronger.”

Trump’s Enemies: How the Deep State Is Undermining the Presidency is published on Tuesday by Centre Street.

It paints a portrait of a President that has fallen victim to “swamp creatures” across his staff.

The authors dismiss a number of former White House staffers – such as Sean Spicer, who served as press secretary — as “the November Ninth Club”, accusing them of only backing Mr Trump once he had been elected in order to win a plum job, according to the Washington Post.

Gary Cohn, former National Economic Council director, is described as a “limousine liberal”.

The text is littered with names of Justice Department and FBI officials – such as James Comey, Sally Yates and Andrew McCabe among others – who have already been on the receiving end of presidential anger.

“The narrative reads in part like Trump’s Twitter grievances in book form,” writes the Washington Post.

The book’s impending publication has reportedly caused alarm among White House officials because of the authors’ controversial reputations and fears they are trying to influence the president as he weighs a possible reshuffle.  

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