Enrollment Underway For Beaumont Police Department's Citizens Academy

BEAUMONT, CA — Hey Beaumont, are you interested in how your police department operates? Here’s your chance to get behind the scenes.

Enrollment for the Beaumont Police Department’s Spring Citizens Academy is currently open.

The 10-week program is designed to educate participants on the hows and whys of the police department’s operations and services.

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“Each week will include new information about the department, including presentations and demonstrations from officers,” according to the Beaumont Police Department. “At the end of the academy, all participants will receive a certificate.”

Class topics include:

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The academy will be held Wednesdays, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., February 21 to April 24. There is no cost to attend the program.

Learn more and apply online at https://www.beaumontca.gov/1237/Citizens-Academy.

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